353 research outputs found

    Estimation of constant and time-varying dynamic parameters of HIV infection in a nonlinear differential equation model

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    Modeling viral dynamics in HIV/AIDS studies has resulted in a deep understanding of pathogenesis of HIV infection from which novel antiviral treatment guidance and strategies have been derived. Viral dynamics models based on nonlinear differential equations have been proposed and well developed over the past few decades. However, it is quite challenging to use experimental or clinical data to estimate the unknown parameters (both constant and time-varying parameters) in complex nonlinear differential equation models. Therefore, investigators usually fix some parameter values, from the literature or by experience, to obtain only parameter estimates of interest from clinical or experimental data. However, when such prior information is not available, it is desirable to determine all the parameter estimates from data. In this paper we intend to combine the newly developed approaches, a multi-stage smoothing-based (MSSB) method and the spline-enhanced nonlinear least squares (SNLS) approach, to estimate all HIV viral dynamic parameters in a nonlinear differential equation model. In particular, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to propose a comparatively thorough procedure, accounting for both efficiency and accuracy, to rigorously estimate all key kinetic parameters in a nonlinear differential equation model of HIV dynamics from clinical data. These parameters include the proliferation rate and death rate of uninfected HIV-targeted cells, the average number of virions produced by an infected cell, and the infection rate which is related to the antiviral treatment effect and is time-varying. To validate the estimation methods, we verified the identifiability of the HIV viral dynamic model and performed simulation studies.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOAS290 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Sieve estimation of constant and time-varying coefficients in nonlinear ordinary differential equation models by considering both numerical error and measurement error

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    This article considers estimation of constant and time-varying coefficients in nonlinear ordinary differential equation (ODE) models where analytic closed-form solutions are not available. The numerical solution-based nonlinear least squares (NLS) estimator is investigated in this study. A numerical algorithm such as the Runge--Kutta method is used to approximate the ODE solution. The asymptotic properties are established for the proposed estimators considering both numerical error and measurement error. The B-spline is used to approximate the time-varying coefficients, and the corresponding asymptotic theories in this case are investigated under the framework of the sieve approach. Our results show that if the maximum step size of the pp-order numerical algorithm goes to zero at a rate faster than n−1/(p∧4)n^{-1/(p\wedge4)}, the numerical error is negligible compared to the measurement error. This result provides a theoretical guidance in selection of the step size for numerical evaluations of ODEs. Moreover, we have shown that the numerical solution-based NLS estimator and the sieve NLS estimator are strongly consistent. The sieve estimator of constant parameters is asymptotically normal with the same asymptotic co-variance as that of the case where the true ODE solution is exactly known, while the estimator of the time-varying parameter has the optimal convergence rate under some regularity conditions. The theoretical results are also developed for the case when the step size of the ODE numerical solver does not go to zero fast enough or the numerical error is comparable to the measurement error. We illustrate our approach with both simulation studies and clinical data on HIV viral dynamics.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOS784 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Optimal Rate of Direct Estimators in Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations Linear in Functions of the Parameters

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    Many processes in biology, chemistry, physics, medicine, and engineering are modeled by a system of differential equations. Such a system is usually characterized via unknown parameters and estimating their 'true' value is thus required. In this paper we focus on the quite common systems for which the derivatives of the states may be written as sums of products of a function of the states and a function of the parameters. For such a system linear in functions of the unknown parameters we present a necessary and sufficient condition for identifiability of the parameters. We develop an estimation approach that bypasses the heavy computational burden of numerical integration and avoids the estimation of system states derivatives, drawbacks from which many classic estimation methods suffer. We also suggest an experimental design for which smoothing can be circumvented. The optimal rate of the proposed estimators, i.e., their n\sqrt n-consistency, is proved and simulation results illustrate their excellent finite sample performance and compare it to other estimation approaches

    A dynamic Bayesian nonlinear mixed-effects model of HIV response incorporating medication adherence, drug resistance and covariates

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    HIV dynamic studies have contributed significantly to the understanding of HIV pathogenesis and antiviral treatment strategies for AIDS patients. Establishing the relationship of virologic responses with clinical factors and covariates during long-term antiretroviral (ARV) therapy is important to the development of effective treatments. Medication adherence is an important predictor of the effectiveness of ARV treatment, but an appropriate determinant of adherence rate based on medication event monitoring system (MEMS) data is critical to predict virologic outcomes. The primary objective of this paper is to investigate the effects of a number of summary determinants of MEMS adherence rates on virologic response measured repeatedly over time in HIV-infected patients. We developed a mechanism-based differential equation model with consideration of drug adherence, interacted by virus susceptibility to drug and baseline characteristics, to characterize the long-term virologic responses after initiation of therapy. This model fully integrates viral load, MEMS adherence, drug resistance and baseline covariates into the data analysis. In this study we employed the proposed model and associated Bayesian nonlinear mixed-effects modeling approach to assess how to efficiently use the MEMS adherence data for prediction of virologic response, and to evaluate the predicting power of each summary metric of the MEMS adherence rates.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS376 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Observability and Structural Identifiability of Nonlinear Biological Systems

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    Observability is a modelling property that describes the possibility of inferring the internal state of a system from observations of its output. A related property, structural identifiability, refers to the theoretical possibility of determining the parameter values from the output. In fact, structural identifiability becomes a particular case of observability if the parameters are considered as constant state variables. It is possible to simultaneously analyse the observability and structural identifiability of a model using the conceptual tools of differential geometry. Many complex biological processes can be described by systems of nonlinear ordinary differential equations, and can therefore be analysed with this approach. The purpose of this review article is threefold: (I) to serve as a tutorial on observability and structural identifiability of nonlinear systems, using the differential geometry approach for their analysis; (II) to review recent advances in the field; and (III) to identify open problems and suggest new avenues for research in this area.Comment: Accepted for publication in the special issue "Computational Methods for Identification and Modelling of Complex Biological Systems" of Complexit

    A Sensitivity Matrix Methodology for Inverse Problem Formulation

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    We propose an algorithm to select parameter subset combinations that can be estimated using an ordinary least-squares (OLS) inverse problem formulation with a given data set. First, the algorithm selects the parameter combinations that correspond to sensitivity matrices with full rank. Second, the algorithm involves uncertainty quantification by using the inverse of the Fisher Information Matrix. Nominal values of parameters are used to construct synthetic data sets, and explore the effects of removing certain parameters from those to be estimated using OLS procedures. We quantify these effects in a score for a vector parameter defined using the norm of the vector of standard errors for components of estimates divided by the estimates. In some cases the method leads to reduction of the standard error for a parameter to less than 1% of the estimate

    Observability, Identifiability and Epidemiology -- A survey

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    In this document we introduce the concepts of Observability and Iden-tifiability in Mathematical Epidemiology. We show that, even for simple and well known models, these properties are not always fulfilled. We also consider the problem of practical observability and identi-fiability which are connected to sensitivity and numerical condition numbers

    Modeling the dynamics of biomarkers during primary HIV infection taking into account the uncertainty of infection date

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    During primary HIV infection, the kinetics of plasma virus concentrations and CD4+ cell counts is very complex. Parametric and nonparametric models have been suggested for fitting repeated measurements of these markers. Alternatively, mechanistic approaches based on ordinary differential equations have also been proposed. These latter models are constructed according to biological knowledge and take into account the complex nonlinear interactions between viruses and cells. However, estimating the parameters of these models is difficult. A main difficulty in the context of primary HIV infection is that the date of infection is generally unknown. For some patients, the date of last negative HIV test is available in addition to the date of first positive HIV test (seroconverters). In this paper we propose a likelihood-based method for estimating the parameters of dynamical models using a population approach and taking into account the uncertainty of the infection date. We applied this method to a sample of 761 HIV-infected patients from the Concerted Action on SeroConversion to AIDS and Death in Europe (CASCADE).Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS364 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
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