85 research outputs found

    Indian Sign Language Recognition System for Differently-able People

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    Sign languages commonly develop in deaf communities, that can include interpreters and friends and families of deaf people as well as people who are deaf or hard of hearing themselves. Sign Language Recognition is one of the most growing fields of research today. There are Many new techniques that have been developed recently in these fields. Here in this paper, we will propose a system for conversion of Indian sign language to text using Open CV. OpenCV designed to generate motion template images that can be used to rapidly determine where that motion occurred, how that motion occurred, and in which direction it occurred. There is also support for static gesture recognition in OpenCV which can locate hand position and define orientation (right or left) in image and create hand mask image. In this we will use image processing in which captured image will be processed which are digital in nature by the digital computer. By this we will enhance the quality of a picture so that it looks better. Our aim is to design a human computer interface system that can recognize language of the deaf and dumb accurately

    Enhancing Home Security in North-East of Nigeria using Home Automation

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    Home automation plays a vital and essential role in modern era because of its usability and flexibility in using it at different places with high precision which will save cost and time by decreasing human stress. The main purpose of this technology is to control the household equipment’s like, door, fan, AC, light etc. automatically. This research work has concentrated information on Home Automation and Security System using Arduino, GSM and how we can control home appliances using Android Application. Whenever a person will enter into the house then the count of the number of persons entering in the house will be incremented, in Home Automation mode appliances will be turned on whereas in security light will be turned on along with the alarm. The count of the number of persons entering the house is also outputted on the LCD screen. In Home Automation mode when the room will become empty i.e. the count of persons reduces to zero then the appliances will be turned off making the system power efficient.  The owner can control his home appliances by using an android application present in his mobile phone which will reduce the human stress. At the same time if anyone enters while security mode is on a SMS will be sent to house owner’s mobile phone which will indicate the presence of a person inside the house. The alarm can be turned off using SMS or Android application

    Enhancing Collaborative Filtering Using Semantic Relations in Data

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    International audienceRecommender Systems (RS) pre-select and filter information according to the needs and preferences of the user. Users express their interest in items by giving their opinion (explicit data) and navigating through the webpages (implicit data). In order to personalize users experience , recommender systems exploit this data by offering the items that the user could be more interested in. However, most of the RS do not deal with domain independency and scalability. In this paper, we propose a scalable and reliable recommender system based on semantic data and Matrix Factorization. The former increases the recommendations quality and domain independency. The latter offers scalability by distributing treatments over several machines. Consequently, our proposition offers quality in user's personalization in interchangeable item's environments, but also alleviates the system by balancing load among distributed machines

    An Ontological Framework for Context-Aware Collaborative Business Process Formulation

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    In cross-enterprise collaborative environment, we have dealt with challenges in business process integration for common business goals. Research directions in this domain range from business to business integration (B2Bi) to service-oriented augmentation. Ontologies are used in Business Process Management (BPM) to reduce the gap between the business world and information technology (IT), especially in the context of cross enterprise collaboration. For a dynamic collaboration, virtual enterprises need to establish collaborative processes with appropriate matching levels of tasks. However, the problem of solving the semantics mismatching is still not tackled or even harder in case of querying space between different enterprise profiles as considered as ontologies. This article presents a framework based on the ontological and context awareness during the task integration and matching in order to form collaborative processes in the manner of cross enterprise collaboration

    Review on Classification Methods used in Image based Sign Language Recognition System

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    Sign language is the way of communication among the Deaf-Dumb people by expressing signs. This paper is present review on Sign language Recognition system that aims to provide communication way for Deaf and Dumb pople. This paper describes review of Image based sign language recognition system. Signs are in the form of hand gestures and these gestures are identified from images as well as videos. Gestures are identified and classified according to features of Gesture image. Features are like shape, rotation, angle, pixels, hand movement etc. Features are finding by various Features Extraction methods and classified by various machine learning methods. Main pupose of this paper is to review on classification methods of similar systems used in Image based hand gesture recognition . This paper also describe comarison of various system on the base of classification methods and accuracy rate

    A Parallel Mining Algorithm for Maximum Erasable Itemset Based on Multi-core Processor

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    Mining the erasable itemset is an interesting research domain, which has been applied to solve the problem of how to efficiently use limited funds to optimise production in economic crisis. After the problem of mining the erasable itemset was posed, researchers have proposed many algorithms to solve it, among which mining the maximum erasable itemset is a significant direction for research. Since all subsets of the maximum erasable itemset are erasable itemsets, all erasable itemsets can be obtained by mining the maximum erasable itemset, which reduces both the quantity of candidate and resultant itemsets generated during the mining process. However, computing many itemset values still takes a lot of CPU time when mining huge amounts of data. And it is difficult to solve the problem quickly with sequential algorithms. Therefore, this proposed study presents a parallel algorithm for the mining of maximum erasable itemsets, called PAMMEI, based on a multi-core processor platform. The algorithm divides the entire mining task into multiple subtasks and assigns them to multiple processor cores for parallel execution, while using an efficient pruning strategy to downsize the space to be searched and increase the mining speed. To verify the efficiency of the PAMMEI algorithm, the paper compares it with most advanced algorithms. The experimental results show that PAMMEI is superior to the comparable algorithms with respect to runtime, memory usage and scalability

    Realizing an Efficient IoMT-Assisted Patient Diet Recommendation System Through Machine Learning Model

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    Recent studies have shown that robust diets recommended to patients by Dietician or an Artificial Intelligent automated medical diet based cloud system can increase longevity, protect against further disease, and improve the overall quality of life. However, medical personnel are yet to fully understand patient-dietician’s rationale of recommender system. This paper proposes a deep learning solution for health base medical dataset that automatically detects which food should be given to which patient base on the disease and other features like age, gender, weight, calories, protein, fat, sodium, fiber, cholesterol. This research framework is focused on implementing both machine and deep learning algorithms like, logistic regression, naive bayes, Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Gated Recurrent Units (GRU), and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). The medical dataset collected through the internet and hospitals consists of 30 patient’s data with 13 features of different diseases and 1000 products. Product section has 8 features set. The features of these IoMT data were analyzed and further encoded before applying deep and machine and learning-based protocols. The performance of various machine learning and deep learning techniques was carried and the result proves that LSTM technique performs better than other scheme with respect to forecasting accuracy, recall, precision, and F1F1 -measures. We achieved 97.74% accuracy using LSTM deep learning model. Similarly 98% precision, 99% recall and 99% F199\%~F1 -measure for allowed class is achieved, and for not-allowed class precision is 89%, recall score is 73% and F1F1 Measure score is 80%

    Smart Cupboard for Assessing Memory in Home Environment

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    Sensor systems for the Internet of Things (IoT) make it possible to continuously monitor people, gathering information without any extra effort from them. Thus, the IoT can be very helpful in the context of early disease detection, which can improve peoples'' quality of life by applying the right treatment and measures at an early stage. This paper presents a new use of IoT sensor systemswe present a novel three-door smart cupboard that can measure the memory of a user, aiming at detecting potential memory losses. The smart cupboard has three sensors connected to a Raspberry Pi, whose aim is to detect which doors are opened. Inside of the Raspberry Pi, a Python script detects the openings of the doors, and classifies the events between attempts of finding something without success and the events of actually finding it, in order to measure the user''s memory concerning the objects'' locations (among the three compartments of the smart cupboard). The smart cupboard was assessed with 23 different users in a controlled environment. This smart cupboard was powered by an external battery. The memory assessments of the smart cupboard were compared with a validated test of memory assessment about face-name associations and a self-reported test about self-perceived memory. We found a significant correlation between the smart cupboard results and both memory measurement methods. Thus, we conclude that the proposed novel smart cupboard successfully measured memory

    ClioPatria: A SWI-Prolog Infrastructure for the Semantic Web

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    ClioPatria is a comprehensive semantic web development framework based on SWI-Prolog. SWI-Prolog provides an efficient C-based main-memory RDF store that is designed to cooperate naturally and efficiently with Prolog, realizing a flexible RDF-based environment for rule based programming. ClioPatria extends this core with a SPARQL and LOD server, an extensible web frontend to manage the server, browse the data, query the data using SPARQL and Prolog and a Git-based plugin manager. The ability to query RDF using Prolog provides query composition and smooth integration with application logic. ClioPatria is primarily positioned as a prototyping platform for exploring novel ways of reasoning with RDF data. It has been used in several research projects in order to perform tasks such as data integration and enrichment and semantic search
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