9 research outputs found

    ICT Technologies, Standards and Protocols for Active Distribution Network Automation and Management

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    The concept of active distribution network (ADN) is evolved to address the high penetration of renewables in the distribution network. To leverage the benefits of ADN, effective communication and information technology is required. Various communication standards to facilitate standard-based communication in distribution network have been proposed in literature. This chapter presents various communication standards and technologies that can be employed in ADN. Among various communication standards, IEC 61850 standard has emerged as the de facto standard for power utility automation. IEC 61850-based information modeling for ADN entities has also been presented in this chapter. To evaluate the performance of ADN communication architecture, performance metrics and performance evaluation tools have also been presented in this chapter

    The Strategies of EV Charge/Discharge Management in Smart Grid Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communication Networks

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) are at the forefront of the revolutionized eco-friendly invention in the transportation industry. With automated metering infrastructure (AMI) communications in houses, smart EV charging stations, and smart building management systems in smart grid-oriented power system, EVs are expected to contribute substantially in overall energy planning and management both in the grid and the customer premises. This chapter investigates and provides an in-depth analysis on the charge/discharge management of EV in vehicle to home (V2H), vehicle to drive (V2D), vehicle to vehicle (V2V), vehicle to grid (V2G), vehicle-to-building (V2B), and grid to vehicle (G2V). The planning and control of energy exchange of EV is the main focus considering EV availability in multiple places during the daytime and in the evening. Indisputably, EV participating in V2G or V2H affects the state of charge (SOC) of EV battery, and therefore proper scheduled charge/discharge plan needs to be embraced. The structures of EV in various operation modes and approaches are presented for implementing the energy planning and charge/discharge management of EV in different operation modes. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed charge/discharge management strategy and regulation of EV SOC in accordance with the energy management plan of EV owner

    A Review of IEC 62351 Security Mechanisms for IEC 61850 Message Exchanges

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    PAP: A Privacy-Preserving Authentication Scheme with Anonymous Payment for V2G Networks

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    Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) networks, as an emerging smart grid paradigm, can be integrated with renewable energy resources to provide power services and manage electricity demands. When accessing electricity services, an electric vehicle(EV) typically provides authentication or/and payment information containing identifying data to a service provider, which raises privacy concerns as malicious entities might trace EV activity or exploit personal information. Although numerous anonymous authentication and payment schemes have been presented for V2G networks, no such privacy-preserving scheme supports authentication and payment simultaneously. Therefore, this paper is the first to present a privacy-preserving authentication scheme with anonymous payment for V2G networks (PAP, for short). In addition, this scheme also supports accountability and revocability, which are practical features to prevent malicious behavior; minimal attribute disclosure, which maximizes the privacy of EV when responding to the service provider\u27s flexible access policies; payment binding, which guarantees the accountability in the payment phase; user-controlled linkability, which enables EV to decide whether different authentication sessions are linkable for continuous services. On the performance side, we implement PAP with the pairing cryptography library, then evaluate it on different hardware platforms, showing that it is essential for V2G applications

    Vehicle electrification: technologies, challenges and a global perspective for smart grids

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    Nowadays, due to economic and climate concerns, the private transportation sector is shifting for the vehicle electrification, mainly supported by electric and hybrid plug-in vehicles. For this new reality, new challenges about operation modes are emerging, demanding a cooperative and dynamic operation with the electrical power grid, guaranteeing a stable integration without omitting the power quality for the grid-side and for the vehicle-side. Besides the operation modes, new attractive and complementary technologies are offered by the vehicle electrification in the context of smart grids, which are valid for both on-board and off-board systems. In this perspective, this book chapter presents a global perspective and deals with challenges for the vehicle electrification, covering the key technologies toward a sustainable future. Among others, the flowing topics are covered: (1) Overview of power electronics structures for battery charging systems, including on-board and off-board systems; (2) State-of-the-art of communication technologies for application in the context of vehicular electrification, smart grids and smart homes; (3) Challenges and opportunities concerning wireless power transfer with bidirectional interface to the electrical grid; (4) Future perspectives about bidirectional power transfer between electric vehicles (vehicle-to-vehicle operation mode); (5) Unified technologies, allowing to combine functionalities of a bidirectional interface with the electrical grid and motor driver based on a single system; and (6) Smart grids and smart homes scenarios and accessible opportunities about operation modes.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT

    Modeling a Consortium-based Distributed Ledger Network with Applications for Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure

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    Emerging distributed-ledger networks are changing the landscape for environments of low trust among participating entities. Implementing such technologies in transportation infrastructure communications and operations would enable, in a secure fashion, decentralized collaboration among entities who do not fully trust each other. This work models a transportation records and events data collection system enabled by a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network and simulated using a transportation environment modeling tool. A distributed vehicle records management use case is shown with the capability to detect and prevent unauthorized vehicle odometer tampering. Another use case studied is that of vehicular data collected during the event of an accident. It relies on broadcast data collected from the Vehicle Ad-hoc Network (VANET) and submitted as witness reports from nearby vehicles or road-side units who observed the event taking place or detected misbehaving activity by vehicles involved in the accident. Mechanisms for the collection, validation, and corroboration of the reported data which may prove crucial for vehicle accident forensics are described and their implementation is discussed. A performance analysis of the network under various loads is conducted with results suggesting that tailored endorsement policies are an effective mechanism to improve overall network throughput for a given channel. The experimental testbed shows that Hyperledger Fabric and other distributed ledger technologies hold promise for the collection of transportation data and the collaboration of applications and services that consume it

    Advanced Communication and Control Methods for Future Smartgrids

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    Proliferation of distributed generation and the increased ability to monitor different parts of the electrical grid offer unprecedented opportunities for consumers and grid operators. Energy can be generated near the consumption points, which decreases transmission burdens and novel control schemes can be utilized to operate the grid closer to its limits. In other words, the same infrastructure can be used at higher capacities thanks to increased efficiency. Also, new players are integrated into this grid such as smart meters with local control capabilities, electric vehicles that can act as mobile storage devices, and smart inverters that can provide auxiliary support. To achieve stable and safe operation, it is necessary to observe and coordinate all of these components in the smartgrid

    Innovation in Energy Systems

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    It has been a little over a century since the inception of interconnected networks and little has changed in the way that they are operated. Demand-supply balance methods, protection schemes, business models for electric power companies, and future development considerations have remained the same until very recently. Distributed generators, storage devices, and electric vehicles have become widespread and disrupted century-old bulk generation - bulk transmission operation. Distribution networks are no longer passive networks and now contribute to power generation. Old billing and energy trading schemes cannot accommodate this change and need revision. Furthermore, bidirectional power flow is an unprecedented phenomenon in distribution networks and traditional protection schemes require a thorough fix for proper operation. This book aims to cover new technologies, methods, and approaches developed to meet the needs of this changing field