11 research outputs found

    HMSN : Hyperbolic Self-Supervised Learning by Clustering with Ideal Prototypes

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    Generalization of graph network inferences in higher-order probabilistic graphical models

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    Probabilistic graphical models provide a powerful tool to describe complex statistical structure, with many real-world applications in science and engineering from controlling robotic arms to understanding neuronal computations. A major challenge for these graphical models is that inferences such as marginalization are intractable for general graphs. These inferences are often approximated by a distributed message-passing algorithm such as Belief Propagation, which does not always perform well on graphs with cycles, nor can it always be easily specified for complex continuous probability distributions. Such difficulties arise frequently in expressive graphical models that include intractable higher-order interactions. In this paper we construct iterative message-passing algorithms using Graph Neural Networks defined on factor graphs to achieve fast approximate inference on graphical models that involve many-variable interactions. Experimental results on several families of graphical models demonstrate the out-of-distribution generalization capability of our method to different sized graphs, and indicate the domain in which our method gains advantage over Belief Propagation.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    H2TNE: Temporal Heterogeneous Information Network Embedding in Hyperbolic Spaces

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    Temporal heterogeneous information network (temporal HIN) embedding, aiming to represent various types of nodes of different timestamps into low dimensional spaces while preserving structural and semantic information, is of vital importance in diverse real-life tasks. Researchers have made great efforts on temporal HIN embedding in Euclidean spaces and got some considerable achievements. However, there is always a fundamental conflict that many real-world networks show hierarchical property and power-law distribution, and are not isometric of Euclidean spaces. Recently, representation learning in hyperbolic spaces has been proved to be valid for data with hierarchical and power-law structure. Inspired by this character, we propose a hyperbolic heterogeneous temporal network embedding (H2TNE) model for temporal HINs. Specifically, we leverage a temporally and heterogeneously double-constrained random walk strategy to capture the structural and semantic information, and then calculate the embedding by exploiting hyperbolic distance in proximity measurement. Experimental results show that our method has superior performance on temporal link prediction and node classification compared with SOTA models.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1705.08039 by other author

    Poincar\'e ResNet

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    This paper introduces an end-to-end residual network that operates entirely on the Poincar\'e ball model of hyperbolic space. Hyperbolic learning has recently shown great potential for visual understanding, but is currently only performed in the penultimate layer(s) of deep networks. All visual representations are still learned through standard Euclidean networks. In this paper we investigate how to learn hyperbolic representations of visual data directly from the pixel-level. We propose Poincar\'e ResNet, a hyperbolic counterpart of the celebrated residual network, starting from Poincar\'e 2D convolutions up to Poincar\'e residual connections. We identify three roadblocks for training convolutional networks entirely in hyperbolic space and propose a solution for each: (i) Current hyperbolic network initializations collapse to the origin, limiting their applicability in deeper networks. We provide an identity-based initialization that preserves norms over many layers. (ii) Residual networks rely heavily on batch normalization, which comes with expensive Fr\'echet mean calculations in hyperbolic space. We introduce Poincar\'e midpoint batch normalization as a faster and equally effective alternative. (iii) Due to the many intermediate operations in Poincar\'e layers, we lastly find that the computation graphs of deep learning libraries blow up, limiting our ability to train on deep hyperbolic networks. We provide manual backward derivations of core hyperbolic operations to maintain manageable computation graphs.Comment: International Conference on Computer Vision 202

    Matching Biomedical Ontologies via a Hybrid Graph Attention Network

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    Biomedical ontologies have been used extensively to formally define and organize biomedical terminologies, and these ontologies are typically manually created by biomedical experts. With more biomedical ontologies being built independently, matching them to address the problem of heterogeneity and interoperability has become a critical challenge in many biomedical applications. Existing matching methods have mostly focused on capturing features of terminological, structural, and contextual semantics in ontologies. However, these feature engineering-based techniques are not only labor-intensive but also ignore the hidden semantic relations in ontologies. In this study, we propose an alternative biomedical ontology-matching framework BioHAN via a hybrid graph attention network, and that consists of three techniques. First, we propose an effective ontology-enriching method that refines and enriches the ontologies through axioms and external resources. Subsequently, we use hyperbolic graph attention layers to encode hierarchical concepts in a unified hyperbolic space. Finally, we aggregate the features of both the direct and distant neighbors with a graph attention network. Experimental results on real-world biomedical ontologies demonstrate that BioHAN is competitive with the state-of-the-art ontology matching methods

    Discrete-time Temporal Network Embedding via Implicit Hierarchical Learning in Hyperbolic Space

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    Representation learning over temporal networks has drawn considerable attention in recent years. Efforts are mainly focused on modeling structural dependencies and temporal evolving regularities in Euclidean space which, however, underestimates the inherent complex and hierarchical properties in many real-world temporal networks, leading to sub-optimal embeddings. To explore these properties of a complex temporal network, we propose a hyperbolic temporal graph network (HTGN) that fully takes advantage of the exponential capacity and hierarchical awareness of hyperbolic geometry. More specially, HTGN maps the temporal graph into hyperbolic space, and incorporates hyperbolic graph neural network and hyperbolic gated recurrent neural network, to capture the evolving behaviors and implicitly preserve hierarchical information simultaneously. Furthermore, in the hyperbolic space, we propose two important modules that enable HTGN to successfully model temporal networks: (1) hyperbolic temporal contextual self-attention (HTA) module to attend to historical states and (2) hyperbolic temporal consistency (HTC) module to ensure stability and generalization. Experimental results on multiple real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of HTGN for temporal graph embedding, as it consistently outperforms competing methods by significant margins in various temporal link prediction tasks. Specifically, HTGN achieves AUC improvement up to 9.98% for link prediction and 11.4% for new link prediction. Moreover, the ablation study further validates the representational ability of hyperbolic geometry and the effectiveness of the proposed HTA and HTC modules.Comment: KDD202

    \{kappa}HGCN: Tree-likeness Modeling via Continuous and Discrete Curvature Learning

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    The prevalence of tree-like structures, encompassing hierarchical structures and power law distributions, exists extensively in real-world applications, including recommendation systems, ecosystems, financial networks, social networks, etc. Recently, the exploitation of hyperbolic space for tree-likeness modeling has garnered considerable attention owing to its exponential growth volume. Compared to the flat Euclidean space, the curved hyperbolic space provides a more amenable and embeddable room, especially for datasets exhibiting implicit tree-like architectures. However, the intricate nature of real-world tree-like data presents a considerable challenge, as it frequently displays a heterogeneous composition of tree-like, flat, and circular regions. The direct embedding of such heterogeneous structures into a homogeneous embedding space (i.e., hyperbolic space) inevitably leads to heavy distortions. To mitigate the aforementioned shortage, this study endeavors to explore the curvature between discrete structure and continuous learning space, aiming at encoding the message conveyed by the network topology in the learning process, thereby improving tree-likeness modeling. To the end, a curvature-aware hyperbolic graph convolutional neural network, \{kappa}HGCN, is proposed, which utilizes the curvature to guide message passing and improve long-range propagation. Extensive experiments on node classification and link prediction tasks verify the superiority of the proposal as it consistently outperforms various competitive models by a large margin.Comment: KDD 202

    Hyperbolic Translation-Based Sequential Recommendation

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    The goal of sequential recommendation algorithms is to predict personalized sequential behaviors of users (i.e., next-item recommendation). Learning representations of entities (i.e., users and items) from sparse interaction behaviors and capturing the relationships between entities are the main challenges for sequential recommendation. However, most sequential recommendation algorithms model relationships among entities in Euclidean space, where it is difficult to capture hierarchical relationships among entities. Moreover, most of them utilize independent components to model the user preferences and the sequential behaviors, ignoring the correlation between them. To simultaneously capture the hierarchical structure relationships and model the user preferences and the sequential behaviors in a unified framework, we propose a general hyperbolic translation-based sequential recommendation framework, namely HTSR. Specifically, we first measure the distance between entities in hyperbolic space. Then, we utilize personalized hyperbolic translation operations to model the third-order relationships among a user, his/her latest visited item, and the next item to consume. In addition, we instantiate two hyperbolic translation-based sequential recommendation models, namely Poincaré translation-based sequential recommendation (PoTSR) and Lorentzian translation-based sequential recommendation (LoTSR). PoTSR and LoTSR utilize the Poincaré distance and Lorentzian distance to measure similarities between entities, respectively. Moreover, we utilize the tangent space optimization method to determine optimal model parameters. Experimental results on five real-world datasets show that our proposed hyperbolic translation-based sequential recommendation methods outperform the state-of-the-art sequential recommendation algorithms

    Hyperbolic Deep Neural Networks: A Survey

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    Recently, there has been a rising surge of momentum for deep representation learning in hyperbolic spaces due to theirhigh capacity of modeling data like knowledge graphs or synonym hierarchies, possessing hierarchical structure. We refer to the model as hyperbolic deep neural network in this paper. Such a hyperbolic neural architecture potentially leads to drastically compact model withmuch more physical interpretability than its counterpart in Euclidean space. To stimulate future research, this paper presents acoherent and comprehensive review of the literature around the neural components in the construction of hyperbolic deep neuralnetworks, as well as the generalization of the leading deep approaches to the Hyperbolic space. It also presents current applicationsaround various machine learning tasks on several publicly available datasets, together with insightful observations and identifying openquestions and promising future directions