5,098 research outputs found

    Sistema de recomendación de programas universitarios para estudiantes de educación media basado en Deep Learning

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    High school students who are faced with the selection of academic programs decide based on program information available in search engines, websites, vocational counselling by advisors, or tests. However, these alternatives have limitations because they do not take into important historical and sociodemographic information, or in case of the advisors, they cannot guide all students. This work supports the decision-making of students through a Recommendation System that presents recommendations based on sociodemographic variables and historical academic data. Also, we propose and compare two methods:   a classic Collaborative Filtering model and a Deep Learning model.Los estudiantes que van a culminar la educación media y se enfrentan a la selección de programas académicos, usualmente usan buscadores web, información de programas y asesorías o pruebas vocacionales. Sin embargo, estas alternativas tienen limitaciones, porque no tienen en cuenta las características sociodemográficas del estudiante ni su desempeño académico o no pueden guiar adecuadamente a todos los estudiantes. Esta propuesta apoya la toma de decisiones de este grupo poblacional con un Sistema de Recomendación que produce recomendaciones basadas en variables sociodemográficas y datos académicos históricos de estudiantes de pregrado.  Además, se compara el desempeño de un modelo de Filtrado Colaborativo clásico y Deep Learning

    Effects of Extra-Curricular Project-Based Learning Experiences on Self-Efficacy and Interest in STEM Fields in High School

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    As our society and systems become more technologically advanced, increasing opportunities exist for students interested to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. However, pervasive inequities have led to differences in the extent to which women and underrepresented racial/ethnic groups choose to pursue study and career pathways in STEM. Project-Based Learning (PBL) is among the most widely researched strategies suggested to support student learning and motivation and has more recently been applied to school-based efforts to increase student interest in STEM related fields. Rooted in Social Cognitive Career Theory, this study examined changes in students’ self-reported general self-efficacy and interest in STEM fields following a four-week Project-Based Learning experience focused on career pathways in advanced manufacturing. Thirty students across four high schools participated in a month-long Project-Based Learning experience to introduce them to the field of advanced manufacturing. Findings from a 15-item online survey distributed at the beginning and end of a virtual four-week PBL workshop revealed significantly higher self-reported general self-efficacy scores following the PBL experience. While overall findings revealed a positive correlation between students’ self-reported general self-efficacy and STEM interest, the relationships varied by student demographic groups. Recommendations for further research and applications to practice are provided

    Defining and Detecting Toxicity on Social Media: Context and Knowledge are Key

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    As the role of online platforms has become increasingly prominent for communication, toxic behaviors, such as cyberbullying and harassment, have been rampant in the last decade. On the other hand, online toxicity is multi-dimensional and sensitive in nature, which makes its detection challenging. As the impact of exposure to online toxicity can lead to serious implications for individuals and communities, reliable models and algorithms are required for detecting and understanding such communications. In this paper We define toxicity to provide a foundation drawing social theories. Then, we provide an approach that identifies multiple dimensions of toxicity and incorporates explicit knowledge in a statistical learning algorithm to resolve ambiguity across such dimensions

    The response to nutritional labels:Evidence from a quasi-experiment

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    This paper evaluates a UK policy that aimed to improve dietary information provision by introducing nutrition labelling on retailers’ store-brand products. Exploiting the differential timing of the introduction of Front-of-Pack nutrition labels as a quasi-experiment, our findings suggest that labelling led to a reduction in the quantity purchased of labelled store-brand foods, and an improvement in their nutritional composition. More specifically, we find that households reduced the total monthly calories from labelled store-brand foods by 588 kcal, saturated fats by 14 g, sugars by 7 g, and sodium by 0.8 mg


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    This study investigated the utility of the MMPI-A short form described by Archer, Tirrell, and Elkins (2001) for detecting the presence of emotionality in adolescents in the school setting. Students were placed in one of three groups based on their performance on an established and frequently used self-report measure of personality, the Behavior Assessment System for Children-II (BASC- 2). Subjects who had significant elevations on one or more of the scales in Internalizing Index on the BASC-2 were placed in the Clinical group and subjects who had significant elevations on one or more of the scales the School Problems Index or Personal Adjustment Index were placed in the Adjustment group. Those without significant elevations on the BASC-2 were placed in the Nonclinical group. Differences between the three groups on each of the MMPI-A short form clinical scales were reported. The results indicated that the students in the Clinical group scored higher than students in the Non-clinical group on each of the MMPI-A short form scales. Adjustment group scores tended to be higher than Non-clinical group scores but not all scales were significantly higher. Discriminant analysis correctly classified 75% of the non-clinical group, 52% of the Clinical group, but only 37% of the Adjustment group. These findings, combined with additional analysis of clinical relevant data, provided positive indicators supporting the use of the short form in clinical settings

    2023-2024 Catalog

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    The 2023-2024 Governors State University Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog is a comprehensive listing of current information regarding:Degree RequirementsCourse OfferingsUndergraduate and Graduate Rules and Regulation

    2022-2023 Catalog

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    The 2022-2023 Governors State University Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog is a comprehensive listing of current information regarding:Degree RequirementsCourse OfferingsUndergraduate and Graduate Rules and Regulation