2,084 research outputs found

    Hyperparameter Learning via Distributional Transfer

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    Bayesian optimisation is a popular technique for hyperparameter learning but typically requires initial exploration even in cases where similar prior tasks have been solved. We propose to transfer information across tasks using learnt representations of training datasets used in those tasks. This results in a joint Gaussian process model on hyperparameters and data representations. Representations make use of the framework of distribution embeddings into reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. The developed method has a faster convergence compared to existing baselines, in some cases requiring only a few evaluations of the target objective

    Tile2Vec: Unsupervised representation learning for spatially distributed data

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    Geospatial analysis lacks methods like the word vector representations and pre-trained networks that significantly boost performance across a wide range of natural language and computer vision tasks. To fill this gap, we introduce Tile2Vec, an unsupervised representation learning algorithm that extends the distributional hypothesis from natural language -- words appearing in similar contexts tend to have similar meanings -- to spatially distributed data. We demonstrate empirically that Tile2Vec learns semantically meaningful representations on three datasets. Our learned representations significantly improve performance in downstream classification tasks and, similar to word vectors, visual analogies can be obtained via simple arithmetic in the latent space.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures in main text; 9 pages, 11 figures in appendi

    Lifelong Generative Modeling

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    Lifelong learning is the problem of learning multiple consecutive tasks in a sequential manner, where knowledge gained from previous tasks is retained and used to aid future learning over the lifetime of the learner. It is essential towards the development of intelligent machines that can adapt to their surroundings. In this work we focus on a lifelong learning approach to unsupervised generative modeling, where we continuously incorporate newly observed distributions into a learned model. We do so through a student-teacher Variational Autoencoder architecture which allows us to learn and preserve all the distributions seen so far, without the need to retain the past data nor the past models. Through the introduction of a novel cross-model regularizer, inspired by a Bayesian update rule, the student model leverages the information learned by the teacher, which acts as a probabilistic knowledge store. The regularizer reduces the effect of catastrophic interference that appears when we learn over sequences of distributions. We validate our model's performance on sequential variants of MNIST, FashionMNIST, PermutedMNIST, SVHN and Celeb-A and demonstrate that our model mitigates the effects of catastrophic interference faced by neural networks in sequential learning scenarios.Comment: 32 page

    UrbanFM: Inferring Fine-Grained Urban Flows

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    Urban flow monitoring systems play important roles in smart city efforts around the world. However, the ubiquitous deployment of monitoring devices, such as CCTVs, induces a long-lasting and enormous cost for maintenance and operation. This suggests the need for a technology that can reduce the number of deployed devices, while preventing the degeneration of data accuracy and granularity. In this paper, we aim to infer the real-time and fine-grained crowd flows throughout a city based on coarse-grained observations. This task is challenging due to two reasons: the spatial correlations between coarse- and fine-grained urban flows, and the complexities of external impacts. To tackle these issues, we develop a method entitled UrbanFM based on deep neural networks. Our model consists of two major parts: 1) an inference network to generate fine-grained flow distributions from coarse-grained inputs by using a feature extraction module and a novel distributional upsampling module; 2) a general fusion subnet to further boost the performance by considering the influences of different external factors. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets, namely TaxiBJ and HappyValley, validate the effectiveness and efficiency of our method compared to seven baselines, demonstrating the state-of-the-art performance of our approach on the fine-grained urban flow inference problem

    Normalizing Flows for Interventional Density Estimation

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    Existing machine learning methods for causal inference usually estimate quantities expressed via the mean of potential outcomes (e.g., average treatment effect). However, such quantities do not capture the full information about the distribution of potential outcomes. In this work, we estimate the density of potential outcomes after Interventional Normalizing Flows. Specifically, we combine two normalizing flows, namely (i) a teacher flow for estimating nuisance parameters and (ii) a student flow for a parametric estimation of the density of potential outcomes. We further develop a tractable optimization objective via a one-step bias correction for an efficient and doubly robust estimation of the student flow parameters. As a result our Interventional Normalizing Flows offer a properly normalized density estimator. Across various experiments, we demonstrate that our Interventional Normalizing Flows are expressive and highly effective, and scale well with both sample size and high-dimensional confounding. To the best of our knowledge, our Interventional Normalizing Flows are the first fully-parametric, deep learning method for density estimation of potential outcomes