3 research outputs found

    Real-Time Generation of Standard-Compliant DVB-T Signals

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    This paper proposes and discusses two software implementations of the DVB-T modulator, using C++ and MATLAB, respectively. All the key features of the DVB-T standard are included. The C++ DVB-T modulator, incorporated into the Iris framework developed by Trinity College of Dublin, works in real time on an Intel Core i7 2.4 GHz CPU with the Iris testbed. The MATLAB-based DVB-T modulator is coupled with a receiver implementation with channel estimation, equalization, soft-output demapping and channel decoding. The validation step demonstrates that the proposed DVB-T software implementations generate standard-compliant DVB-T signals that are correctly received by commercially available TV sets and USB dongles. The software code for the Iris-based C++ modulator, and for the MATLAB-based modulator and receiver, has been made publicly available under the GNU license

    Implementaci贸n de un sistema de transmisi贸n de televisi贸n digital basado en software usando SDR (radio definido por software), para el an谩lisis de la factibilidad de la migraci贸n de televisi贸n anal贸gica a digital en Ecuador.

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    El objetivo fue implementar un sistema de transmisi贸n de televisi贸n digital basado en software, usando radio definida por software (SDR), para analizar la factibilidad t茅cnica de la migraci贸n de Televisi贸n Anal贸gica a Digital en Ecuador. Se desarroll贸 una investigaci贸n de tipo no experimental, con enfoque cualitativo. El escenario de implementaci贸n se despleg贸 dentro de la infraestructura de la Direcci贸n de Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n y Comunicaci贸n (DTIC) de la Escuela Superior Polit茅cnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH), donde el transmisor esta virtualizado y el receptor es un computador, los dos equipos contienen sistema operativo Linux - Fedora en el cual se us贸 la herramienta GNU Radio que realiza el procesamiento de la se帽al para posteriormente enviar la se帽al de video al medio a trav茅s del perif茅rico de salida de la tarjeta USRP. Se realizaron pruebas de transmisi贸n con variaciones de modulaci贸n y codificaci贸n aplicando el modo de transmisi贸n 2k, posteriormente se analiz贸 la degradaci贸n de la se帽al usando el m茅todo de comparaci贸n subjetiva para determinar la calidad de la se帽al seg煤n la combinaci贸n de modulaci贸n y codificaci贸n, donde se obtuvieron que los par谩metros aplicados, con los que se logr贸 un mejor resultado fueron modulaci贸n QPSK con codificaci贸n 1/2. Adem谩s, se realiz贸 la comparaci贸n del transmisor basado en software y el transmisor convencional para definir la factibilidad t茅cnica y econ贸mica del sistema implementado en la migraci贸n de televisi贸n digital en Ecuador. Se concluye que el sistema implementado es una alternativa viable para aplicar a la migraci贸n a televisi贸n digital. Se recomienda aplicar el sistema implementado en un canal de televisi贸n universitario para realizar pruebas de difusi贸n.The objective was to implement a digital televisi贸n transmission system base on software, Using software defined radio (SDR), to analize the technical feasibility of migration fron Analog to Digital Television in Ecuador. Non-experimental reserach was developed with a qualitative approach. The implementation scenario was deployed within the infraestructure of the information and Communication Technologies Departament (DTIC) of a Higher School of Chimborazo (ESPOCH), where the transmitter is virtualized and the receiver is a computer, both computers contain system Linux-Fedora operating system in which the GNU Tadio tool was used to perform the signal processing to subsequently send the video signal to the medium through the output periperal of the USRP card. Transmission test with modulation and coding variations were carried out by applying the 2k transmission mode, then the signal degradation was analyzed using the subjective comparison method to determine the signal quality according to the combination of modulation and coding, where they were obtained that the parameters applied, with wich a better result was achieved were QPSK modulation with 陆 coding. In addition, the software-based transmitter and the conventional transmitter were compared to define the technical and economic feasibility of the system implemented in the televisi贸n migration In Ecuador, It is concluded that the implemented system is a viable alternative to apply to the migration to digital televisi贸n. It is recommended to implement the system implemented in a university televisi贸n channel to carry out diffusion tests

    Implementaci贸n de un sistema de transmisi贸n de televisi贸n digital basado en software usando SDR (radio definido por software), para el an谩lisis de la factibilidad de la migraci贸n de televisi贸n anal贸gica a digital en Ecuador.

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    El objetivo fue implementar un sistema de transmisi贸n de televisi贸n digital basado en software, usando radio definida por software (SDR), para analizar la factibilidad t茅cnica de la migraci贸n de Televisi贸n Anal贸gica a Digital en Ecuador. Se desarroll贸 una investigaci贸n de tipo no experimental, con enfoque cualitativo. El escenario de implementaci贸n se despleg贸 dentro de la infraestructura de la Direcci贸n de Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n y Comunicaci贸n (DTIC) de la Escuela Superior Polit茅cnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH), donde el transmisor esta virtualizado y el receptor es un computador, los dos equipos contienen sistema operativo Linux - Fedora en el cual se us贸 la herramienta GNU Radio que realiza el procesamiento de la se帽al para posteriormente enviar la se帽al de video al medio a trav茅s del perif茅rico de salida de la tarjeta USRP. Se realizaron pruebas de transmisi贸n con variaciones de modulaci贸n y codificaci贸n aplicando el modo de transmisi贸n 2k, posteriormente se analiz贸 la degradaci贸n de la se帽al usando el m茅todo de comparaci贸n subjetiva para determinar la calidad de la se帽al seg煤n la combinaci贸n de modulaci贸n y codificaci贸n, donde se obtuvieron que los par谩metros aplicados, con los que se logr贸 un mejor resultado fueron modulaci贸n QPSK con codificaci贸n 1/2. Adem谩s, se realiz贸 la comparaci贸n del transmisor basado en software y el transmisor convencional para definir la factibilidad t茅cnica y econ贸mica del sistema implementado en la migraci贸n de televisi贸n digital en Ecuador. Se concluye que el sistema implementado es una alternativa viable para aplicar a la migraci贸n a televisi贸n digital. Se recomienda aplicar el sistema implementado en un canal de televisi贸n universitario para realizar pruebas de difusi贸n.The objective was to implement a digital televisi贸n transmission system base on software, Using software defined radio (SDR), to analize the technical feasibility of migration fron Analog to Digital Television in Ecuador. Non-experimental reserach was developed with a qualitative approach. The implementation scenario was deployed within the infraestructure of the information and Communication Technologies Departament (DTIC) of a Higher School of Chimborazo (ESPOCH), where the transmitter is virtualized and the receiver is a computer, both computers contain system Linux-Fedora operating system in which the GNU Tadio tool was used to perform the signal processing to subsequently send the video signal to the medium through the output periperal of the USRP card. Transmission test with modulation and coding variations were carried out by applying the 2k transmission mode, then the signal degradation was analyzed using the subjective comparison method to determine the signal quality according to the combination of modulation and coding, where they were obtained that the parameters applied, with wich a better result was achieved were QPSK modulation with 陆 coding. In addition, the software-based transmitter and the conventional transmitter were compared to define the technical and economic feasibility of the system implemented in the televisi贸n migration In Ecuador, It is concluded that the implemented system is a viable alternative to apply to the migration to digital televisi贸n. It is recommended to implement the system implemented in a university televisi贸n channel to carry out diffusion tests