23 research outputs found

    Identifying Aggregates in Hypertext Structures

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    Hypertext systems are being used in many applications because of their flexible structure and the great browsing freedom they give to diverse communities of users. However, this same freedom and flexibility is the cause of one of its main problem: the lost in hyperspace problem. One reason for the complexity of hypertext databases is the large number of nodes and links that compose them. To simplify this structure we propose that nodes and links be clustered forming more abstract structures. An abstraction is the concealment of all but relevant properties from an object or concept. One type of abstraction is called an aggregate. An aggregate is a set of distinct concepts that taken together form a more abstract concept. For example, two legs, a trunk, two arms and a head can be aggregate together in a single higher level object called a body. In this paper we will study the hypertext structure, i.e., the way nodes are linked to each other in order to find aggregates in hypertext databases. Two graph theoretical algorithms will be used: biconnected components and strongly connected components. (Also cross-referenced as CAR-TR-550

    Curvature of Co-Links Uncovers Hidden Thematic Layers in the World Wide Web

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    Beyond the information stored in pages of the World Wide Web, novel types of ``meta-information'' are created when they connect to each other. This information is a collective effect of independent users writing and linking pages, hidden from the casual user. Accessing it and understanding the inter-relation of connectivity and content in the WWW is a challenging problem. We demonstrate here how thematic relationships can be located precisely by looking only at the graph of hyperlinks, gleaning content and context from the Web without having to read what is in the pages. We begin by noting that reciprocal links (co-links) between pages signal a mutual recognition of authors, and then focus on triangles containing such links, since triangles indicate a transitive relation. The importance of triangles is quantified by the clustering coefficient (Watts) which we interpret as a curvature (Gromov,Bridson-Haefliger). This defines a Web-landscape whose connected regions of high curvature characterize a common topic. We show experimentally that reciprocity and curvature, when combined, accurately capture this meta-information for a wide variety of topics. As an example of future directions we analyze the neural network of C. elegans (White, Wood), using the same methods.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, expanded version of earlier submission with more example

    Design of an Interface for Page Rank Calculation using Web Link Attributes Information

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    This paper deals with the Web Structure Mining and the different Structure Mining Algorithms like Page Rank, HITS, Trust Rank and Sel-HITS. The functioning of these algorithms are discussed. An incremental algorithm for calculation of PageRank using an interface has been formulated. This algorithm makes use of Web Link Attributes Information as key parameters and has been implemented using Visibility and Position of a Link. The application of Web Structure Mining Algorithm in an Academic Search Application has been discussed. The present work can be a useful input to Web Users, Faculty, Students and Web Administrators in a University Environment.HITS, Page Rank, Sel-HITS, Structure Mining

    A Web video retrieval method using hierarchical structure of Web video groups

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    In this paper, we propose a Web video retrieval method that uses hierarchical structure of Web video groups. Existing retrieval systems require users to input suitable queries that identify the desired contents in order to accurately retrieve Web videos; however, the proposed method enables retrieval of the desired Web videos even if users cannot input the suitable queries. Specifically, we first select representative Web videos from a target video dataset by using link relationships between Web videos obtained via metadata “related videos” and heterogeneous video features. Furthermore, by using the representative Web videos, we construct a network whose nodes and edges respectively correspond to Web videos and links between these Web videos. Then Web video groups, i.e., Web video sets with similar topics are hierarchically extracted based on strongly connected components, edge betweenness and modularity. By exhibiting the obtained hierarchical structure of Web video groups, users can easily grasp the overview of many Web videos. Consequently, even if users cannot write suitable queries that identify the desired contents, it becomes feasible to accurately retrieve the desired Web videos by selecting Web video groups according to the hierarchical structure. Experimental results on actual Web videos verify the effectiveness of our method

    Supporting adaptive learning in hypertext environment : a high level timed Petri net based approach

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    One problem for hypertext-based learning application is to control learning paths for different learning activities. This paper first introduced related concepts of hypertext learning state space and Petri net, then proposed a high level timed Petri Net based approach to provide some kinds of adaptation for learning activities. Examples were given while explaining ways to realizing adaptive instructions. Possible future directions were also discussed at the end of this paper.<br /

    Hyperlink Structure-based Recommender System

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    Quantitative Analysis of Website Based on Web Graph Theory

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    Matrix model for web page community

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    Discovering intrinsic relationships/structures among concerned web information objects such as web pages is important for effectively processing and managing web information. In this work, a set of web pages that has its own intrinsic structure is called a web page community. This paper proposes a matrix model to describe relationships among concerned web pages. Based on this model, intrinsic relationships among pages could be revealed, and in turn a web page community could be constructed. The issues that are related to this model and its applications are investigated and studied. Some applications based on this model are presented, which demonstrate the potential of this matrix model in different kinds of web page community construction and information processing. <br /

    Design of an Interface for Page Rank Calculation using Web Link Attributes Information

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    This paper deals with the Web Structure Mining and the different Structure Mining Algorithms like Page Rank, HITS, Trust Rank and Sel-HITS. The functioning of these algorithms are discussed. An incremental algorithm for calculation of PageRank using an interface has been formulated. This algorithm makes use of Web Link Attributes Information as key parameters and has been implemented using Visibility and Position of a Link. The application of Web Structure Mining Algorithm in an Academic Search Application has been discussed. The present work can be a useful input to Web Users, Faculty, Students and Web Administrators in a University Environment

    CibermetrĂ­a del Web: las leyes de exponenciaciĂłn

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    An introduction to the power laws, enunciated by Michalis Faloutsos, is made and that allows us to make a characterization of the Web through the analysis of their topology. Their most important characteristics are described and how calculate some of the values of the most interesting functions