2 research outputs found

    Classification and features selection method for obesity level prediction

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    Obesity has become one of the world’s largest health issues, rich and poor countries, without exception, have each year larger populations with this condition. Obesity and overweight are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and has nearly tripled since 1975. Data Mining and their techniques have become a strong scientific field to analyze huge data sources and to provide new information about patterns and behaviors from the population. This study uses data mining techniques to build a model for obesity prediction, using a dataset based on a survey for college students in several countries. After cleaning and transformation of the data, a set of classification methods was implemented (Logistic Model Tree - LMT, RandomForest - RF, Multi-Layer Perceptron - MLP and Support Vector Machines - SVM), and the feature selection methods InfoGain, GainRatio, Chi-Square and Relief, finally, crossed validation was performed for the training and testing processes. The data showed than LMT had the best performance in precision, obtaining 96.65%, compared to RandomForest (95.62%), MLP (94.41%) and SMO (83.89%), so this study shows that LMT it can be used with confidence to analyze obesity and similar data

    Hybrid obesity monitoring model using sensors and community engagement

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    Obesity has been recognized to be among the principal causes of many chronic diseases such as diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension, and other cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, monitoring, controlling, and preventing obesity will mitigate the risks generated from the complications of these diseases. Comprehensive preventive measures are essential to control the spread of obesity, while healthcare systems should be organized on the basis of locally derived data to provide adequate and affordable care to the increasing groups of overweight and obese people. In this paper, we propose a hybrid model that relies on both data collected from sensors and participatory data collected from a social network community established to provide value-added obesity awareness, monitoring, and prevention. The model encompasses some key smart features including tracking food intake, lifestyle, and exercise activities, generating warnings and recommendations, and triggering interventions whenever needed. Our model also mines the collected data to produce statistical analysis that can be used by health authorities to have a clear picture of the health status of the population and might help in making rational and informed decisions. Moreover, we implement a prototype of our model as a set of Web services using the SOA paradigm and lightweight protocols. Promising results of our prototype are reported and analyzed