1,464 research outputs found

    Optimising Multilayer Perceptron weights and biases through a Cellular Genetic Algorithm for medical data classification

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    In recent years, technology in medicine has shown a significant advance due to artificial intelligence becoming a framework to make accurate medical diagnoses. Models like Multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs) can detect implicit patterns in data, allowing identifying patients conditions that cannot be seen easily. MLPs consist of biased neurons arranged in layers, connected by weighted connections. Their effectiveness depends on finding the optimal weights and biases that reduce the classification error, which is usually done by using the Back Propagation algorithm (BP). But BP has several disadvantages that could provoke the MLP not to learn. Metaheuristics are alternatives to BP that reach high-quality solutions without using many computational resources. In this work, the Cellular Genetic Algorithm (CGA) with a specially designed crossover operator called Damped Crossover (DX), is proposed to optimise weights and biases of the MLP to classify medical data. When compared against state-of-the-art algorithms, the CGA configured with DX obtained the minimal Mean Square Error value in three out of the five considered medical datasets and was the quickest algorithm with four datasets, showing a better balance between time consumed and optimisation performance. Additionally, it is competitive in enhancing classification quality, reaching the best accuracy with two datasets and the second-best accuracy with two of the remaining.Fil: Rojas, Matias Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto para las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones; ArgentinaFil: Olivera, Ana Carolina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto para las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Vidal, Pablo Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto para las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentin

    Differential Evolution Algorithm with Triangular Adaptive Control Parameter for SHEPWM Switching Pattern Optimization

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    The exponentially convergent trapezoidal rule

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    It is well known that the trapezoidal rule converges geometrically when applied to analytic functions on periodic intervals or the real line. The mathematics and history of this phenomenon are reviewed and it is shown that far from being a curiosity, it is linked with computational methods all across scientific computing, including algorithms related to inverse Laplace transforms, special functions, complex analysis, rational approximation, integral equations, and the computation of functions and eigenvalues of matrices and operators

    A Brief Review on Mathematical Tools Applicable to Quantum Computing for Modelling and Optimization Problems in Engineering

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    Since its emergence, quantum computing has enabled a wide spectrum of new possibilities and advantages, including its efficiency in accelerating computational processes exponentially. This has directed much research towards completely novel ways of solving a wide variety of engineering problems, especially through describing quantum versions of many mathematical tools such as Fourier and Laplace transforms, differential equations, systems of linear equations, and optimization techniques, among others. Exploration and development in this direction will revolutionize the world of engineering. In this manuscript, we review the state of the art of these emerging techniques from the perspective of quantum computer development and performance optimization, with a focus on the most common mathematical tools that support engineering applications. This review focuses on the application of these mathematical tools to quantum computer development and performance improvement/optimization. It also identifies the challenges and limitations related to the exploitation of quantum computing and outlines the main opportunities for future contributions. This review aims at offering a valuable reference for researchers in fields of engineering that are likely to turn to quantum computing for solutions. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-01-020 Full Text: PD

    Individual and ensemble functional link neural networks for data classification

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    This study investigated the Functional Link Neural Network (FLNN) for solving data classification problems. FLNN based models were developed using evolutionary methods as well as ensemble methods. The outcomes of the experiments covering benchmark classification problems, positively demonstrated the efficacy of the proposed models for undertaking data classification problems


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    Finding alternative power sources has been an important topic of study worldwide. It is vital to find substitutes for finite fossil fuels. Such substitutes may be termed renewable energy sources and infinite supplies. Such limitless sources are derived from ambient energy like wind energy, solar energy, sea waves energy; on the other hand, smart cities megaprojects have been receiving enormous amounts of funding to transition our lives into smart lives. Smart cities heavily rely on smart devices and electronics, which utilize small amounts of energy to run. Using batteries as the power source for such smart devices imposes environmental and labor cost issues. Moreover, in many cases, smart devices are in hard-to-access places, making accessibility for disposal and replacement difficult. Finally, battery waste harms the environment. To overcome these issues, vibration-based energy harvesters have been proposed and implemented. Vibration-based energy harvesters convert the dynamic or kinetic energy which is generated due to the motion of an object into electric energy. Energy transduction mechanisms can be delivered based on piezoelectric, electromagnetic, or electrostatic methods; the piezoelectric method is generally preferred to the other methods, particularly if the frequency fluctuations are considerable. In response, piezoelectric vibration-based energy harvesters (PVEHs), have been modeled and analyzed widely. However, there are two challenges with PVEH: the maximum amount of extractable voltage and the effective (operational) frequency bandwidth are often insufficient. In this dissertation, a new type of integrated multiple system comprised of a cantilever and spring-oscillator is proposed to improve and develop the performance of the energy harvester in terms of extractable voltage and effective frequency bandwidth. The new energy harvester model is proposed to supply sufficient energy to power low-power electronic devices like RFID components. Due to the temperature fluctuations, the thermal effect over the performance of the harvester is initially studied. To alter the resonance frequency of the harvester structure, a rotating element system is considered and analyzed. In the analytical-numerical analysis, Hamilton’s principle along with Galerkin’s decomposition approach are adopted to derive the governing equations of the harvester motion and corresponding electric circuit. It is observed that integration of the spring-oscillator subsystem alters the boundary condition of the cantilever and subsequently reforms the resulting characteristic equation into a more complicated nonlinear transcendental equation. To find the resonance frequencies, this equation is solved numerically in MATLAB. It is observed that the inertial effects of the oscillator rendered to the cantilever via the restoring force effects of the spring significantly alter vibrational features of the harvester. Finally, the voltage frequency response function is analytically and numerically derived in a closed-from expression. Variations in parameter values enable the designer to mutate resonance frequencies and mode shape functions as desired. This is particularly important, since the generated energy from a PVEH is significant only if the excitation frequency coming from an external source matches the resonance (natural) frequency of the harvester structure. In subsequent sections of this work, the oscillator mass and spring stiffness are considered as the design parameters to maximize the harvestable voltage and effective frequency bandwidth, respectively. For the optimization, a genetic algorithm is adopted to find the optimal values. Since the voltage frequency response function cannot be implemented in a computer algorithm script, a suitable function approximator (regressor) is designed using fuzzy logic and neural networks. The voltage function requires manual assistance to find the resonance frequency and cannot be done automatically using computer algorithms. Specifically, to apply the numerical root-solver, one needs to manually provide the solver with an initial guess. Such an estimation is accomplished using a plot of the characteristic equation along with human visual inference. Thus, the entire process cannot be automated. Moreover, the voltage function encompasses several coefficients making the process computationally expensive. Thus, training a supervised machine learning regressor is essential. The trained regressor using adaptive-neuro-fuzzy-inference-system (ANFIS) is utilized in the genetic optimization procedure. The optimization problem is implemented, first to find the maximum voltage and second to find the maximum widened effective frequency bandwidth, which yields the optimal oscillator mass value along with the optimal spring stiffness value. As there is often no control over the external excitation frequency, it is helpful to design an adaptive energy harvester. This means that, considering a specific given value of the excitation frequency, energy harvester system parameters (oscillator mass and spring stiffness) need to be adjusted so that the resulting natural (resonance) frequency of the system aligns with the given excitation frequency. To do so, the given excitation frequency value is considered as the input and the system parameters are assumed as outputs which are estimated via the neural network fuzzy logic regressor. Finally, an experimental setup is implemented for a simple pure cantilever energy harvester triggered by impact excitations. Unlike the theoretical section, the experimental excitation is considered to be an impact excitation, which is a random process. The rationale for this is that, in the real world, the external source is a random trigger. Harmonic base excitations used in the theoretical chapters are to assess the performance of the energy harvester per standard criteria. To evaluate the performance of a proposed energy harvester model, the input excitation type consists of harmonic base triggers. In summary, this dissertation discusses several case studies and addresses key issues in the design of optimized piezoelectric vibration-based energy harvesters (PVEHs). First, an advanced model of the integrated systems is presented with equation derivations. Second, the proposed model is decomposed and analyzed in terms of mechanical and electrical frequency response functions. To do so, analytic-numeric methods are adopted. Later, influential parameters of the integrated system are detected. Then the proposed model is optimized with respect to the two vital criteria of maximum amount of extractable voltage and widened effective (operational) frequency bandwidth. Corresponding design (influential) parameters are found using neural network fuzzy logic along with genetic optimization algorithms, i.e., a soft computing method. The accuracy of the trained integrated algorithms is verified using the analytical-numerical closed-form expression of the voltage function. Then, an adaptive piezoelectric vibration-based energy harvester (PVEH) is designed. This final design pertains to the cases where the excitation (driving) frequency is given and constant, so the desired goal is to match the natural frequency of the system with the given driving frequency. In this response, a regressor using neural network fuzzy logic is designed to find the proper design parameters. Finally, the experimental setup is implemented and tested to report the maximum voltage harvested in each test execution

    Model-reduced variational fluid simulation

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    We present a model-reduced variational Eulerian integrator for incompressible fluids, which combines the efficiency gains of dimension reduction, the qualitative robustness of coarse spatial and temporal resolutions of geometric integrators, and the simplicity of sub-grid accurate boundary conditions on regular grids to deal with arbitrarily-shaped domains. At the core of our contributions is a functional map approach to fluid simulation for which scalar- and vector-valued eigenfunctions of the Laplacian operator can be easily used as reduced bases. Using a variational integrator in time to preserve liveliness and a simple, yet accurate embedding of the fluid domain onto a Cartesian grid, our model-reduced fluid simulator can achieve realistic animations in significantly less computational time than full-scale non-dissipative methods but without the numerical viscosity from which current reduced methods suffer. We also demonstrate the versatility of our approach by showing how it easily extends to magnetohydrodynamics and turbulence modeling in 2D, 3D and curved domains

    Multi self-adapting particle swarm optimization algorithm (MSAPSO).

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    The performance and stability of the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm depends on parameters that are typically tuned manually or adapted based on knowledge from empirical parameter studies. Such parameter selection is ineffectual when faced with a broad range of problem types, which often hinders the adoption of PSO to real world problems. This dissertation develops a dynamic self-optimization approach for the respective parameters (inertia weight, social and cognition). The effects of self-adaption for the optimal balance between superior performance (convergence) and the robustness (divergence) of the algorithm with regard to both simple and complex benchmark functions is investigated. This work creates a swarm variant which is parameter-less, which means that it is virtually independent of the underlying examined problem type. As PSO variants always have the issue, that they can be stuck-in-local-optima, as second main topic the MSAPSO algorithm do have a highly flexible escape-lmin-strategy embedded, which works dimension-less. The MSAPSO algorithm outperforms other PSO variants and also other swarm inspired approaches such as Memetic Firefly algorithm with these two major algorithmic elements (parameter-less approach, dimension-less escape-lmin-strategy). The average performance increase in two dimensions is at least fifteen percent with regard to the compared swarm variants. In higher dimensions (≥ 250) the performance gain accumulates to about fifty percent in average. At the same time the error-proneness of MSAPSO is in average similar or even significant better when converging to the respective global optima’s