48 research outputs found

    Hybrid Microassembly with Surface Tension Driven Self-alignment: Handling Strategies and Micro-fabricated Patterns

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    Hybrid microassembly combines self-assembly technology with traditional robotic pick-and-place technology or other robotic feeding mechanics to construct microsystems. In a typical hybrid microassembly process, a micro part is brought adjacent to the assembly site by a robot handling tool at a high speed but with a relatively low precision, and liquid droplets dispensed by a dispenser at the assembly site align the part at a higher precision. By combing both the robotic pick-and-place technique and self-assembly technique, hybrid microassembly technique can achieve high speed and high precision simultaneously. This thesis explores the adaptability of hybrid microassembly technique by investigating different hybrid microassembly methods and different types of the patterns. Three hybrid microassembly approaches have been investigated: 1) droplet assisted hybrid microassembly, 2) water mist induced hybrid microassembly and 3) hybrid microassembly with forced wetting. The droplet assisted hybrid microassembly has been studied using patterns with segments and patterns with jagged edges. Parallel microassembly of microchips with water mist induced hybrid microassembly has also been explored. Hybrid microassembly on hydrophobic receptor site with super-hydrophobic substrate has been experimentally investigated with two forced wetting techniques. Four different types of patterns have been investigated for hybrid microassembly technique: (a) oleophilic/phobic patterns, (2) hydrophobic/super-hydrophobic patterns, (3) segmented patterns and (4) patterns with jagged edges. Hybrid microassembly has been studied on a new patterned oleophilic/oleophobic surface using adhesive droplet in ambient air environment. A patterned hydrophobic/super-hydrophobic surface has also been investigated and hybrid microassembly has been demonstrated with both water and adhesive. Application relevant patterns such as segmented patterns and patterns with jagged edges have been investigated. In summary, this thesis shows that hybrid microassembly can adapt to large varieties of patterns. Several new hybrid microassembly methods are developed and demonstrated. Such a wide adaptability and a variety of the processes indicate that hybrid microassembly can be a very promising approach for many potential applications, such as integration of surface emitting lasers, integration of small dies and 3D integration of chips with high density pin counts

    High precision self-alignment using liquid surface tension for additively manufactured micro components

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    Self-assembly of components using liquid surface tension is an attractive alternative to traditional robotic pick-and-place as it offers high assembly accuracy for coarse initial part placement. One of the key requirements of this method is the containment of the liquid within a designated binding site. This paper looks to expand the applications of self-assembly and investigates the use of topographical structures applied to 3D printed micro components for self-assembly using liquid surface tension. An analysis of the effect of edge geometry on liquid contact angle was conducted. A range of binding sites were produced with varying edge geometries, 45-135°, and for a variety of site shapes and sizes, 0.4 - 1 mm in diameter, and 0.5 x 0.5 – 1 x 1 mm square. Liquid water droplets were applied to the structures and contact angles measured. Significant increases in contact angle were observed, up to 158°, compared to 70° for droplets on planar surfaces, demonstrating the ability of these binding sites to successfully pin the triple contact line at the boundary. Three challenging self-assembly cases were examined, 1) linear initial component misplacement >0.5 mm, 2) angular misplacement of components, 3) 2 misplacement of droplet. Across all three assembly cases the lowest misalignments in final component position, as well as highest repeatability, were observed for structures with actual edge geometries <90° (excluding 45° nominal), where the mean magnitude of misalignment was found to be 31 μm with 14 μm standard deviation

    Enabling Capillary Self-Assembly for Microsystem Integration

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    Efficient and precise assembly of very-large quantities of sub-millimeter-sized devices onto pre-processed substrates is presently a key frontier for microelectronics, in its aspiration to large-scale mass production of devices with new functionalities and applications (e.g. thin dies embedded into flexible substrates, 3D microsystem integration). In this perspective, on the one hand established pick&place assembly techniques may be unsuitable, due to a trade-off between throughput and placement accuracy and to difficulties in predictably handling very-small devices. On the other hand, self-assembly processes are massively parallel, may run unsupervised and allow contactless manipulation of objects. The convergence between robotic assembly and self-assembly, epitomized by capillarity-enhanced flip-chip assembly, can therefore enable an ideal technology meeting short-to-medium-term electronic packaging and assembly needs. The objective of this thesis is bridging the gap between academic proofs-of- concept of capillary self-assembly and its industrial application. Our work solves several issues relevant to capillary self-assembly of thin dies onto preprocessed substrates. Very-different phenomena and aspects of both scientific and technological interest coexist in such a broad context. They were tackled both experimentally and theoretically. After a critical review of the state-of-the-art in microsystem integration, a complete quasi-static study of lateral capillary meniscus forces is presented. Our experimental setup enables also a novel method to measure the contact angle of liquids. Recessed binding sites are introduced to obtain perfectly-conformal fluid dip-coating of patterned surfaces, which enables the effective and robust coding of geometrical information into binding sites to direct the assembly of parts. A general procedure to establish solder-mediated electro-mechanical interconnections between parts and substrate is validated. Smart surface chemistries are invoked to solve the issue of mutual adhesion between parts during the capillary self-assembly process. Two chemical kinetic-inspired analytic models of fluidic self-assembly are presented and criticized to introduce a novel agent-based model of the process. The latter approach allows realistic simulations by taking into account spatial factors and collision dynamics. Concluding speculations propose envisioned solutions to residual open issues and further perspectives for this field of rapidly-growing importance

    Workshop on "Robotic assembly of 3D MEMS".

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    Proceedings of a workshop proposed in IEEE IROS'2007.The increase of MEMS' functionalities often requires the integration of various technologies used for mechanical, optical and electronic subsystems in order to achieve a unique system. These different technologies have usually process incompatibilities and the whole microsystem can not be obtained monolithically and then requires microassembly steps. Microassembly of MEMS based on micrometric components is one of the most promising approaches to achieve high-performance MEMS. Moreover, microassembly also permits to develop suitable MEMS packaging as well as 3D components although microfabrication technologies are usually able to create 2D and "2.5D" components. The study of microassembly methods is consequently a high stake for MEMS technologies growth. Two approaches are currently developped for microassembly: self-assembly and robotic microassembly. In the first one, the assembly is highly parallel but the efficiency and the flexibility still stay low. The robotic approach has the potential to reach precise and reliable assembly with high flexibility. The proposed workshop focuses on this second approach and will take a bearing of the corresponding microrobotic issues. Beyond the microfabrication technologies, performing MEMS microassembly requires, micromanipulation strategies, microworld dynamics and attachment technologies. The design and the fabrication of the microrobot end-effectors as well as the assembled micro-parts require the use of microfabrication technologies. Moreover new micromanipulation strategies are necessary to handle and position micro-parts with sufficiently high accuracy during assembly. The dynamic behaviour of micrometric objects has also to be studied and controlled. Finally, after positioning the micro-part, attachment technologies are necessary

    Experimental study on droplet self-alignment assisted robotic microhandling

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    Tämän diplomityön päätavoite on tutkia kokeellisesti eri prosessiparametrien vaikutusta Teknillisessä korkeakoulussa kehitetyn hybridimenetelmän tuloksiin mikrokokoonpanossa. Menetelmässä yhdistetään robottimikrotarttujan käyttö ja mikrokappaleiden pisara-avusteinen itseorganisoituminen kapillaarivoimien avulla. Työn selvitysosuudessa on kaksi osiota. Ensimmäisessä osiossa tutustutaan mikrokokoluokan erityispiirteisiin ja mikrokokoonpanomenetelmiin sekä robottiavusteisten ja itseorganisoituvuutta käyttävien menetelmien kautta. Toisessa osiossa keskitytään kapillaarivoimaan ja sen sovelluksiin mikrokappaleiden käsittelyssä. Kokeellinen menetelmä ja koelaitteisto esitellään työn toisessa osuudessa. Myös parametrit, joita ovat vapautuspaikan ero lopulliseen paikkaan, nesteen määrä ja palan koko, esitellään tarkemmin. Testien kulun yksityskohdat käsitellään. Kokeellisessa osassa suoritettujen testien tulokset esitetään. Kokoonpanon onnistumistodennäköisyyttä tarkastellaan ja vertaillaan eri prosessiparametrien funktiona. Menetelmän tarkkuutta arvioidaan pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskooppikuvien avulla. Tulokset osoittavat, että tutkitulla robotiikaa ja pisaran itseasennoitumista hyödyntävällä menetelmällä voidaan luotettavasti kokoonpanna mikrokappaleita. Saavutettu tarkkuus (1-2 µm) on vertailukelpoinen itseorganisoitumista käyttävien menetelmien kanssa.The main objective of this thesis is to experimentally study the effect of different process parameters on the results of a hybrid micro assembly method previously developed at TKK. The hybrid method is a combination of robotic micro handling and droplet self-alignment. The survey part of the thesis has two sections. The first part gives an overview of the micro world and the state-of-the-art of micro assembly methods including both robotic and self-assembly methods. The second part concentrates on capillary force and its applications in micro handling. The experimental method, the test set-up and key test parameters are discussed in the second part of the thesis. The key parameters include biases (the initial error in the part location before self-alignment) in three axes, the amount of liquid for self-alignment and the size of the parts. Moreover, the test procedure is described in details. Several sets of tests were conducted and the results are analyzed carefully in the third, experimental part of the thesis. Especially the success rates and areas of success as a function of different parameters are studied and compared. The accuracy of the final assembly is analyzed by a scanning electron microscope. The results show that the hybrid micro assembly method is reliable for assembling micro parts. The study on the effects of the process parameters prove that accuracy requirements of the handling robot are very low while the accuracy obtained with the method is in the range of 1-2 µm, comparable with what has been achieved by self-assembly

    Capacitive coupled RFID tag using a new dielectric droplet encapsulation approach

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    Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a well-known and fast-growing technology used to identify people, animals and products. RFID tags are used to replace bar codes in a wide range of applications, to mention just a few, retail, transportation, logistics and healthcare. The two main driving aspects for most of research and development projects concerning RFID tags are the reduction of assembly costs and the downsizing of microchips. In that respect and considering an Industry 4.0 scenario, the study of a new assembly approach for passive and high frequency RFID tags has been proposed and studied in this thesis. In this new approach, which is based on the inkjet printing technology, a specifically designed radio frequency integrated circuit (RFIC) will be delivered, inside a liquid dielectric droplet, onto the antenna and no longer placed and oriented precisely as it happens nowadays with pick-and-place and flip chip machines. After a landing phase, the liquid droplet (with the encapsulated chip) will self-aligns with respect to the contact thanks to capillary forces driven by specifically designed wetting conditions on the substrate of the antenna. Finally, with few additional steps, the complete RFID tag is created. This research project brings to light a considerable simplification and a very high potential of parallelization, compatible with large volume manufacturing methods, in comparison to nowadays existing technologies. This may substantially drive down the fabrication costs. An in-depth analysis of electrical performances have been carefully undertaken and compliance with the ISO/IEC 144443 standard has been verified. Mathematical models have been developed showing fundamental limits for the maximum tag reading range and power requirements of the RFID reader

    International Workshop on MicroFactories (IWMF 2012): 17th-20th June 2012 Tampere Hall Tampere, Finland

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    This Workshop provides a forum for researchers and practitioners in industry working on the diverse issues of micro and desktop factories, as well as technologies and processes applicable for micro and desktop factories. Micro and desktop factories decrease the need of factory floor space, and reduce energy consumption and improve material and resource utilization thus strongly supporting the new sustainable manufacturing paradigm. They can be seen also as a proper solution to point-of-need manufacturing of customized and personalized products near the point of need

    Surface tension-powered self-assembly of micro structures - The state-of-the-art

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