513 research outputs found

    Five dynamic dimensions for effective teaching

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    Reviewed Book: Treston, Kevin. Five dynamic dimensions for effective teaching. Mystic, Conn: Twenty-Third Publications, 1997

    pertaining to crime subsidiary civil action the defect of the system and it integrity

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    我国的刑事附带民事诉讼制度作为一种司法救济制度,对于维护司法公正,切实保护当事人的合法权益具有重要作用,其立法的主要目的在于贯彻诉讼经济原则,避免人民法院、当事人、证人等的重复劳动,在惩处犯罪的同时,及时地挽回被害人因犯罪行为所造成的损失,有效地维护被害人的合法权益,减少犯罪行为带来的社会危害,维护社会秩序的稳定。《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》、《最高人民法院关于执行〈中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法〉若干问题的解释》均对此作出了明确的规定。但是,由于立法上的不完善,操作上的不规范,刑事附带民事诉讼在立法及司法实践中均存在不少问题,不利于在诉讼程序上保护被害人的合法权益。本文除引言及结语外,共分为四章:...Our country of the subsidiary civil action system be a kind of judicature succour system, it for maintain judicature sanity, practical keeping client of the lawful right and interests have important operation, the fundamental purpose of its legis lies in carry out to litigate economic axiom, avoidance court of the people, the repeated labor of client, substantiator...etc. is punish transgressive s...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X20040807

    Judicial Self-Regulation—Its Potential

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    Aporia and the Implications for the Intuitive Knowledge of Children | Blog of the APA

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    The compass we use to navigate life needs to be cultivated from an early age. My sense is that the arts, including Plato’s dialogues cultivate our navigational sense. It does not tell us rationally what is good or what is bad. It is not that simple. Remember, the stars we sail by, are not fixed, either. So we need to develop a sense for what may be right or not in any particular situation. We may have a general sense, but need to learn how to apply this general sense to specific situations, which are unique. In every new situation we have to figure out what is the right thing to do. And this may be different for different people as well. Too often we look for a one-fits-all solution, including our moral sense of right and wrong. And this is where we so often end up resorting to a violent “solution,” just to end it all. While we may have acquired so many technological advancements in our modern world, on the level of understanding how to navigate the world we may have regressed even, now that we can increasingly rely of highly technically advanced weapons. Again, violence seems to bear the only “solution.” Yet, with our compass intact, we might be better able to recognize the red flags when we see them in real life and not find ways to rationalize, justify or ignore the reality right before our eyes. When we recognize them early, they can be handled so much easier and better. Molehills are less difficult than mountains. And to get rid of a mountain, you may just have to blow it up, using violence..

    The Concept of Integrity and Its Application to Engineering Ethics

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    Integrity is a common and well established concept in the ethical vocabulary. It is also being used in various codes of ethics, and investigated by means of various methods. However a review of the contemporary reference literature reveals various meanings associated with this term, which is followed by its variable applicability. It is mentioned among the desirable virtues possessed by the professionals. In various Polish codes of engineering ethics there is an absence of the integrity concept, at least comprehended as fully as it is in the ethics literature. The paper contains an analysis of the meaning of integrity in English and its translations into Polish in selected codes of engineering ethics. The scopes of the used terms are compared and in result it is postulated that some initiatives be undertaken in order to clarify the discrepancies existing in various engineering codes of ethics around the professional integrity concept

    Are Existing Security Models Suitable for Teleworking?

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    The availability of high performance broadband services from the home will allow a growing number of organisations to offer teleworking as an employee work practice. Teleworking delivers cost savings, improved productivity and provides a recruitment policy to attract and retain personnel. Information security is one of the management considerations necessary before an effective organisational teleworking policy can be implemented. The teleworking computing environment presents a different set of security threats to those present in an office environment. Teleworking requires a security model to provide security policy enforcement to counter the set of security threats present in the teleworking computing environment. This paper considers four existing security models and assesses each model’s suitability to define security policy enforcement for telework. The approach taken is to identify the information security threats that exist in a teleworking environment and to categorise the threats based upon their impact upon confidentiality of data, system and data integrity, and availability of service in the teleworking environment. It is found that risks exist to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information in a teleworking environment and therefore a security model is required that provides appropriate policy enforcement. A set of security policy enforcement mechanisms to counter the identified information security threats is proposed. Using an abstraction of the identified threats and the security policy enforcement mechanisms, a set of attributes for a security model for teleworking is proposed. Each of the four existing security models is assessed against this set of attributes to determine its suitability to specify policy enforcement for telework. Although the four existing models were selected based upon their perceived suitability it is found that none provide the required policy enforcement for telework

    Firewall Technologies

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    Internet provides access to information and the ability to publish information in a revolutionary way. It is also a major danger that provides the ability to pollute and destroy information. A firewall is a form of protection that allows a network to connect to the Internet while maintaining a degree of security. In the paper we will describe the basics of firewalls and summarize what they can do and cannot do to help make sites securefirewall, Internet, networks, intrusion