66 research outputs found

    Success Factors in Mobile Viral Marketing: A Multi-Case Study Approach

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    A prior study showed that mobile viral marketing is an important issue of mobile marketing. Using a multicase study research approach, we introduce a typology of four standard types of mobile viral marketing and extract eight success factors for this new form of marketing. As a final step, we structure the relationship between both, showing success factors’significance in different standard types and deriving a success factor framework. We conclude with a consideration of research implications.

    Success Factors in Mobile Viral Marketing: A Multi-Case Study Approach

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    A prior study showed that mobile viral marketing is an important issue of mobile marketing. Using a multicase study research approach, we introduce a typology of four standard types of mobile viral marketing and extract eight success factors for this new form of marketing. As a final step, we structure the relationship between both, showing success factors’significance in different standard types and deriving a success factor framework. We conclude with a consideration of research implications


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    Gestational diabetes(GDM) is increasing exponentially. To address this, we contend that a pervasive mobile solution that can facilitate self-care is a prudent strategy. To demonstrate proof of concept, user fidelity, usability and acceptability of such a solution a small pilot study of 10 patients was designed. A quasi-experimental approach employing a randomized control trial with a two period cross-over clinical trial strategy over 10 week duration at a private hospital in Melbourne, Australia was adopted. The main outcomes of interest were to establish proof of concept and the fidelity of the technology solution. Directional data gathered including patient and clinical interview data serve to demonstrate both proof of concept and fidelity. Without exception both patients and clinicians have preferred the pervasive mobile solution to the standard care approach. The study serves to highlight that pervasive mobile solutions can provide a useful adjunct in the effective monitoring and management of GDM.


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    The rapid development of wireless communication and mobile devices has created a great opportunity to support mobile group coordination at a more efficient level than before. This article presents a framework for Mobile Group Support Systems (MGSS) that considers four dimensions: supporting whom, supporting what, where to support and how to support. A good MGSS design should take consideration with the characteristics of each dimension: the system should be able to support mobile users working jointly with members from multiple parties; using available and advanced mobile technology, the system should be able to support context freedom, context dependent, and ad hoc coordination under dynamic, uncertain, frequent disrupting, time and space stretched and fluid context. To meet these requirements, we discuss the issues related to three basic functions of MGSS: mobile communication, group coordination, and context awareness

    Mobile Learning Business Model Framework

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    M-learning has become more and more important but still is a young educational and economical (Edu-Eco) technology. M-learning strategies are aimed at economic, academic and technological objectives, however they lack in modeling ensured economic measurements in the sense of profitable products. Throughout this paper, we discuss the prime categories of elements that participate in the m-learning value net and give an overview of their business models. In addition to considering the mobile and e-learning business, business models, we deconstruct the m-learning value net, and also use a literature review in order to identify different actors in a business model for M-learning

    The interaction between conventional monetary policy and financial stability : Chile, Colombia, Japan, Portugal and the UK

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    The relationship between monetary policy and financial stability has gained importance in recent years as Central Bank policy rates neared the zero-lower bound. The need to coordinate policy choices, to expand the scope of monetary policy measures and lastly, the need to target financial stability objectives while maintaining a primary objective of financial stability, has become essential. We use an SVAR model and impulse response functions to study the impact of monetary policy shocks on three proxies for financial stability as well as a proxy for economic growth. Our main results show that the Central Bank policy rate may be used to correct asset mispricing due to the inverse relationship between the policy rate and the stock market index. The results also show that, in line with theory, the exchange rate appreciates following a positive interest rate shock. Although the impact is only statistically significant for industrial production for the case of the UK, conventional monetary policy may indeed be able to contribute to financial stability when used in conjunction with alternative policy choices.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Create Attention to Attract Attention - Viral Marketing of Digital Music in Social Networks

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    Digitalization has led to a plethora of digital media. Especially with regard to music, consumers have the choice among millions of songs and artists. For artists and music labels the arising question is how to find their audiences and how to get attention for their music. Since music is naturally part of communications and interactions, viral marketing is a chance for them to (re-)gain attention. But viral marketing needs to accommodate digital music and its unique characteristics. In this paper, (1) the characteristics of digital music are identified and (2) it is analyzed how they affect the viral marketing process. The result shows, what critical factors are to be considered when conducting viral marketing of digital music. This contribution is important for the emerging area of research on music marketing and for music marketers in practice

    How the innovation diffusion models from the past can help us to explain marketing in the new media era

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    Even if the rhetoric of the Internet and the new digital media seems to have radically changed our technological environment, historical recurrences are relevant tools in order to analyze the future marketing. We propose a new multi-stage model able to bridge two different approaches, namely the adoption models Ă  la Bass and the recent line of research concerning agent-based innovation diffusion models. Our technology allows us to find a closed form equation for awareness and adoption, taking into account heterogeneous population
