8 research outputs found

    Does the Foundational Model of Anatomy Ontology Provide a Knowledge Base for Learning and Assessment in Anatomy Education?

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    Throughout the development of the Foundational Model of Anatomy (FMA) ontology, one of the use cases put forth has been anatomy education. In this work, we examine which types of knowledge taught to anatomy students can be supported by the FMA knowledge base. We first categorize types of anatomical knowledge, then express these patterns in the form “Given ____, state ____”. Each of the 33 patterns was evaluated for whether this type of knowledge is compatible with the modeling and scope of the FMA

    Developing Graphic Libraries to Accompany the Craniofacial Human Ontology

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    I describe the development of two graphic libraries to accompany parts of the Craniofacial Human Ontology. One library depicts phenotypes of cleft lip. The other represents development of the human head between 4 and 8 weeks of gestation

    A Natural Language Processing Pipeline to extract phenotypic data from formal taxonomic descriptions with a focus on flagellate plants

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    Assembling large-scale phenotypic datasets for evolutionary and biodiversity studies of plants can be extremely difficult and time consuming. New semi-automated Natural Language Processing (NLP) pipelines can extract phenotypic data from taxonomic descriptions, and their performance can be enhanced by incorporating information from ontologies, like the Plant Ontology (PO) and the Plant Trait Ontology (TO). These ontologies are powerful tools for comparing phenotypes across taxa for large-scale evolutionary and ecological analyses, but they are largely focused on terms associated with flowering plants. We describe a bottom-up approach to identify terms from flagellate plants (including bryophytes, lycophytes, ferns, and gymnosperms) that can be added to existing plant ontologies. We first parsed a large corpus of electronic taxonomic descriptions using the Explorer of Taxon Concepts tool (http://taxonconceptexplorer.org/) and identified flagellate plant specific terms that were missing from the existing ontologies. We extracted new structure and trait terms, and we are currently incorporating the missing structure terms to the PO and modifying the definitions of existing terms to expand their coverage to flagellate plants. We will incorporate trait terms to the TO in the near future

    OOPS: The Ontology of Plant Stress: A semi-automated standardization methodology

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    Plant stress traits are important breeding targets for all crop species. Massive amounts of research dollars are spent generating data to combat plant diseases and environmental stress. Often this data is used to achieve a single goal, and then left in a repository to never be used again. As a scientific community, we should be striving to make all publicly funded data reusable, and interoperable. This goal is achievable only through careful annotation using universal data and metadata standards. One such standard is the use of a standardized vocabulary, or ontology. This paper presents a semi-automated method to define and label plant stresses using a combination of web scraping and ontology design patterns. Standardizing the definitions and linking plant stress with established hierarchies leverages previous work of developed knowledge bases such as taxonomic classifications and other ontologies

    Coordinated Evolution of Ontologies of Informed Consent

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    Informed consent, whether for health or behavioral research or clinical treatment, rests on notions of voluntarism, information disclosure and understanding, and the decisionmaking capacity of the person providing consent. Whether consent is for research or treatment, informed consent serves as a safeguard for trust that permissions given by the research participant or patient are upheld across the informed consent (IC) lifecycle. The IC lifecycle involves not only documentation of the consent when originally obtained, but actions that require clear communication of permissions from the initial acquisition of data and specimens through handoffs to, for example, secondary researchers, allowing them access to data or biospecimens referenced in the terms of the original consent

    BBMRI-ERIC Negotiator:Implementing Efficient Access to Biobanks

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    Various biological resources, such as biobanks and disease-specific registries, have become indispensable resources to better understand the epidemiology and biological mechanisms of disease and are fundamental for advancing medical research. Nevertheless, biobanks and similar resources still face significant challenges to become more findable and accessible by users on both national and global scales. One of the main challenges for users is to find relevant resources using cataloging and search services such as the BBMRI-ERIC Directory, operated by European Research Infrastructure on Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources (BBMRI-ERIC), as these often do not contain the information needed by the researchers to decide if the resource has relevant material/data; these resources are only weakly characterized. Hence, the researcher is typically left with too many resources to explore and investigate. In addition, resources often have complex procedures for accessing holdings, particularly for depletable biological materials. This article focuses on designing a system for effective negotiation of access to holdings, in which a researcher can approach many resources simultaneously, while giving each resource team the ability to implement their own mechanisms to check if the material/data are available and to decide if access should be provided. The BBMRI-ERIC has developed and implemented an access and negotiation tool called the BBMRI-ERIC Negotiator. The Negotiator enables access negotiation to more than 600 biobanks from the BBMRI-ERIC Directory and other discovery services such as GBA/BBMRI-ERIC Locator or RD-Connect Finder. This article summarizes the principles that guided the design of the tool, the terminology used and underlying data model, request workflows, authentication and authorization mechanism(s), and the mechanisms and monitoring processes to stimulate the desired behavior of the resources: to effectively deliver access to biological material and data

    FAIR data representation in times of eScience: a comparison of instance-based and class-based semantic representations of empirical data using phenotype descriptions as example

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    Background: The size, velocity, and heterogeneity of Big Data outclasses conventional data management tools and requires data and metadata to be fully machine-actionable (i.e., eScience-compliant) and thus findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR). This can be achieved by using ontologies and through representing them as semantic graphs. Here, we discuss two different semantic graph approaches of representing empirical data and metadata in a knowledge graph, with phenotype descriptions as an example. Almost all phenotype descriptions are still being published as unstructured natural language texts, with far-reaching consequences for their FAIRness, substantially impeding their overall usability within the life sciences. However, with an increasing amount of anatomy ontologies becoming available and semantic applications emerging, a solution to this problem becomes available. Researchers are starting to document and communicate phenotype descriptions through the Web in the form of highly formalized and structured semantic graphs that use ontology terms and Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to circumvent the problems connected with unstructured texts. Results: Using phenotype descriptions as an example, we compare and evaluate two basic representations of empirical data and their accompanying metadata in the form of semantic graphs: the class-based TBox semantic graph approach called Semantic Phenotype and the instance-based ABox semantic graph approach called Phenotype Knowledge Graph. Their main difference is that only the ABox approach allows for identifying every individual part and property mentioned in the description in a knowledge graph. This technical difference results in substantial practical consequences that significantly affect the overall usability of empirical data. The consequences affect findability, accessibility, and explorability of empirical data as well as their comparability, expandability, universal usability and reusability, and overall machine-actionability. Moreover, TBox semantic graphs often require querying under entailment regimes, which is computationally more complex. Conclusions: We conclude that, from a conceptual point of view, the advantages of the instance-based ABox semantic graph approach outweigh its shortcomings and outweigh the advantages of the class-based TBox semantic graph approach. Therefore, we recommend the instance-based ABox approach as a FAIR approach for documenting and communicating empirical data and metadata in a knowledge graph