89 research outputs found

    Spherical representation and polyhedron routing for load balancing in wireless sensor networks

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    Abstract—In this paper we address the problem of scalable and load balanced routing for wireless sensor networks. Motivated by the analog of the continuous setting that geodesic routing on a sphere gives perfect load balancing, we embed sensor nodes on a convex polyhedron in 3D and use greedy routing to deliver messages between any pair of nodes with guaranteed success. This embedding is known to exist by the Koebe-Andreev-Thurston Theorem for any 3-connected planar graphs. In our paper we use discrete Ricci flow to develop a distributed algorithm to compute this embedding. Further, such an embedding is not unique and differs from one another by a Möbius transformation. We employ an optimization routine to look for the Möbius transformation such that the nodes are spread on the polyhedron as uniformly as possible. We evaluated the load balancing property of this greedy routing scheme and showed favorable comparison with previous schemes. I

    ABDKS Attribute-Based Encryption with Dynamic Keyword Search in Fog Computing

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    Attribute-based encryption with keyword search (ABKS) achieves both fine-grained access control and keyword search. However, in the previous ABKS schemes, the search algorithm requires that each keyword between the target keyword set and the ciphertext keyword set be the same, otherwise the algorithm doesn\u27t output any search result, which is not conducive to use. Moreover, the previous ABKS schemes are vulnerable to what we call a \emph{peer-decryption attack}, that is, the ciphertext may be eavesdropped and decrypted by an adversary who has sufficient authorities but no information about the ciphertext keywords. In this paper, we provide a new system in fog computing, the ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption with dynamic keyword search (ABDKS). In ABDKS, the search algorithm requires only \emph{one} keyword to be identical between the two keyword sets and outputs the corresponding correlation which reflects the number of the same keywords in those two sets. In addition, our ABDKS is resistant to peer-decryption attack, since the decryption requires not only sufficient authority but also at least one keyword of the ciphertext. Beyond that, the ABDKS shifts most computational overheads from resource constrained users to fog nodes. The security analysis shows that the ABDKS can resist Chosen-Plaintext Attack (CPA) and Chosen-Keyword Attack (CKA)

    Distance Computations in the Hybrid Network Model via Oracle Simulations

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    The Hybrid network model was introduced in [Augustine et al., SODA '20] for laying down a theoretical foundation for networks which combine two possible modes of communication: One mode allows high-bandwidth communication with neighboring nodes, and the other allows low-bandwidth communication over few long-range connections at a time. This fundamentally abstracts networks such as hybrid data centers, and class-based software-defined networks. Our technical contribution is a \emph{density-aware} approach that allows us to simulate a set of \emph{oracles} for an overlay skeleton graph over a Hybrid network. As applications of our oracle simulations, with additional machinery that we provide, we derive fast algorithms for fundamental distance-related tasks. One of our core contributions is an algorithm in the Hybrid model for computing \emph{exact} weighted shortest paths from O~(n1/3)\tilde O(n^{1/3}) sources which completes in O~(n1/3)\tilde O(n^{1/3}) rounds w.h.p. This improves, in both the runtime and the number of sources, upon the algorithm of [Kuhn and Schneider, PODC '20], which computes shortest paths from a single source in O~(n2/5)\tilde O(n^{2/5}) rounds w.h.p. We additionally show a 2-approximation for weighted diameter and a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation for unweighted diameter, both in O~(n1/3)\tilde O(n^{1/3}) rounds w.h.p., which is comparable to the Ω~(n1/3)\tilde \Omega(n^{1/3}) lower bound of [Kuhn and Schneider, PODC '20] for a (2−ϵ)(2-\epsilon)-approximation for weighted diameter and an exact unweighted diameter. We also provide fast distance \emph{approximations} from multiple sources and fast approximations for eccentricities.Comment: To appear in STACS 202

    Towards Scalable Network Traffic Measurement With Sketches

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    Driven by the ever-increasing data volume through the Internet, the per-port speed of network devices reached 400 Gbps, and high-end switches are capable of processing 25.6 Tbps of network traffic. To improve the efficiency and security of the network, network traffic measurement becomes more important than ever. For fast and accurate traffic measurement, managing an accurate working set of active flows (WSAF) at line rates is a key challenge. WSAF is usually located in high-speed but expensive memories, such as TCAM or SRAM, and thus their capacity is quite limited. To scale up the per-flow measurement, we pursue three thrusts. In the first thrust, we propose to use In-DRAM WSAF and put a compact data structure (i.e., sketch) called FlowRegulator before WSAF to compensate for DRAM\u27s slow access time. Per our results, FlowRegulator can substantially reduce massive influxes to WSAF without compromising measurement accuracy. In the second thrust, we integrate our sketch into a network system and propose an SDN-based WLAN monitoring and management framework called RFlow+, which can overcome the limitations of existing traffic measurement solutions (e.g., OpenFlow and sFlow), such as a limited view, incomplete flow statistics, and poor trade-off between measurement accuracy and CPU/network overheads. In the third thrust, we introduce a novel sampling scheme to deal with the poor trade-off that is provided by the standard simple random sampling (SRS). Even though SRS has been widely used in practice because of its simplicity, it provides non-uniform sampling rates for different flows, because it samples packets over an aggregated data flow. Starting with a simple idea that independent per-flow packet sampling provides the most accurate estimation of each flow, we introduce a new concept of per-flow systematic sampling, aiming to provide the same sampling rate across all flows. In addition, we provide a concrete sampling method called SketchFlow, which approximates the idea of the per-flow systematic sampling using a sketch saturation event

    Crowdsource Based Indoor Localization by Uncalibrated Heterogeneous Wi-Fi Devices

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