759 research outputs found

    Evaluation of an Internet Document Delivery Service

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    An Internet-based Document Delivery Service (DDS) has been developed within the framework of the CNR ( the Italian Research National Council) Project BiblioMIME, in order to take advantage of new Internet technologies and promote cooperation among CNR and Italian university libraries. Adopting such technologies changes the traditional organisation of DDS and may drastically reduce costs and delivery times. An information system managing DDS requests and monitoring the temporal evolution of the service has been implemented, running on the local-area network of a test-site library. It aims to track number and types of documents requested and received, user distribution, delivery times and types (surface mail, fax, Internet), to automate repetitive manual procedures and to deal with the various accounting methods used by other libraries. Transmission of documents is carried out by means of an e-mail/Web gateway system supporting document exchange via Internet, which assists receiving libraries in retrieving requested documents. This paper describes the architecture and main design features of the e-mail/Web gateway server (the BiblioMime server). This approach permits librarians to continue using e-mail service to send large documents, while resolving problems that users may encounter when downloading large size files with e-mail agents. The library operator sends the document as an attachment to the destination address; on fly the e-mail server extracts and saves the attachments in a web-server disk file and substitutes them with a new message part that includes an URL pointing to the saved document. The receiver can download these large objects by means of a user-friendly browser. We further discuss the data gathered during the triennium 1998-2000; this consists of about 5,000 DDS transactions per annum with 300 other Italian scientific and bio-medical libraries and commercial document suppliers. Use of the instruments described above allowed us to evaluate the performance of service “before” and “after” the use of Internet Document Delivery and to extract some critical data regarding DDS. Those include: a) libraries with which we have greater numbers of exchanges and their turnaround times; b) extraordinary reduction in costs and delivery times; c) the most frequently requested serial titles (allowing cost-effective decisions on new subscriptions); d) impact on DDS of library participation in consortia which allow user access to greater numbers of online serials

    Request for Comments: 5616

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    Streaming Internet Messaging Attachments This document describes a method for streaming multimedia attachments received by a resource- and/or network-constrained device from an IMAP server. It allows such clients, which often have limits in storage space and bandwidth, to play video and audio email content. The document describes a profile for making use of the URLAUTHauthorize

    Practical Implementation of Unified Communication in Enterprise Environment

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    Import 05/08/2014Táto diplomová práca sa zaoberá problematikou zjednotenej komunikácie. Sú tu popísane rôzne problémy a následky ktoré vznikajú pri používaní viacerých druhov komunikačných kanálov. Povieme si niečo o najčastejšie používaných protokoloch pre komunikáciu. Vytvoríme návrh platformy, ktorá bude zjednocovať požadované protokoly do jednotného systému. V tomto návrhu sa pozrieme bližšie na problémy, ktoré tu vznikajú a budeme navrhovať riešenia, ktoré tieto problémy eliminujú. Definujeme si požiadavky, ktoré musí spĺňať systém, ktorý bude riešiť problematiku UC. Pomocou vytvorených návrhov implementuje mechanizmy pre jadro systému a jednotlivé moduly. Vytvoríme webové používateľské rozhranie a integrujeme doňho služby ako je napríklad preklad textu na hlas. Ďalej v tomto rozhraní vytvoríme pracovné prostredie, ktoré bude zobrazovať prijaté správy jednotne.This diploma thesis deals with problematics with united communication. There are described different problems and consequences which rise with using several types of communication channels. We say something about the most used communication protocols. We create platform designs, which will be uniting required protocols to uniform system. In this scheme we look closer to problems which rise here and we will suggest solutions which eliminate this problems. We defined requirement that the system, which will solve the UC, must fulfill. With help with this create scheme we will implement mechanisms for system core and individual modules. We will create web user interface and integrate services in it, such as transformation text to voice. In this interface will be create work environment which will displayed uniting received message.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvýborn

    Joint Bayesian estimation of close subspaces from noisy measurements

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    In this letter, we consider two sets of observations defined as subspace signals embedded in noise and we wish to analyze the distance between these two subspaces. The latter entails evaluating the angles between the subspaces, an issue reminiscent of the well-known Procrustes problem. A Bayesian approach is investigated where the subspaces of interest are considered as random with a joint prior distribution (namely a Bingham distribution), which allows the closeness of the two subspaces to be parameterized. Within this framework, the minimum mean-square distance estimator of both subspaces is formulated and implemented via a Gibbs sampler. A simpler scheme based on alternative maximum a posteriori estimation is also presented. The new schemes are shown to provide more accurate estimates of the angles between the subspaces, compared to singular value decomposition based independent estimation of the two subspaces