482 research outputs found

    Transfer Learning Based Traffic Sign Recognition Using Inception-v3 Model

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    Traffic sign recognition is critical for advanced driver assistant system and road infrastructure survey. Traditional traffic sign recognition algorithms can't efficiently recognize traffic signs due to its limitation, yet deep learning-based technique requires huge amount of training data before its use, which is time consuming and labor intensive. In this study, transfer learning-based method is introduced for traffic sign recognition and classification, which significantly reduces the amount of training data and alleviates computation expense using Inception-v3 model. In our experiment, Belgium Traffic Sign Database is chosen and augmented by data pre-processing technique. Subsequently the layer-wise features extracted using different convolution and pooling operations are compared and analyzed. Finally transfer learning-based model is repetitively retrained several times with fine-tuning parameters at different learning rate, and excellent reliability and repeatability are observed based on statistical analysis. The results show that transfer learning model can achieve a high-level recognition performance in traffic sign recognition, which is up to 99.18 % of recognition accuracy at 0.05 learning rate (average accuracy of 99.09 %). This study would be beneficial in other traffic infrastructure recognition such as road lane marking and roadside protection facilities, and so on

    An efficient automated parameter tuning framework for spiking neural networks

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    As the desire for biologically realistic spiking neural networks (SNNs) increases, tuning the enormous number of open parameters in these models becomes a difficult challenge. SNNs have been used to successfully model complex neural circuits that explore various neural phenomena such as neural plasticity, vision systems, auditory systems, neural oscillations, and many other important topics of neural function. Additionally, SNNs are particularly well-adapted to run on neuromorphic hardware that will support biological brain-scale architectures. Although the inclusion of realistic plasticity equations, neural dynamics, and recurrent topologies has increased the descriptive power of SNNs, it has also made the task of tuning these biologically realistic SNNs difficult. To meet this challenge, we present an automated parameter tuning framework capable of tuning SNNs quickly and efficiently using evolutionary algorithms (EA) and inexpensive, readily accessible graphics processing units (GPUs). A sample SNN with 4104 neurons was tuned to give V1 simple cell-like tuning curve responses and produce self-organizing receptive fields (SORFs) when presented with a random sequence of counterphase sinusoidal grating stimuli. A performance analysis comparing the GPU-accelerated implementation to a single-threaded central processing unit (CPU) implementation was carried out and showed a speedup of 65× of the GPU implementation over the CPU implementation, or 0.35 h per generation for GPU vs. 23.5 h per generation for CPU. Additionally, the parameter value solutions found in the tuned SNN were studied and found to be stable and repeatable. The automated parameter tuning framework presented here will be of use to both the computational neuroscience and neuromorphic engineering communities, making the process of constructing and tuning large-scale SNNs much quicker and easier

    COVID-19 Imposes Rethinking of Conferencing -- Environmental Impact Assessment of Artificial Intelligence Conferences

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    It has been noticed that through COVID-19 greenhouse gas emissions had a sudden reduction. Based on this significant observation, we decided to conduct a research to quantify the impact of scientific conferences' air-travelling, explore and suggest alternative ways for greener conferences to re-duce the global carbon footprint. Specifically, we focused on the most popular conferences for the Artificial Intelligence community based on their scientific impact factor, their scale, and the well-organized proceedings towards measuring the impact of air travelling participation. This is the first time that systematic quantification of a state-of-the-art subject like Artificial Intelligence takes place to define its conferencing footprint in the broader frames of environmental awareness. Our findings highlight that the virtual way is the first on the list of green conferences' conduction although there are serious concerns about it. Alternatives to optimal conferences' location selection have demonstrated savings on air-travelling CO2 emissions of up to 63.9%.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    FPGA implementations of feed forward neural network by using floating point hardware accelerators

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    This paper documents the research towards the analysis of different solutions to implement a Neural Network architecture on a FPGA design by using floating point accelerators. In particular, two different implementations are investigated: a high level solution to create a neural network on a soft processor design, with different strategies for enhancing the performance of the process; a low level solution, achieved by a cascade of floating point arithmetic elements. Comparisons of the achieved performance in terms of both time consumptions and FPGA resources employed for the architectures are presented

    Applying wrapper-based variable selection techniques to predict MFIs profitability: evidence from Peru

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    In this paper, we analyse the main factors explaining the profitability (ROA) of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in Peru from 2011 to 2107. We apply three wrapper techniques to asample of 168 Peruvians MFIs and 69 attributes obtained from MIX Market database. After running the algorithms M5', knearest neighbours (KNN) and Random Forest, we find that the M5' algorithm provides the best fit for predicting ROA. Particularly, the key variable of the regression tree is the percentage of expenses over assets and, depending on its value, it is followed by net income after taxes and before donations, or profit margins.En este trabajo, analizamos los principales factores que explican la rentabilidad (ROA) de las Instituciones de Microfinanzas (IMF) en Perú desde 2011 hasta 2107. Aplicamos tres técnicas de envoltura a una muestra de 168 IMF peruanas y 69 atributos obtenidos de la base de datos MIX Market. Después de ejecutar los algoritmos M5', vecinos knearest (KNN) y Random Forest, encontramos que el algoritmo M5' proporciona el mejor ajuste para predecir el ROA. En particular, la variable clave del árbol de regresión es el porcentaje de gastos sobre activos y, dependiendo de su valor, le sigue la utilidad neta después de impuestos y antes de donaciones o márgenes de utilidad

    A new dataset for smartphone gesture-based authentication

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of authentication on a smartphone, based on gestures. Specifically, the gestures consist of users holding a smartphone while writing their initials in the air. Accelerometer data from 80 subjects was collected and we provide a preliminary analysis of this data using machine learning techniques. The machine learning techniques considered include principal component analysis (PCA) and support vector machines (SVM). The results presented here are intended to provide a baseline for additional research based on our dataset