4 research outputs found

    Cognitive Informatics

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    Cognitive Informatics (CI) is a contemporary field of basic studies on the brain, computational intelligence theories and underpinning denotational mathematics. Its applications include cognitive systems, cognitive computing, cognitive machine learning and cognitive robotics. IEEE ICCI*CC'17 on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing was focused on the theme of neurocomputation, cognitive machine learning and brain-inspired systems. This paper reports the plenary panel (Part I) at IEEE ICCI*CC'17 held at Oxford University. The summary is contributed by invited keynote speakers and distinguished panelists who are part of the world's renowned scholars in the transdisciplinary field of CI and cognitive computing

    30th International Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases

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    Information modelling is becoming more and more important topic for researchers, designers, and users of information systems. The amount and complexity of information itself, the number of abstraction levels of information, and the size of databases and knowledge bases are continuously growing. Conceptual modelling is one of the sub-areas of information modelling. The aim of this conference is to bring together experts from different areas of computer science and other disciplines, who have a common interest in understanding and solving problems on information modelling and knowledge bases, as well as applying the results of research to practice. We also aim to recognize and study new areas on modelling and knowledge bases to which more attention should be paid. Therefore philosophy and logic, cognitive science, knowledge management, linguistics and management science are relevant areas, too. In the conference, there will be three categories of presentations, i.e. full papers, short papers and position papers

    Mapping the Media-Marketing Ecology

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    This report, Mapping the Media-Marketing Ecology, is produced by the Branded Content Governance Project, a three-year UKRI-funded international research project. The report examines the actors and processes that make up the media-marketing ecosystem. This is an interim version (June 2024) of a report which will be published in final form in 2025. We want to share work in progress, but will be adding additional material, including a chapter on ‘Creators and intermediaries across the pro-am spectrum’, and an expanded version of ‘Media-marketing ecology: key issues for governance’, that will include our full analysis of branded content ‘problems’ and ‘mitigations’: considerations and recommendations for addressing problems that may be developed in context-sensitive ways to improve the governance of branded content. This report focuses on mapping the activities and industrial interconnections relevant to the main forms of branded content produced today. In doing so we aim to provide both a more detailed and granular map than exists to date and an analytical overview that situate branded content activities within the wider media-marketing ecosystem

    Personalización subjetiva en los sistemas de música interactiva en los videojuegos. En busca de una experiencia de juego a la medida del individuo

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    [ES] El papel de la Música como elemento de expresión e inducción emocional ha cobrado recientemente importancia en el entorno de la interactividad y los Videojuegos. Los efectos que tiene la música sobre la experiencia emocional del jugador han sido el eje vertebrador de esta investigación que, con el objetivo de crear una experiencia adaptada a la individualidad de cada persona, propone la utilización de la medición fisiológica como elemento activo en la selección musical del videojuego. En base a la revisión de experiencias previas existentes en la literatura científica, este trabajo incluye el diseño y desarrollo de un prototipo de Sistema Musical Interactivo (SMI) basado en la medición de Respuesta Galvánica de la Piel (GSR) como detonante de las variaciones de la música, con el que poder observar la viabilidad de la propuesta con cualquier videojuego existente. La experimentación con este sistema ha sido apoyada también por la creación de varias composiciones musicales con funcionalidad interactiva que ha tenido en cuenta, además, la incorporación de elementos musicales con demostrada efectividad en la respuesta emocional. Así ha sido posible observar distintos aspectos de la respuesta emocional de los jugadores y sugerir algunas formas de aplicación de la medición fisiológica como medio para generar una experiencia de juego individualizada.[CA] El paper de la Música com a element d'expressió i inducció emocional ha cobrat recentment importància al voltant de la interactivitat i els Videojocs. Els efectes que té la música sobre l'experiència emocional del jugador han sigut l'eix vertebrador d'esta investigació que, amb l'objectiu de crear una experiència adaptada a la individualitat de cada persona, proposa la utilització del mesurament fisiològic com a element actiu en la selecció musical del videojoc. Sobre la base de la revisió d'experiències prèvies existents en la literatura científica, este treball inclou el disseny i desenvolupament d'un prototip de Sistema Musical Interactiu (SMI) basat en el mesurament de Resposta Galvànica de la Pell (GSR) com a detonant de les variacions de la música, amb el qual poder observar la viabilitat de la proposta amb qualsevol videojoc existent. L'experimentació amb este sistema ha sigut secundada també per la creació de diverses composicions musicals amb funcionalitat interactiva que ha tingut en compte, a més, la incorporació d'elements musicals amb demostrada efectivitat en la resposta emocional. Aixina, ha sigut possible observar diferents aspectes de la resposta emocional dels jugadors i suggerir algunes formes d'aplicació del mesurament fisiològic com a medi per a generar una experiència de joc individualitzada.[EN] The role of Music as an element of expression and emotional induction has recently gained importance in the environment of interactivity and Videogames. The effects that music has on the emotional experience of the player have been the backbone of this research that, with the aim of creating an experience adapted to the individuality of each person, proposes the use of physiological measurement as an active element in the selection musical video game. Based on the review of previous experiences in the scientific literature, this work includes the design and development of a prototype of an Interactive Musical System (SMI) based on the measurement of Galvanic Response of the Skin (GSR) as a trigger for the variations of music, with which to observe the viability of the proposal with any existing video game. Experimentation with this system has also been supported by the creation of various musical compositions with interactive functionality that has also taken into account the incorporation of musical elements with proven effectiveness in emotional response. In this way, it has been possible to observe different aspects of the emotional response of the players and to suggest some forms of application of the physiological measurement as a means to generate an individualized gaming experience.Guerra Recas, L. (2021). Personalización subjetiva en los sistemas de música interactiva en los videojuegos. En busca de una experiencia de juego a la medida del individuo [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172545TESI