5 research outputs found

    An IT value management capability model for portuguese universities: a Delphi study

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    One of the most common dilemmas faced today by organizations and their leaders is how to guarantee value from high level IT investments, i.e. how organizations ensure expected benefits from growth in IT investments. Knowledgeable about this reality, organizations seek solutions to solve this problem, either through the adoption of frameworks developed and proposed by the professional community (COBIT5; VAL IT 2.0; IT-CMF), or alternatively, by designing and implementing their own models. The aforementioned, for organizations in general, is not different in the context of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). This paper adopts a Resource-Based View theory (RBV) to identify a set of competences and resources, which contribute to develop and conceptualize an IT Value Management Capability Model. The identified items were submitted to a panel of experts through a Delphi study in order to validate and propose a baseline to assist academic and practitioners understand essential requirements to implement an IT Value Management Capability Model (ITVMCM) in Portuguese public universities.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013

    It value management capability enabled with COBIT 5 framework

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    One of the most common dilemmas faced today by organizations and their leaders is how to guarantee value from the high level IT investments, i.e. how organizations ensure expected benefits from this growth in IT investments. A superior understanding of how to deliver value to the business from IT initiatives is critical. Value should not be view only as a financial return, but also as other strategic factors that affect the business. This paper adopts a resource-based theory perspective to identify and propose a set of competences, resources, and practices, which contribute to develop and conceptualize an IT Value Management Capability Model, with an oriented practical perspective to existing IT Value Management professional frameworks, namely; COBIT 5 and Val IT 2.0. Based on literature findings, our model supports managers on developing resources, practices, and competences that contribute to business value and competitive advantage.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effective Strategies to Improve Project Planning in the Banking Industry

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    Poor project planning can negatively affect the profitability of information technology (IT) projects. IT project managers in the banking industry who fail to improve project planning can observe a decrease in profitability. Grounded in the structuration theory, the purpose of this qualitative single case study was to explore effective strategies IT project managers use to improve project planning in the banking industry. Participants were four IT project managers in Abidjan-Ivory Coast who successfully used strategies to improve project planning in the banking industry. Data were collected from semistructured interviews and company documents relevant to IT project planning and analyzed using Yin’s five-step process. Five themes emerged: effective communication, effective risk management plan, scope management plan, schedule management plan, and cost management plan. A key recommendation for IT project managers is to use project management information systems and project reporting to share information with the project stakeholders. The implications for positive social change include the potential to sustain financial and economic development in the community through the successful implementation of IT projects

    Managing Security Objectives for Effective Organizational Performance Information Security Management

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    Information is a significant asset to organizations, and a data breach from a cyberattack harms reputations and may result in a massive financial loss. Many senior managers lack the competencies to implement an enterprise risk management system and align organizational resources such as people, processes, and technology to prevent cyberattacks on enterprise assets. The purpose of this Delphi study was to explore how the managerial competencies for information security and risk management senior managers help in managing security objectives and practices to mitigate security risks. The National Institute of Standards and Technology framework served as the foundation for this study. The sample was made up of 12 information security practitioners, information security experts, and managers responsible for the enterprise information security management. Participants were from Fortune 500 companies in the United States. Selection was based on their level of experience and knowledge of the topic being studied. Data were collected using a 3 round Delphi study of 12 experts in information security and risk management. Statistical analysis was performed on the collected data during a 3 round Delphi study. The mean, standard deviation, majority agreement, and ranges were used to determine the final concensus for this research study. Findings of this study included the need for managerial support, risk management strategies, and developling the managerial and technical talent to mitigate and respond to cyberattacks. Findings may result in a positive social change by providing information that helps managers to reduce the number of data breaches from cyberattacks, which benefits companies, employees, and customers

    Governança das tecnologias de informação: um modelo de gestão do valor das TI para as universidades públicas em Portugal

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    A Governança Corporativa das Tecnologias de Informação é uma temática primordial reconhecida pela comunidade académica e profissional. A necessidade de obter valor, seja financeiro ou estratégico para a organização, resultante dos investimentos realizados em TI implica uma gestão do valor das TI adequada. No contexto das universidades públicas nacionais esta problemática é acentuada pelas suas especificidades organizacionais que dificultam a implementação dos modelos e práticas mais relevantes e reconhecidas como o COBIT ou o Val IT. Este trabalho de investigação tem como objetivo identificar um conjunto de estruturas organizacionais, processos e mecanismos relacionais e simultaneamente desenvolver um modelo de gestão do valor das TI no âmbito da governança corporativa das TI para as universidades públicas em Portugal, que atenda a tais especificidades. O estudo segue uma abordagem exploratória com recurso a um método de investigação misto baseado na recolha e triangulação de dados qualitativos e quantitativos, obtidos por meio de inquéritos e entrevistas semiestruturadas a múltiplas partes interessadas, nomeadamente órgãos diretivos e de gestão com um papel de governo e de coordenação das TI em universidades nacionais, profissionais da indústria e fornecedores de produtos e serviços de TI com o intuito de incluir uma visão externa desta problemática. Os resultados confirmam a importância e pertinência dos investimentos em TI, para as instituições em estudo, concretamente pelo impacto na sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento dos seus eixos estratégicos de atuação (ensino, investigação e cooperação com a sociedade). Apesar desta influência, os resultados demonstram, uma ausência muito significativa de mecanismos de gestão de valor das TI por parte das instituições inquiridas, o que reforça o potencial interesse das universidades nacionais no modelo proposto neste trabalho, devidamente validado pelo painel de peritos que participou no estudo Delphi.Enterprise Governance of Information Technologies is a fundamental theme recognized by academic and professional community. The need to obtain value, whether financial or strategic to the organization, resulting from the investments made in IT implies adequate IT Value Management. In context of Portuguese public universities, this problem highlighted by organizational specificities that make difficult to implement relevant models and practices such as COBIT 5 or Val IT. This research aims to identify a set of organizational structures, processes and relational mechanisms and simultaneously develop a model of IT Value Management within the scope of Enterprise Governance of IT for public universities in Portugal. The study follows an exploratory approach using a mixed research method based on collection and triangulation of qualitative and quantitative data obtained through multi-stakeholder inquires. Namely over surveys and semi-structured interviews to management and governing bodies with role of government and IT coordination in portuguese universities, industry and IT suppliers in order to include an external view. Results obtained confirm the importance and relevance of investments made in IT for institutions under study, specifically the impact on sustainability and development of strategic axes of action (teaching, research and cooperation with society). In spite of this influence, results demonstrate a significant absence of IT Value Management mechanisms in Portuguese universities, which highlight potential interest in artifacts proposed and duly validated by expert panel.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia e Gestão Industria