20,446 research outputs found

    Interaction Between Convection and Pulsation

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    This article reviews our current understanding of modelling convection dynamics in stars. Several semi-analytical time-dependent convection models have been proposed for pulsating one-dimensional stellar structures with different formulations for how the convective turbulent velocity field couples with the global stellar oscillations. In this review we put emphasis on two, widely used, time-dependent convection formulations for estimating pulsation properties in one-dimensional stellar models. Applications to pulsating stars are presented with results for oscillation properties, such as the effects of convection dynamics on the oscillation frequencies, or the stability of pulsation modes, in classical pulsators and in stars supporting solar-type oscillations.Comment: Invited review article for Living Reviews in Solar Physics. 88 pages, 14 figure

    A perturbation approach to coherent propagation of energetic charged particles in random magnetic fields

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    The Fokker-Planck equation describing the propagation of charged particles in magnetic fields that consist of a dominant constant guiding field and superposed random fluctuations is solved by applying the perturbation method of dividing the total particle density into an averaged isotropic and a small anisotropic component. A particle transport equation is derived which describes the 'coherent' propagation of a particle pulse whose center moves at half the constant total particle velocity in either the positive or negative direction. The range of validity of the coherent solution is examined, and the general formulas for coherent propagation are applied to the slab, isotropic, and Alfven-wave models of magnetic-field fluctuations. Ranges of magnetic-fluctuation spectral indices are identified over which diffusive and coherent particle-transport modes can exist in the three models considered

    Biofilms in porous media: development of macroscopic transport equations via volume averaging with closure for local mass equilibrium conditions

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    In this work, we upscale a pore-scale description of mass transport in a porous medium containing biofilm to develop the relevant Darcy-scale equations. We begin with the pore-scale descriptions of mass transport, interphase mass transfer, and biologically-mediated reactions; these processes are then upscaled using the method of volume averaging to obtain the macroscale mass balance equations. We focus on the case of local mass equilibrium conditions where the averaged concentrations in the fluid and biological phases can be assumed to be proportional and for which a one-equation macroscopic model may be developed. We predict the effective dispersion tensor by a closure scheme that is solved for the cases of both simple and complex unit cells. The domain of validity of the approach is clearly identified, both theoretically and numerically, and unitless groupings indicating the domain of validity are reported

    Mixed diffusive-convective relaxation of a broad beam of energetic particles in cold plasma

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    We revisit the applications of quasi-linear theory as a paradigmatic model for weak plasma turbulence and the associated bump-on-tail problem. The work, presented here, is built around the idea that large-amplitude or strongly shaped beams do not relax through diffusion only and that there exists an intermediate time scale where the relaxations are convective (ballistic-like). We cast this novel idea in the rigorous form of a self-consistent nonlinear dynamical model, which generalizes the classic equations of the quasi-linear theory to "broad" beams with internal structure. We also present numerical simulation results of the relaxation of a broad beam of energetic particles in cold plasma. These generally demonstrate the mixed diffusive-convective features of supra-thermal particle transport; and essentially depend on nonlinear wave-particle interactions and phase-space structures. Taking into account modes of the stable linear spectrum is crucial for the self-consistent evolution of the distribution function and the fluctuation intensity spectrum.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figure

    Upscaling multi-component two-phase flow in porous media with partitioning coefficient

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    This paper deals with the upscaling of multicomponents two-phase flow in porous media. In this paper, chemical potential equilibrium at the interface between both phases is assumed to be described by a linear partitioning relationship such as Raoult or Henry’s law. The resulting macro-scale dispersion model is a set of two equations related by a mass transfer coefficient and which involves several effective coefficients. These coefficients can be evaluated by solving closure problems over a representative unit-cell. The proposed model is successfully validated through direct analytical and numerical calculations

    Non-equilibrium thermodynamic analysis of double diffusive, nanofluid forced convection in microreactors with radiation effects

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    This paper presents a theoretical investigation of the second law performance of double diffusive forced convection in microreactors with the inclusion of nanofluid and radiation effects. The investigated microreactors consist of a single microchannel, fully filled by a porous medium. The transport of heat and mass are analysed by including the thick walls and a first order, catalytic chemical reaction on the internal surfaces of the microchannel. Two sets of thermal boundary conditions are considered on the external surfaces of the microchannel; (1) constant temperature and (2) constant heat flux boundary condition on the lower wall and convective boundary condition on the upper wall. The local thermal non-equilibrium approach is taken to thermally analyse the porous section of the system. The mass dispersion equation is coupled with the transport of heat in the nanofluid flow through consideration of Soret effect. The problem is analytically solved and illustrations of the temperature fields, Nusselt number, total entropy generation rate and performance evaluation criterion (PEC) are provided. It is shown that the radiation effect tends to modify the thermal behaviour within the porous section of the system. The radiation parameter also reduces the overall temperature of the system. It is further demonstrated that, expectedly, the nanoparticles reduce the temperature of the system and increase the Nusselt number. The total entropy generation rate and consequently PEC shows a strong relation with radiation parameter and volumetric concentration of nanoparticles

    Challenges and progress on the modelling of entropy generation in porous media: a review

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    Depending upon the ultimate design, the use of porous media in thermal and chemical systems can provide significant operational advantages, including helping to maintain a uniform temperature distribution, increasing the heat transfer rate, controlling reaction rates, and improving heat flux absorption. For this reason, numerous experimental and numerical investigations have been performed on thermal and chemical systems that utilize various types of porous materials. Recently, previous thermal analyses of porous materials embedded in channels or cavities have been re-evaluated using a local thermal non-equilibrium (LTNE) modelling technique. Consequently, the second law analyses of these systems using the LTNE method have been a point of focus in a number of more recent investigations. This has resulted in a series of investigations in various porous systems, and comparisons of the results obtained from traditional local thermal equilibrium (LTE) and the more recent LTNE modelling approach. Moreover, the rapid development and deployment of micro-manufacturing techniques have resulted in an increase in manufacturing flexibility that has made the use of these materials much easier for many micro-thermal and chemical system applications, including emerging energy-related fields such as micro-reactors, micro-combustors, solar thermal collectors and many others. The result is a renewed interest in the thermal performance and the exergetic analysis of these porous thermochemical systems. This current investigation reviews the recent developments of the second law investigations and analyses in thermal and chemical problems in porous media. The effects of various parameters on the entropy generation in these systems are discussed, with particular attention given to the influence of local thermodynamic equilibrium and non-equilibrium upon the second law performance of these systems. This discussion is then followed by a review of the mathematical methods that have been used for simulations. Finally, conclusions and recommendations regarding the unexplored systems and the areas in the greatest need of further investigations are summarized