12,169 research outputs found

    Measuring the societal impacts of universities' research into arts and the humanities (HERAVALUE)

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    Conformity, deformity and reformity

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    In any given field of artistic practice, practitioners position themselves—or find themselves positioned—according to interests and allegiances with specific movements, genres, and traditions. Selecting particular frameworks through which to approach the development of new ideas, patterns and expressions, balance is invariably maintained between the desire to contribute towards and connect with a particular set of domain conventions, whilst at the same time developing distinction and recognition as a creative individual. Creativity through the constraints of artistic domain, discipline and style provides a basis for consideration of notions of originality in the context of activity primarily associated with reconfiguration, manipulation and reorganisation of existing elements and ideas. Drawing from postmodern and post-structuralist perspectives in the analysis of modern hybrid art forms and the emergence of virtual creative environments, the transition from traditional artistic practice and notions of craft and creation, to creative spaces in which elements are manipulated, mutated, combined and distorted with often frivolous or subversive intent are considered. This paper presents an educational and musically focused perspective of the relationship between the individual and domain-based creative practice. Drawing primarily from musical and audio-visual examples with particular interest in creative disruption of pre-existing elements, creative strategies of appropriation and recycling are explored in the context of music composition and production. Conclusions focus on the interpretation of creativity as essentially a process of recombination and manipulation and highlight how the relationship between artist and field of practice creates unique creative spaces through which new ideas emerge


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    In present there is a certain perception along free time of the young. Messenger, internet and television are the new recreation and amusement ways that favourises sedentary life, in the detriment of tourism and fresh air walks. The counteract of the phenomenon can be materialized through social innovation principles, concepts that suppose a new vision upon sustainable development of local communities. The elaboration of Suceava city development strategy has to take into account the potential problems of the community. The green spaces that are insufficient and the complete detach of the young from nature can be the strategic points of the new strategy. This work wants to offer possible solutions regarding sedentary life problems of the "Messenger Generation" and the lack of green entertainment areas.social innovation, development strategies, local authorities, Messenger Generation, Active Park

    Operation mode and commodity attributes of art festivals: the case of Tianfu Ancient Town Art Festival

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    Os governos necessitam de avaliar a forma como os recursos culturais locais podem ser valorizados no sentido de assegurar resultados económicos. Na China, existem mais de 1000 cidades antigas com uma história de cinco milénios. Estas cidades possuem recursos culturais e turísticos abundantes à espera de serem rentabilizados. Embora seja amplamente aceite que a realização de festivais de arte é uma estratégia possível para o desenvolvimento e valorização dos recursos culturais, persiste o problema de que a maioria destes festivais são muito semelhantes entre si.O presente estudo procura explorar o modo de operação de localização do festival de arte, com base na contextualização de protótipos e na perspetiva dos atributos de bens. Foram recolhidos dados do primeiro Festival de Arte da Cidade Antiga Tianfu de Chengdu e analisados de acordo com a teoria da produção artística. Em particular, esta tese explora a teoria do design de atributos de bens artísticos e o seu processo de localização, com base no cenário, e propõe a estrutura de comercialização do Festival de Arte da Cidade Antiga, ou seja, usa a criatividade cultural e os métodos artísticos para aprimorar a competitividade da marca na cidade antiga, produzindo bens irreproduzíveis e refletindo a sua originalidade, integridade e singularidade. Além disso, para melhorar a ponte entre a teoria e a prática, esta tese propõe o mecanismo de seleção de um alto nível de instituições funcionais de qualificação artística, como a equipa criativa, a equipa de desempenho e a equipa de marketing. Esta tese constrói ainda um sistema de avaliação multidimensional para avaliar os benefícios sociais e económicos. Estuda também o significado do modo de operação local de mecanismos de cooperação de longo prazo com governos, associações, empresas de media e alianças de cidades antigas, aprimorando assim a marca artística da cidade antiga de Tianfu.Os governos necessitam de avaliar a forma como os recursos culturais locais podem ser valorizados no sentido de assegurar resultados económicos. Na China, existem mais de 1000 cidades antigas com uma história de cinco milénios. Estas cidades possuem recursos culturais e turísticos abundantes à espera de serem rentabilizados. Embora seja amplamente aceite que a realização de festivais de arte é uma estratégia possível para o desenvolvimento e valorização dos recursos culturais, persiste o problema de que a maioria destes festivais são muito semelhantes entre si.O presente estudo procura explorar o modo de operação de localização do festival de arte, com base na contextualização de protótipos e na perspetiva dos atributos de bens. Foram recolhidos dados do primeiro Festival de Arte da Cidade Antiga Tianfu de Chengdu e analisados de acordo com a teoria da produção artística. Em particular, esta tese explora a teoria do design de atributos de bens artísticos e o seu processo de localização, com base no cenário, e propõe a estrutura de comercialização do Festival de Arte da Cidade Antiga, ou seja, usa a criatividade cultural e os métodos artísticos para aprimorar a competitividade da marca na cidade antiga, produzindo bens irreproduzíveis e refletindo a sua originalidade, integridade e singularidade. Além disso, para melhorar a ponte entre a teoria e a prática, esta tese propõe o mecanismo de seleção de um alto nível de instituições funcionais de qualificação artística, como a equipa criativa, a equipa de desempenho e a equipa de marketing. Esta tese constrói ainda um sistema de avaliação multidimensional para avaliar os benefícios sociais e económicos. Estuda também o significado do modo de operação local de mecanismos de cooperação de longo prazo com governos, associações, empresas de media e alianças de cidades antigas, aprimorando assim a marca artística da cidade antiga de Tianfu

    The course of lectures on discipline “Intellectual property” (for the 5 year students of the specialty 8.03060101 “Management”)

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    Затверджено на засіданні кафедри менеджменту інноваційної діяльності та підприємнцтва. Протокол No 1 від 27 серпня 2015 р. Рекомендовано методичною комісією факультету управління і бізнесу у виробництві ТНТУ імені Івана Пулюя. Протокол No 6 від 26 лютого 2016 р.У методичних вказівках, у відповідності до робочої програми, сформовано лекційний матеріал з дисципліни “Інтелектуальна власність” для іноземних студентів спеціальності 8.03060101 “Менеджмент організацій та адміністрування”.Методичні вказівки призначені для допомоги іноземним студентам при вивченні курсу “Інтелектуальна власність”. У методичних вказівках містяться загальні теоретичні відомості, необхідні до вивчення даного курсу. Рекомендовано для іноземних студентів спеціальності 8.03060101 “Менеджмент організацій та адміністрування” з метою закріплення, поглиблення і узагальнення знань, одержаних студентами за час навчання та їх застосування до комплексного вирішення конкретного фахового завдання із дисципліни “Інтелектуальна власність”. Складено з урахуванням робочої програми вивчення курсу, методичних розробок інших вузів, а також матеріалів літературних джерел, наведених у рекомендованій літературі

    KIE Handbook of Creativity: Research Papers on Knowledge, Innovation and Enterprise Volume III

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    In any given field of artistic practice, practitioners position themselves—or find themselves positioned—according to interests and allegiances with specific movements, genres, and traditions. Selecting particular frameworks through which to approach the development of new ideas, patterns and expressions, balance is invariably maintained between the desire to contribute towards and connect with a particular set of domain conventions, whilst at the same time developing distinction and recognition as a creative individual. Creativity through the constraints of artistic domain, discipline and style provides a basis for consideration of notions of originality in the context of activity primarily associated with reconfiguration, manipulation and reorganisation of existing elements and ideas. Drawing from postmodern and post-structuralist perspectives in the analysis of modern hybrid art forms and the emergence of virtual creative environments, the transition from traditional artistic practice and notions of craft and creation, to creative spaces in which elements are manipulated, mutated, combined and distorted with often frivolous or subversive intent are considered. This chapter presents an educational and musically focused perspective of the relationship between the individual and domain-based creative practice. Drawing primarily from musical and audio-visual examples with particular interest in creative disruption of pre-existing elements, creative strategies of appropriation and recycling are explored in the context of music composition and production. Conclusions focus on the interpretation of creativity as essentially a process of recombination and manipulation and highlight how the relationship between artist and field of practice creates unique creative spaces through which new ideas emerge

    Development, A question of Opportunity. A critique of the 2006 World Development Report, Equity and Development

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    The World Bank’s World Development Report 2006 addresses Equity and Development. It defines equity as respect for equal opportunities combined with the avoidance of absolute deprivation. Even though justice theories have long been interested in equity (given that equality of opportunity is one of the recognised values of Western society), it has hitherto remained a marginal issue in development economics. Our critique presents a detailed analysis of this report in the light of recent economic studies on this subject and endeavours to place it in the context of the evolution of World Bank thinking and policies. The first part illustrates the wealth of this concept, with its downside being that it is hard to accurately define. The second part demonstrates the gap between the prospects opened up by the enlargement of the development goals beyond poverty reduction and the report’s policy recommendations, which are generally an extension of the World Bank’s traditional analyses. The future of the equity concept for development policy-making could be closely dependent on the development community’s ability to take on board both all its complexity and wealth.