97 research outputs found

    Hidden attractors in fundamental problems and engineering models

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    Recently a concept of self-excited and hidden attractors was suggested: an attractor is called a self-excited attractor if its basin of attraction overlaps with neighborhood of an equilibrium, otherwise it is called a hidden attractor. For example, hidden attractors are attractors in systems with no equilibria or with only one stable equilibrium (a special case of multistability and coexistence of attractors). While coexisting self-excited attractors can be found using the standard computational procedure, there is no standard way of predicting the existence or coexistence of hidden attractors in a system. In this plenary survey lecture the concept of self-excited and hidden attractors is discussed, and various corresponding examples of self-excited and hidden attractors are considered

    Разборная отражательная антенная решетка Ku-диапазона частот на основе микрополоскового элемента в виде мальтийского креста

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    Introduction. Reflectarrays have a number of design and functional advantages over their closest analogue - reflector antennas (RA). Although microstrip elements are the most preferred reflectarray elements, single-layer microstrip elements do not allow accurate phase control due to the limited phase adjustment range and a high phase slope. The use of multilayer elements significantly complicates the antenna design and increases its cost. The development of a single-layer element that allows more than 360° phase adjustment and a low phase curve slope is urgent.Aim. To develop a single-layer microstrip phase-correcting element with a phase adjustment range of more than 360° and to design a reflectarray on its basis for operation in satellite communication networks.Materials and methods. Numerical studies were carried out using finite element analysis and the finite-difference time-domain method. Radiation patterns were measured using the near-field scanning method in an anechoic chamber.Results. A phase-correcting element based on a single-layer Maltese cross-shaped microstrip element with close to linear dependence of element size on the phase of the reradiated wave and more than 360° phase adjustment range was developed. On the basis of the investigated element, a foldable reflectarray was designed. The reflector consists of four subarrays, which provide its compact folding for transportation. The results of experimental studies confirmed a high efficiency of the reflectarray, the gain of which is 1.5 dB lower than that of an identical overall dimensions RA in a 7 % operating frequency band. The operating frequency band of the reflectarray in 1 dB gain zone was 11 %.Conclusion. On the basis of a Maltese cross microstrip element, it is possible to implement a single-layer reflectarray with a more than 10 % frequency band. The developed prototype showed the possibility of creating highly efficient foldable reflectarrays for operation in satellite communication and television terminals.Введение. Отражательные антенные решетки (ОАР) обладают рядом конструктивных и функциональных преимуществ относительно ближайшего аналога – зеркальных антенн (ЗА). Наиболее предпочтительными элементами ОАР являются микрополосковые, однако однослойные микрополосковые элементы зачастую не позволяют точно скорректировать фазу в ОАР из-за ограниченного диапазона фазовой регулировки и высокой крутизны фазовой кривой. Использование многослойных элементов заметно усложняет и удорожает конструкцию антенны. В связи с этим актуален поиск однослойных элементов, обеспечивающих фазовую регулировку более 360° с малой крутизной фазовой кривой.Цель работы. Разработка однослойного микрополоскового фазокорректирующего элемента отражательного типа с диапазоном регулировки более 360° и создание на его основе ОАР для работы в сетях спутниковой связи.Материалы и методы. Численные исследования проведены методом конечных элементов и методом конечных разностей во временно́й области. Характеристики направленности измерялись сканированием ближнего поля в безэховой камере.Результаты. Разработан фазокорректирующий элемент на основе однослойного микрополоскового резонатора в виде мальтийского креста с близкой к линейной зависимостью фазы отраженной волны от размера элемента, обеспечивающий диапазон фазовой регулировки более 360°. На основе исследованного элемента разработана и изготовлена разборная конструкция ОАР, в которой рефлектор состоит из четырех подрешеток, что обеспечивает компактное свертывание ОАР для транспортировки. Результаты экспериментальных исследований показали высокую эффективность ОАР, коэффициент усиления (КУ) которой на 1.5 дБ ниже КУ ЗА идентичных габаритных размеров в относительной полосе рабочих частот (ОПРЧ) 7 %. ОПРЧ ОАР по уровню снижения КУ на 1 дБ составила 11 %.Заключение. На основе элемента в виде мальтийского креста возможна реализация однослойных ОАР с ОПРЧ более 10 %. Разработанный макет показал возможность создания высокоэффективных сворачиваемых ОАР для работы в составе терминалов спутниковой связи и телевидения

    Application of syndrome based Turbo decoding with adaptive computational complexity in LTE downlink

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    This paper describes the application of an adaptive complexity decoder for the Long Term Evolution (LTE) downlink Turbo code. The proposed decoding approach is based on the block syndrome decoding principle and enables adaptive reduction of decoding effort depending on current SNR and iteration number with negligible influence on decoding performance. Numerical results in context of LTE downlink using typical mobile channels are used to demonstrate the efficiency of the approach

    Opinion Dynamics in Social Networks with Hostile Camps: Consensus vs. Polarization

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    Most of the distributed protocols for multi-agent consensus assume that the agents are mutually cooperative and "trustful," and so the couplings among the agents bring the values of their states closer. Opinion dynamics in social groups, however, require beyond these conventional models due to ubiquitous competition and distrust between some pairs of agents, which are usually characterized by repulsive couplings and may lead to clustering of the opinions. A simple yet insightful model of opinion dynamics with both attractive and repulsive couplings was proposed recently by C. Altafini, who examined first-order consensus algorithms over static signed graphs. This protocol establishes modulus consensus, where the opinions become the same in modulus but may differ in signs. In this paper, we extend the modulus consensus model to the case where the network topology is an arbitrary time-varying signed graph and prove reaching modulus consensus under mild sufficient conditions of uniform connectivity of the graph. For cut-balanced graphs, not only sufficient, but also necessary conditions for modulus consensus are given.Comment: scheduled for publication in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2016, vol. 61, no. 7 (accepted in August 2015

    Towards Optimised FPGA Realisation of Microprogrammed Control Unit Based FIR Filters

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    Finite impulse response (FIR) filter is one of the most common type of digital filter used in digital signal processing (DSP) applications. An FIR filter is usually realised in hardware using multipliers, adders and registers. Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) have been widely explored for the hardware realisation of FIR filters using different algorithms and techniques. One such technique that has recently gained considerable attention is the use of microprogrammed control unit (MPCU) in designing FIR filters. In this chapter, we further explore MPCU technique for optimised hardware realisation of digital FIR filter. To evaluate the performance, two different architectures of FIR filter are designed using Wallace tree multiplier. Both the architectures are coded in Verilog hardware description language (HDL). The performance is analysed by evaluating the resource utilisation and timing reports of Virtex-5 FPGA generated by the Synopsys Synplify Pro tool. Based on the implementation results, as compared to conventional design, Wallace tree multiplier using carry skip adder (CSKA) provides optimal digital FIR filter

    A Review of TV White Space Technology and its Deployments in Africa

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    The emergence of bandwidth-driven applications in the current wireless communication environment is driving a paradigm shift from the conventional fixed spectrum assignment policy to intelligent and dynamic spectrum access. Practical demands for efficient spectrum utilization have continued to drive the development of TV white space technology to provide affordable and reliable wireless connectivity. It is envisaged that transition from analogue transmission to Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) creates more spectrum opportunity for TV white space access and regulatory agencies of many countries had begun to explore this opportunity to address spectrum scarcity. To convey the evolutionary trends in the development of TV white space technology, this paper presents a comprehensive review on the contemporary approaches to TV white space technology and practical deployments of pilot projects in Africa. The paper outlines the activities in TV white space technology, which include regulations and standardization, commercial trials, research challenges, open issues and future research directions. Furthermore, it also provides an overview of the current industrial trends in TV white space technology which demonstrates that cognitive radio as an enabling technology for TV white space technology

    Resource-Constrained Low-Complexity Video Coding for Wireless Transmission

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    Dual MCDRR Scheduler for Hybrid TDM/WDM Optical Networks

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    In this paper we propose and investigate the performance of a dual multi-channel deficit round-robin (D-MCDRR) scheduler based on the existing single MCDRR scheduler. The existing scheduler is used for multiple channels with tunable transmitters and fixed receivers in hybrid time division multiplexing (TDM)/wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical networks. The proposed dual scheduler will also be used in the same optical networks. We extend the existing MCDRR scheduling algorithm for n channels to the case of considering two schedulers for the same n channels. Simulation results show that the proposed dual MCDRR (D-MCDRR) scheduler can provide better throughput when compared to the existing single MCDRR scheduler