2 research outputs found

    Design of a laboratory station for testing current measuring instruments

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    Tato práce se zabývá porovnáním odlišných vlastností měření proudu přístrojového transformátoru proudu a senzoru proudu na principu Rogowského cívky, které jsou demonstrovány prostřednictvím laboratorní úlohy v laboratořích Vysoké školy Báňské - TUO. V teoretické části této práce je popsáno základní rozdělení a analýza vlastností vybraných přístrojů proudu. V teorii jsou také vysvětleny normalizované třidy přesnosti a základní definice týkající se přístrojů proudu. Praktická část je zaměřena na návrh základního zapojení laboratorní úlohy a její konstrukční části. Dále obsahuje referenční měření spolu s praktickou realizací laboratorní úlohy. V praktické části je popsáno vytvoření všech potřebných pomůcek pro měření na přístrojovém transformátoru proudu a senzoru proudu. Součástí praktické části je popsán podrobný návod měření s vypracovaným vzorovým protokolem dle textového zadání. V příloze jsou k dispozici všechny potřebné materiály pro zavedení do výuky.This thesis deals with the comparison of the different characteristics of current measurement of an instrumented current transformer and a Rogowski coil current sensor, which are demonstrated through a laboratory task in the laboratories of the University of Mining - TUO. In the theoretical part of this thesis, the basic distribution and analysis of the properties of the selected current instruments are described. The theory also explains the standardized accuracy classes and basic definitions related to current instruments. The practical part focuses on the design of the basic circuit of the laboratory task and its design part. It also includes reference measurements along with the practical implementation of the laboratory task. The practical part describes the creation of all the necessary instruments for measurements on the instrumented current transformer and current sensor. The practical part describes detailed measurement instructions with a sample protocol according to the text assignment. In the appendix, all the necessary materials for introduction into the classroom are provided.410 - Katedra elektroenergetikyvelmi dobř

    Integration of conventional and unconventional Instrument Transformers in Smart Grids

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    In this thesis the reader will be guided towards the role of Instrument Transformers inside the always evolving Smart Grid scenario. In particular, even non-experts or non-metrologists will have the chance to follow the main concepts presented; this, because the basic principles are always presented before moving to in-deep discussions. The chapter including the results of the work is preceded by three introductive chapters. These, contain the basic principles and the state of the art necessary to provide the reader the tools to approach the results chapter. The first three chapters describe: Instrument Transformers, Standards, and Metrology. In the first chapter, the studied Instrument Transformers are described and compared with particular attention to their accuracy parameters. In the second chapter instead, two fundamental international documents, concerning Instrument Transformers, are analysed: the IEC 61869 series and the EN 50160. This has been done to be completely aware of how transformers are standardized and regulated. Finally, the last introductive chapter presents one of the pillars of this work: metrology and the role of uncertainty. In the core of the work Instrument Transformers integration in Smart Grid is distinguished in two main topics. The first assesses the transformers behaviour, in terms of accuracy, when their normal operation is affected by external quantities. The second exploits the current and voltage measurements obtained from the transformers to develop new algorithm and techniques to face typical and new issue affecting Smart Grids. In the overall, this thesis has a bifold aim. On one hand it provides a quite-detailed overview on Instrument Transformers technology and state of the art. On the other hand, it describes issues and novelties concerning the use of the transformers among Smart Grids, focusing on the role of uncertainty when their measurements are used for common and critical applications