4 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT One of the main purposes of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6

    IANA Considerations and IETF Protocol Usage for IEEE 802 Parameters

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    Operating System Response to Router Advertisement Packet in IPv6.

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    With growth of internet IPv4 address will run out soon. So the need of new IP protocol is indispensable. IPv6 with 128-bit address space is developed and maintain the support of IPv4 protocols with some upgrades such as BGP, OSPF and ICMP. ICMP protocol used for error reporting, neighbor discovering and other functions for diagnosis, ICMP version 6 has new types of packets to perform function similar to address resolution protocol ARP called Neighbor Discovery Protocol NDP. NDP is responsible for address auto configuration of nodes and neighbor discovery. It define new packets for the purposes of router solicitation, router advertisement and others discovery functions

    Multicast traffic management and performance in Ethernet/Layer 2 Networks

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    Denne masteroppgåva fordjupar seg i Multiple MAC Registration Protocol (MMRP) frå IEEE Std. 802.1ak-2007, og multicast i Ethernet. Det er gjort ein teoretisk studie rundt oversetjing frå IP versjon 4 multicast til Ethernet multicast, for å spare nettverksressursar. Hovudvekta i oppgåva er implementeringa av MMRP i simuleringsmiljøet som heiter J-SIM. Det er også utført nokre simuleringa som set lys på optimalisering av MMRP sine ``timers''. Implementasjonen fungerer slik forventningane er. Resultata av simuleringa viser at ein kan optimalisere MMRP sine ``timers'' for ulike scenario