3 research outputs found

    Reflectance Measurements on Cultural Heritage

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    Cultural heritage is a valuable and characteristic symbol of every country. It should be handled with care and it must be exhaustively investigated and measured with non-destructive techniques. In this chapter, we will talk about different reflectance measurement techniques to obtain the conservation state of the artwork. With this reflectance characterization, conservators, and curators could soon determine the best maintenance procedures for restoration purposes. Also, a new technique for lighting will be discussed, where the artwork can be also photonically restored illuminating with the correct light in the desired area of the artwork using a spectrally selective projection system

    Hyperspectral imaging as a technique for investigating the effect of consolidating materials on wood

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    The focus of this study was to investigate the potential of hyperspectral imaging (HSI) in the monitoring of commercial consolidant products applied on wood samples. Poplar (Populus spp.) and walnut (Juglans Regia L.) were chosen for the consolidant application. Both traditional and innovative products were selected, based on acrylic, epoxy, and aliphatic compounds. Wood samples were stressed by freeze/thaw cycles in order to cause material degradation without the loss of wood components. Then the consolidant was applied under vacuum. The samples were finally artificially aged for 168 h in a solar box chamber. The samples were acquired in the short wave infrared (1000 to 2500 nm) range by SISUChema XL™device (Specim, Finland) after 168 h of irradiation. As comparison, color measurement was also used as an economic, simple, and noninvasive technique to evaluate the deterioration and consolidation effects on wood. All data were then processed adopting a chemometric approach finalized to define correlation models, HSI based, between consolidating materials, wood species, and short-time aging effects

    Друга міжнародна конференція зі сталого майбутнього: екологічні, технологічні, соціальні та економічні питання (ICSF 2021). Кривий Ріг, Україна, 19-21 травня 2021 року

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    Second International Conference on Sustainable Futures: Environmental, Technological, Social and Economic Matters (ICSF 2021). Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May 19-21, 2021.Друга міжнародна конференція зі сталого майбутнього: екологічні, технологічні, соціальні та економічні питання (ICSF 2021). Кривий Ріг, Україна, 19-21 травня 2021 року