29 research outputs found

    Modelling a case study in Astronomy with IMS Learning Design

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    Burgos, D., & Tattersall, C. (2008). Modelling a case study in Astronomy with IMS Learning Design [Electronic Version]. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2008 from http://jime.open.ac.uk/2008/19/.IMS Learning Design provides a counter to the trend towards designing for lone-learners reading from screens. It guides staff and educational developers to start not with content, but with learning activities and the achievement of learning objectives. It recognises that learning can happen without learning objects, learning is different from content consumption and that learning comes from being active. It recognises, too, that learning happens when learners cooperate to solve problems in social and work situations. In all this, it stresses that focus should fall on the learning in eLearning. This paper examines how IMS Learning Design (IMS-LD) and the current generation of IMS-LD based tooling can be used to model an eLearning case study in Astronomy, hosted by a workshop at ICALT 2006

    Using IMS Learning Design to Model Curricula

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    Tattersall, C., Janssen, J., van den Berg, B., & Koper, R. (2006). Using IMS Learning Design to model curricula. In R. Koper & K. Stefanov (Eds.). Proceedings of International Workshop in Learning Networks for Lifelong Competence Development (pp. 37-42). March, 30-31, 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria: TENCompetence Conference. Retrieved June 30th, 2006, from http://dspace.learningnetworks.orgThe traditional notion of the curriculum as a fixed list of topics to be studied sequentially is under strain as pressure for flexibility in education increases. However, curriculum flexibility can lead to curriculum complexity, hindering learners in the development of their competences. This article presents a formal model for the description of curricula, designed to underpin guidance support systems for learners. The article compares the model to other work in the area, illustrates its application with a number of case studies and concludes with a discussion of the broader e-learning infrastructure required in implementing the approach.This work has been sponsored by the EU project TENCompetenc

    A Web-based System for Observing and Analyzing Computer Mediated Communications

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    Tracking data of user's activities resulting from Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) tools (forum, chat, etc.) is often carried out in an ad-hoc manner, which either confines the reusability of data in different purposes or makes data exploitation difficult. Our research works are biased toward methodological challenges involved in designing and developing a generic system for tracking user's activities while interacting with asynchronous communication tools like discussion forums. We present in this paper, an approach for building a Web-based system for observing and analyzing user activity on any type of discussion forums

    Інтелектуальний механізм побудови індивідуальної навчальної траєкторії в адаптивних системах дистанційного навчання

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    У статті описано інтелектуальний механізм побудови індивідуальної навчальної траєкторії в адаптивних системах дистанційного навчання та контролю знань, який базується на моделі, в основі якої лежать елементи теорії графів та квантування знань. Застосування розробленого механізму дає змогу організувати процес навчання відповідно до рівня знань, швидкості проходження, якості засвоєння навчального матеріалу та інших індивідуальних параметрів тих, хто навчається.В статье описан интеллектуальный механизм построения индивидуальной учебной траектории в адаптивных системах дистанционного обучения и контроля знаний, который базируется на модели, в основе которой лежат элементы теории графов и квантования знаний. Разработанный механизм позволяет организовать процесс обучения в соответствии с уровнем знаний, скорости прохождения, качества усвоения учебного материала и других индивидуальных параметров обучающихся.The article reveals the intellectual mechanism of individual learning trajectory construction in adaptive systems of distance learning and knowledge control which is based on the model, the basis of which consist of graph theories and knowledge quantification. The use of the developed mechanism makes it possible to organize the process of learning in accordance with the knowledge level, speed of task fulfilling, quality of learning material mastering and other individual parameters of learners

    Technologies and educational activities for supporting and implementing challenge- based learning

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    Our Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) method can be described as a special form of problem-based learning, in which the problems are of realistic, open-ended nature. Additionally, CBL contains features of experiential and project-based learning approaches. CBL is supported by the provision of Digital Experimentation Toolkits (DExTs) which comprise materials, initial instructions, references to web resources and specific software tools. Technological challenges lie in the ease of use in accessing these data and in communicating the learners' requests and specifications to the remote sites. Within this article we describe several classroom scenarios for the usage of DexTs in schools. Examples are the calculation of the epicenter of an earthquake, the calculation of lunar heights and the definition of strategies for navigation in a maze. The activities described in this paper were conducted within the framework of our COLDEX project (Collaborative Learning and Distributed Experimentation, http://www.coldex.info).Education for the 21 st century - impact of ICT and Digital Resources ConferenceRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    ELM-ART - An Interactive and Intelligent Web-Based Electronic Textbook

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    This paper present provides a broader view on ELM-ART, one of the first Web-based Intelligent Educational systems that offered a creative combination of two different paradigms - Intelligent Tutoring and Adaptive Hypermedia technologies. The unique dual nature of ELM-ART contributed to its long life and research impact and was a result of collaboration of two researchers with complementary ideas supported by talented students and innovative Web software. The authors present a brief account of this collaborative work and its outcomes. We start with explaining the "roots" of ELM-ART, explain the emergence of the "intelligent textbook" paradigm behind the system, and discuss the follow-up and the impact of the original project

    Modelling routes towards learning goals

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    Citation: Tattersall, C., Janssen, J., van den Berg, B., & Koper, R. (2006). Modelling routes towards learning goals. Campus Wide Information Systems, 23(5), 312-324.The traditional notion of the curriculum as a fixed list of topics to be studied sequentially is undergoing change informed by constructivist theories. However, abandoning the notion of the curriculum as a study plan raises the need to help learners in understanding both where they stand with respect to their desired competences and how these competences can be attained. This article presents a formal model for the description of routes to learning goals, designed to underpin guidance support systems for learners. The article compares the model to other work in the area, illustrates its application with a number of case studies and concludes with a discussion of the broader e-learning infrastructure required in implementing the approach