587 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Sparse Dirichlet-Net for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution

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    In many computer vision applications, obtaining images of high resolution in both the spatial and spectral domains are equally important. However, due to hardware limitations, one can only expect to acquire images of high resolution in either the spatial or spectral domains. This paper focuses on hyperspectral image super-resolution (HSI-SR), where a hyperspectral image (HSI) with low spatial resolution (LR) but high spectral resolution is fused with a multispectral image (MSI) with high spatial resolution (HR) but low spectral resolution to obtain HR HSI. Existing deep learning-based solutions are all supervised that would need a large training set and the availability of HR HSI, which is unrealistic. Here, we make the first attempt to solving the HSI-SR problem using an unsupervised encoder-decoder architecture that carries the following uniquenesses. First, it is composed of two encoder-decoder networks, coupled through a shared decoder, in order to preserve the rich spectral information from the HSI network. Second, the network encourages the representations from both modalities to follow a sparse Dirichlet distribution which naturally incorporates the two physical constraints of HSI and MSI. Third, the angular difference between representations are minimized in order to reduce the spectral distortion. We refer to the proposed architecture as unsupervised Sparse Dirichlet-Net, or uSDN. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of uSDN as compared to the state-of-the-art.Comment: Accepted by The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2018, Spotlight

    Nonlinear unmixing of hyperspectral images: Models and algorithms

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    When considering the problem of unmixing hyperspectral images, most of the literature in the geoscience and image processing areas relies on the widely used linear mixing model (LMM). However, the LMM may be not valid, and other nonlinear models need to be considered, for instance, when there are multiscattering effects or intimate interactions. Consequently, over the last few years, several significant contributions have been proposed to overcome the limitations inherent in the LMM. In this article, we present an overview of recent advances in nonlinear unmixing modeling

    A Non-Local Structure Tensor Based Approach for Multicomponent Image Recovery Problems

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    Non-Local Total Variation (NLTV) has emerged as a useful tool in variational methods for image recovery problems. In this paper, we extend the NLTV-based regularization to multicomponent images by taking advantage of the Structure Tensor (ST) resulting from the gradient of a multicomponent image. The proposed approach allows us to penalize the non-local variations, jointly for the different components, through various 1,p\ell_{1,p} matrix norms with p1p \ge 1. To facilitate the choice of the hyper-parameters, we adopt a constrained convex optimization approach in which we minimize the data fidelity term subject to a constraint involving the ST-NLTV regularization. The resulting convex optimization problem is solved with a novel epigraphical projection method. This formulation can be efficiently implemented thanks to the flexibility offered by recent primal-dual proximal algorithms. Experiments are carried out for multispectral and hyperspectral images. The results demonstrate the interest of introducing a non-local structure tensor regularization and show that the proposed approach leads to significant improvements in terms of convergence speed over current state-of-the-art methods

    Estimating the number of endmembers in hyperspectral images using the normal compositional model and a hierarchical Bayesian algorithm.

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    This paper studies a semi-supervised Bayesian unmixing algorithm for hyperspectral images. This algorithm is based on the normal compositional model recently introduced by Eismann and Stein. The normal compositional model assumes that each pixel of the image is modeled as a linear combination of an unknown number of pure materials, called endmembers. However, contrary to the classical linear mixing model, these endmembers are supposed to be random in order to model uncertainties regarding their knowledge. This paper proposes to estimate the mixture coefficients of the Normal Compositional Model (referred to as abundances) as well as their number using a reversible jump Bayesian algorithm. The performance of the proposed methodology is evaluated thanks to simulations conducted on synthetic and real AVIRIS images

    Hyperspectral Image Analysis through Unsupervised Deep Learning

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    Hyperspectral image (HSI) analysis has become an active research area in computer vision field with a wide range of applications. However, in order to yield better recognition and analysis results, we need to address two challenging issues of HSI, i.e., the existence of mixed pixels and its significantly low spatial resolution (LR). In this dissertation, spectral unmixing (SU) and hyperspectral image super-resolution (HSI-SR) approaches are developed to address these two issues with advanced deep learning models in an unsupervised fashion. A specific application, anomaly detection, is also studied, to show the importance of SU.Although deep learning has achieved the state-of-the-art performance on supervised problems, its practice on unsupervised problems has not been fully developed. To address the problem of SU, an untied denoising autoencoder is proposed to decompose the HSI into endmembers and abundances with non-negative and abundance sum-to-one constraints. The denoising capacity is incorporated into the network with a sparsity constraint to boost the performance of endmember extraction and abundance estimation.Moreover, the first attempt is made to solve the problem of HSI-SR using an unsupervised encoder-decoder architecture by fusing the LR HSI with the high-resolution multispectral image (MSI). The architecture is composed of two encoder-decoder networks, coupled through a shared decoder, to preserve the rich spectral information from the HSI network. It encourages the representations from both modalities to follow a sparse Dirichlet distribution which naturally incorporates the two physical constraints of HSI and MSI. And the angular difference between representations are minimized to reduce the spectral distortion.Finally, a novel detection algorithm is proposed through spectral unmixing and dictionary based low-rank decomposition, where the dictionary is constructed with mean-shift clustering and the coefficients of the dictionary is encouraged to be low-rank. Experimental evaluations show significant improvement on the performance of anomaly detection conducted on the abundances (through SU).The effectiveness of the proposed approaches has been evaluated thoroughly by extensive experiments, to achieve the state-of-the-art results

    Cross-Attention in Coupled Unmixing Nets for Unsupervised Hyperspectral Super-Resolution

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    The recent advancement of deep learning techniques has made great progress on hyperspectral image super-resolution (HSI-SR). Yet the development of unsupervised deep networks remains challenging for this task. To this end, we propose a novel coupled unmixing network with a cross-attention mechanism, CUCaNet for short, to enhance the spatial resolution of HSI by means of higher-spatial-resolution multispectral image (MSI). Inspired by coupled spectral unmixing, a two-stream convolutional autoencoder framework is taken as backbone to jointly decompose MS and HS data into a spectrally meaningful basis and corresponding coefficients. CUCaNet is capable of adaptively learning spectral and spatial response functions from HS-MS correspondences by enforcing reasonable consistency assumptions on the networks. Moreover, a cross-attention module is devised to yield more effective spatial-spectral information transfer in networks. Extensive experiments are conducted on three widely-used HS-MS datasets in comparison with state-of-the-art HSI-SR models, demonstrating the superiority of the CUCaNet in the HSI-SR application. Furthermore, the codes and datasets will be available at: https://github.com/danfenghong/ECCV2020_CUCaNet

    Adaptive Markov random fields for joint unmixing and segmentation of hyperspectral image

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    Linear spectral unmixing is a challenging problem in hyperspectral imaging that consists of decomposing an observed pixel into a linear combination of pure spectra (or endmembers) with their corresponding proportions (or abundances). Endmember extraction algorithms can be employed for recovering the spectral signatures while abundances are estimated using an inversion step. Recent works have shown that exploiting spatial dependencies between image pixels can improve spectral unmixing. Markov random fields (MRF) are classically used to model these spatial correlations and partition the image into multiple classes with homogeneous abundances. This paper proposes to define the MRF sites using similarity regions. These regions are built using a self-complementary area filter that stems from the morphological theory. This kind of filter divides the original image into flat zones where the underlying pixels have the same spectral values. Once the MRF has been clearly established, a hierarchical Bayesian algorithm is proposed to estimate the abundances, the class labels, the noise variance, and the corresponding hyperparameters. A hybrid Gibbs sampler is constructed to generate samples according to the corresponding posterior distribution of the unknown parameters and hyperparameters. Simulations conducted on synthetic and real AVIRIS data demonstrate the good performance of the algorithm

    Semi-supervised linear spectral unmixing using a hierarchical Bayesian model for hyperspectral imagery

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    This paper proposes a hierarchical Bayesian model that can be used for semi-supervised hyperspectral image unmixing. The model assumes that the pixel reflectances result from linear combinations of pure component spectra contaminated by an additive Gaussian noise. The abundance parameters appearing in this model satisfy positivity and additivity constraints. These constraints are naturally expressed in a Bayesian context by using appropriate abundance prior distributions. The posterior distributions of the unknown model parameters are then derived. A Gibbs sampler allows one to draw samples distributed according to the posteriors of interest and to estimate the unknown abundances. An extension of the algorithm is finally studied for mixtures with unknown numbers of spectral components belonging to a know library. The performance of the different unmixing strategies is evaluated via simulations conducted on synthetic and real data