80 research outputs found

    Chinese–Spanish neural machine translation enhanced with character and word bitmap fonts

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    Recently, machine translation systems based on neural networks have reached state-of-the-art results for some pairs of languages (e.g., German–English). In this paper, we are investigating the performance of neural machine translation in Chinese–Spanish, which is a challenging language pair. Given that the meaning of a Chinese word can be related to its graphical representation, this work aims to enhance neural machine translation by using as input a combination of: words or characters and their corresponding bitmap fonts. The fact of performing the interpretation of every word or character as a bitmap font generates more informed vectorial representations. Best results are obtained when using words plus their bitmap fonts obtaining an improvement (over a competitive neural MT baseline system) of almost six BLEU, five METEOR points and ranked coherently better in the human evaluation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Semi-supervised and Active-learning Scenarios: Efficient Acoustic Model Refinement for a Low Resource Indian Language

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    We address the problem of efficient acoustic-model refinement (continuous retraining) using semi-supervised and active learning for a low resource Indian language, wherein the low resource constraints are having i) a small labeled corpus from which to train a baseline `seed' acoustic model and ii) a large training corpus without orthographic labeling or from which to perform a data selection for manual labeling at low costs. The proposed semi-supervised learning decodes the unlabeled large training corpus using the seed model and through various protocols, selects the decoded utterances with high reliability using confidence levels (that correlate to the WER of the decoded utterances) and iterative bootstrapping. The proposed active learning protocol uses confidence level based metric to select the decoded utterances from the large unlabeled corpus for further labeling. The semi-supervised learning protocols can offer a WER reduction, from a poorly trained seed model, by as much as 50% of the best WER-reduction realizable from the seed model's WER, if the large corpus were labeled and used for acoustic-model training. The active learning protocols allow that only 60% of the entire training corpus be manually labeled, to reach the same performance as the entire data

    Homogenous Ensemble Phonotactic Language Recognition Based on SVM Supervector Reconstruction

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    Currently, acoustic spoken language recognition (SLR) and phonotactic SLR systems are widely used language recognition systems. To achieve better performance, researchers combine multiple subsystems with the results often much better than a single SLR system. Phonotactic SLR subsystems may vary in the acoustic features vectors or include multiple language-specific phone recognizers and different acoustic models. These methods achieve good performance but usually compute at high computational cost. In this paper, a new diversification for phonotactic language recognition systems is proposed using vector space models by support vector machine (SVM) supervector reconstruction (SSR). In this architecture, the subsystems share the same feature extraction, decoding, and N-gram counting preprocessing steps, but model in a different vector space by using the SSR algorithm without significant additional computation. We term this a homogeneous ensemble phonotactic language recognition (HEPLR) system. The system integrates three different SVM supervector reconstruction algorithms, including relative SVM supervector reconstruction, functional SVM supervector reconstruction, and perturbing SVM supervector reconstruction. All of the algorithms are incorporated using a linear discriminant analysis-maximum mutual information (LDA-MMI) backend for improving language recognition evaluation (LRE) accuracy. Evaluated on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) LRE 2009 task, the proposed HEPLR system achieves better performance than a baseline phone recognition-vector space modeling (PR-VSM) system with minimal extra computational cost. The performance of the HEPLR system yields 1.39%, 3.63%, and 14.79% equal error rate (EER), representing 6.06%, 10.15%, and 10.53% relative improvements over the baseline system, respectively, for the 30-, 10-, and 3-s test conditions

    Model kompanzasyonlu birinci derece istatistikleri ile i-vektörlerin gürbüzlüğünün artırılması

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    Speaker recognition systems achieved significant improvements over the last decade, especially due to the performance of the i-vectors. Despite the achievements, mismatch between training and test data affects the recognition performance considerably. In this paper, a solution is offered to increase robustness against additive noises by inserting model compensation techniques within the i-vector extraction scheme. For stationary noises, the model compensation techniques produce highly robust systems. Parallel Model Compensation and Vector Taylor Series are considered as state-of-the-art model compensation techniques. Applying these methods to the first order statistics, a noisy total variability space training is aimed, which will reduce the mismatch resulted by additive noises. All other parts of the conventional i-vector scheme remain unchanged, such as total variability matrix training, reducing the i-vector dimensionality, scoring the i-vectors. The proposed method was tested with four different noise types with several signal to noise ratios (SNR) from -6 dB to 18 dB with 6 dB steps. High reductions in equal error rates were achieved with both methods, even at the lowest SNR levels. On average, the proposed approach produced more than 50% relative reduction in equal error rate.Konuşmacı tanıma sistemleri özellikle i-vektörlerin performansı sebebiyle son on yılda önemli gelişmeler elde etmiştir. Bu gelişmelere rağmen eğitim ve test verileri arasındaki uyumsuzluk tanıma performansını önemli ölçüde etkilemektedir. Bu çalışmada, model kompanzasyon yöntemleri i-vektör çıkarımı şemasına eklenerek toplanabilir gürültülere karşı gürbüzlüğü artıracak bir çözüm sunulmaktadır. Durağan gürültüler için model kompanzasyon teknikleri oldukça gürbüz sistemler üretir. Paralel Model Kompanzasyonu ve Vektör Taylor Serileri en gelişmiş model kompanzasyon tekniklerinden kabul edilmektedir. Bu metotlar birinci dereceden istatistiklere uygulanarak toplanabilir gürültülerden kaynaklanan uyumsuzluğu azaltacak gürültülü tüm değişkenlik uzayı eğitimi amaçlanmıştır. Tüm değişkenlik matrisin eğitimi, i-vektör boyutunun azaltılması, i-vektörlerin puanlanması gibi geleneksel i-vektör şemasının diğer tüm parçaları değişmeden kalmaktadır. Önerilen yöntem, 6 dB’lik adımlarla -6 dB’den 18 dB’ye kadar çeşitli sinyal-gürültü oranlarına (SNR) sahip dört farklı gürültü tipi ile test edilmiştir. Her iki yöntemle de en düşük SNR seviyelerinde bile eşit hata oranlarında yüksek azalmalar elde edilmiştir. Önerilen yaklaşım eşik hata oranında ortalama olarak %50’den fazla göreceli azalma sağlamıştır