421 research outputs found

    Hypergraph Modelling for Geometric Model Fitting

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    In this paper, we propose a novel hypergraph based method (called HF) to fit and segment multi-structural data. The proposed HF formulates the geometric model fitting problem as a hypergraph partition problem based on a novel hypergraph model. In the hypergraph model, vertices represent data points and hyperedges denote model hypotheses. The hypergraph, with large and "data-determined" degrees of hyperedges, can express the complex relationships between model hypotheses and data points. In addition, we develop a robust hypergraph partition algorithm to detect sub-hypergraphs for model fitting. HF can effectively and efficiently estimate the number of, and the parameters of, model instances in multi-structural data heavily corrupted with outliers simultaneously. Experimental results show the advantages of the proposed method over previous methods on both synthetic data and real images.Comment: Pattern Recognition, 201

    Mode-Seeking on Hypergraphs for Robust Geometric Model Fitting

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    In this paper, we propose a novel geometric model fitting method, called Mode-Seeking on Hypergraphs (MSH),to deal with multi-structure data even in the presence of severe outliers. The proposed method formulates geometric model fitting as a mode seeking problem on a hypergraph in which vertices represent model hypotheses and hyperedges denote data points. MSH intuitively detects model instances by a simple and effective mode seeking algorithm. In addition to the mode seeking algorithm, MSH includes a similarity measure between vertices on the hypergraph and a weight-aware sampling technique. The proposed method not only alleviates sensitivity to the data distribution, but also is scalable to large scale problems. Experimental results further demonstrate that the proposed method has significant superiority over the state-of-the-art fitting methods on both synthetic data and real images.Comment: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 2902-2910, 201

    Exploring cooperative game mechanisms of scientific coauthorship networks

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    Scientific coauthorship, generated by collaborations and competitions among researchers, reflects effective organizations of human resources. Researchers, their expected benefits through collaborations, and their cooperative costs constitute the elements of a game. Hence we propose a cooperative game model to explore the evolution mechanisms of scientific coauthorship networks. The model generates geometric hypergraphs, where the costs are modelled by space distances, and the benefits are expressed by node reputations, i. e. geometric zones that depend on node position in space and time. Modelled cooperative strategies conditioned on positive benefit-minus-cost reflect the spatial reciprocity principle in collaborations, and generate high clustering and degree assortativity, two typical features of coauthorship networks. Modelled reputations generate the generalized Poisson parts and fat tails appeared in specific distributions of empirical data, e. g. paper team size distribution. The combined effect of modelled costs and reputations reproduces the transitions emerged in degree distribution, in the correlation between degree and local clustering coefficient, etc. The model provides an example of how individual strategies induce network complexity, as well as an application of game theory to social affiliation networks

    Connectivity of Random Geometric Hypergraphs

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    We consider a random geometric hypergraph model based on an underlying bipartite graph. Nodes and hyperedges are sampled uniformly in a domain, and a node is assigned to those hyperedges that lie with a certain radius. From a modelling perspective, we explain how the model captures higher order connections that arise in real data sets. Our main contribution is to study the connectivity properties of the model. In an asymptotic limit where the number of nodes and hyperedges grow in tandem we give a condition on the radius that guarantees connectivity

    Advancements in latent space network modelling

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    The ubiquity of relational data has motivated an extensive literature on network analysis, and over the last two decades the latent space approach has become a popular network modelling framework. In this approach, the nodes of a network are represented in a low-dimensional latent space and the probability of interactions occurring are modelled as a function of the associated latent coordinates. This thesis focuses on computational and modelling aspects of the latent space approach, and we present two main contributions. First, we consider estimation of temporally evolving latent space networks in which interactions among a fixed population are observed through time. The latent coordinates of each node evolve other time and this presents a natural setting for the application of sequential monte carlo (SMC) methods. This facilitates online inference which allows estimation for dynamic networks in which the number of observations in time is large. Since the performance of SMC methods degrades as the dimension of the latent state space increases, we explore the high-dimensional SMC literature to allow estimation of networks with a larger number of nodes. Second, we develop a latent space model for network data in which the interactions occur between sets of the population and, as a motivating example, we consider a coauthorship network in which it is typical for more than two authors to contribute to an article. This type of data can be represented as a hypergraph, and we extend the latent space framework to this setting. Modelling the nodes in a latent space provides a convenient visualisation of the data and allows properties to be imposed on the hypergraph relationships. We develop a parsimonious model with a computationally convenient likelihood. Furthermore, we theoretically consider the properties of the degree distribution of our model and further explore its properties via simulation

    The infinite random simplicial complex

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    We study the Fraisse limit of the class of all finite simplicial complexes. Whilst the natural model-theoretic setting for this class uses an infinite language, a range of results associated with Fraisse limits of structures for finite languages carry across to this important example. We introduce the notion of a local class, with the class of finite simplicial complexes as an archetypal example, and in this general context prove the existence of a 0-1 law and other basic model-theoretic results. Constraining to the case where all relations are symmetric, we show that every direct limit of finite groups, and every metrizable profinite group, appears as a subgroup of the automorphism group of the Fraisse limit. Finally, for the specific case of simplicial complexes, we show that the geometric realisation is topologically surprisingly simple: despite the combinatorial complexity of the Fraisse limit, its geometric realisation is homeomorphic to the infinite simplex.Comment: 33 page

    Multiple structure recovery with T-linkage

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    reserved2noThis work addresses the problem of robust fitting of geometric structures to noisy data corrupted by outliers. An extension of J-linkage (called T-linkage) is presented and elaborated. T-linkage improves the preference analysis implemented by J-linkage in term of performances and robustness, considering both the representation and the segmentation steps. A strategy to reject outliers and to estimate the inlier threshold is proposed, resulting in a versatile tool, suitable for multi-model fitting “in the wild”. Experiments demonstrate that our methods perform better than J-linkage on simulated data, and compare favorably with state-of-the-art methods on public domain real datasets.mixedMagri L.; Fusiello A.Magri, L.; Fusiello, A
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