83 research outputs found

    Hybrid learning for interval type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy logic systems as applied to identification and prediction problems

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    This paper presents a novel application of a hybrid learning approach to the optimisation of membership and non-membership functions of a newly developed interval type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy logic system (IT2 IFLS) of a Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) fuzzy inference system with neural network learning capability. The hybrid algorithms consisting of decou- pled extended Kalman filter (DEKF) and gradient descent (GD) are used to tune the parameters of the IT2 IFLS for the first time. The DEKF is used to tune the consequent parameters in the forward pass while the GD method is used to tune the antecedents parts during the backward pass of the hybrid learning. The hybrid algorithm is described and evaluated, prediction and identification results together with the runtime are compared with similar existing studies in the literature. Performance comparison is made between the proposed hybrid learning model of IT2 IFLS, a TSK-type-1 intuitionistic fuzzy logic system (IFLS-TSK) and a TSK-type interval type-2 fuzzy logic system (IT2 FLS-TSK) on two instances of the datasets under investigation. The empirical comparison is made on the designed systems using three artificially generated datasets and three real world datasets. Analysis of results reveal that IT2 IFLS outperforms its type-1 variants, IT2 FLS and most of the existing models in the literature. Moreover, the minimal run time of the proposed hybrid learning model for IT2 IFLS also puts this model forward as a good candidate for application in real time systems

    Heuristic design of fuzzy inference systems: a review of three decades of research

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    This paper provides an in-depth review of the optimal design of type-1 and type-2 fuzzy inference systems (FIS) using five well known computational frameworks: genetic-fuzzy systems (GFS), neuro-fuzzy systems (NFS), hierarchical fuzzy systems (HFS), evolving fuzzy systems (EFS), and multi-objective fuzzy systems (MFS), which is in view that some of them are linked to each other. The heuristic design of GFS uses evolutionary algorithms for optimizing both Mamdani-type and Takagi–Sugeno–Kang-type fuzzy systems. Whereas, the NFS combines the FIS with neural network learning systems to improve the approximation ability. An HFS combines two or more low-dimensional fuzzy logic units in a hierarchical design to overcome the curse of dimensionality. An EFS solves the data streaming issues by evolving the system incrementally, and an MFS solves the multi-objective trade-offs like the simultaneous maximization of both interpretability and accuracy. This paper offers a synthesis of these dimensions and explores their potentials, challenges, and opportunities in FIS research. This review also examines the complex relations among these dimensions and the possibilities of combining one or more computational frameworks adding another dimension: deep fuzzy systems

    Interval type-2 Atanassov-intuitionistic fuzzy logic for uncertainty modelling

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    This thesis investigates a new paradigm for uncertainty modelling by employing a new class of type-2 fuzzy logic system that utilises fuzzy sets with membership and non-membership functions that are intervals. Fuzzy logic systems, employing type-1 fuzzy sets, that mark a shift from computing with numbers towards computing with words have made remarkable impacts in the field of artificial intelligence. Fuzzy logic systems of type-2, a generalisation of type-1 fuzzy logic systems that utilise type-2 fuzzy sets, have created tremendous advances in uncertainty modelling. The key feature of the type-2 fuzzy logic systems, with particular reference to interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems, is that the membership functions of interval type-2 fuzzy sets are themselves fuzzy. These give interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems an advantage over their type-1 counterparts which have precise membership functions. Whilst the interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems are effective in modelling uncertainty, they are not able to adequately handle an indeterminate/neutral characteristic of a set, because interval type-2 fuzzy sets are only specified by membership functions with an implicit assertion that the non-membership functions are complements of the membership functions (lower or upper). In a real life scenario, it is not necessarily the case that the non-membership function of a set is complementary to the membership function. There may be some degree of hesitation arising from ignorance or a complete lack of interest concerning a particular phenomenon. Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy set, another generalisation of the classical fuzzy set, captures this thought process by simultaneously defining a fuzzy set with membership and non-membership functions such that the sum of both membership and non-membership functions is less than or equal to 1. In this thesis, the advantages of both worlds (interval type-2 fuzzy set and Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy set) are explored and a new and enhanced class of interval type-2 fuzzy set namely, interval type-2 Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy set, that enables hesitation, is introduced. The corresponding fuzzy logic system namely, interval type-2 Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy logic system is rigorously and systematically formulated. In order to assess this thesis investigates a new paradigm for uncertainty modelling by employing a new class of type-2 fuzzy logic system that utilises fuzzy sets with membership and non-membership functions that are intervals. Fuzzy logic systems, employing type-1 fuzzy sets, that mark shift from computing with numbers towards computing with words have made remarkable impacts in the field of artificial intelligence. Fuzzy logic systems of type-2, a generalisation of type-1 fuzzy logic systems that utilise type-2 fuzzy sets, have created tremendous advances in uncertainty modelling. The key feature of the type-2 fuzzy logic systems, with particular reference to interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems, is that the membership functions of interval type-2 fuzzy sets are themselves fuzzy. These give interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems an advantage over their type-1 counterparts which have precise membership functions. Whilst the interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems are effective in modelling uncertainty, they are not able to adequately handle an indeterminate/neutral characteristic of a set, because interval type-2 fuzzy sets are only specified by membership functions with an implicit assertion that the non-membership functions are complements of the membership functions (lower or upper). In a real life scenario, it is not necessarily the case that the non-membership function of a set is complementary to the membership function. There may be some degree of hesitation arising from ignorance or a complete lack of interest concerning a particular phenomenon. Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy set, another generalisation of the classical fuzzy set, captures this thought process by simultaneously defining a fuzzy set with membership and non-membership functions such that the sum of both membership and non-membership functions is less than or equal to 1. In this thesis, the advantages of both worlds (interval type-2 fuzzy set and Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy set) are explored and a new and enhanced class of interval type-2 fuzz set namely, interval type-2 Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy set, that enables hesitation, is introduced. The corresponding fuzzy logic system namely, interval type-2 Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy logic system is rigorously and systematically formulated. In order to assess the viability and efficacy of the developed framework, the possibilities of the optimisation of the parameters of this class of fuzzy systems are rigorously examined. First, the parameters of the developed model are optimised using one of the most popular fuzzy logic optimisation algorithms such as gradient descent (first-order derivative) algorithm and evaluated on publicly available benchmark datasets from diverse domains and characteristics. It is shown that the new interval type-2 Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy logic system is able to handle uncertainty well through the minimisation of the error of the system compared with other approaches on the same problem instances and performance criteria. Secondly, the parameters of the proposed framework are optimised using a decoupledextended Kalman filter (second-order derivative) algorithm in order to address the shortcomings of the first-order gradient descent method. It is shown statistically that the performance of this new framework with fuzzy membership and non-membership functions is significantly better than the classical interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems which have only the fuzzy membership functions, and its type-1 counterpart which are specified by single membership and non-membership functions. The model is also assessed using a hybrid learning of decoupled extended Kalman filter and gradient descent methods. The proposed framework with hybrid learning algorithm is evaluated by comparing it with existing approaches reported in the literature on the same problem instances and performance metrics. The simulation results have demonstrated the potential benefits of using the proposed framework in uncertainty modelling. In the overall, the fusion of these two concepts (interval type-2 fuzzy logic system and Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy logic system) provides a synergistic capability in dealing with imprecise and vague information

    Learning of Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems using Simulated Annealing.

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    This thesis reports the work of using simulated annealing to design more efficient fuzzy logic systems to model problems with associated uncertainties. Simulated annealing is used within this work as a method for learning the best configurations of type-1 and type-2 fuzzy logic systems to maximise their modelling ability. Therefore, it presents the combination of simulated annealing with three models, type-1 fuzzy logic systems, interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems and general type-2 fuzzy logic systems to model four bench-mark problems including real-world problems. These problems are: noise-free Mackey-Glass time series forecasting, noisy Mackey-Glass time series forecasting and two real world problems which are: the estimation of the low voltage electrical line length in rural towns and the estimation of the medium voltage electrical line maintenance cost. The type-1 and type-2 fuzzy logic systems models are compared in their abilities to model uncertainties associated with these problems. Also, issues related to this combination between simulated annealing and fuzzy logic systems including type-2 fuzzy logic systems are discussed. The thesis contributes to knowledge by presenting novel contributions. The first is a novel approach to design interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems using the simulated annealing algorithm. Another novelty is related to the first automatic design of general type-2 fuzzy logic system using the vertical slice representation and a novel method to overcome some parametrisation difficulties when learning general type-2 fuzzy logic systems. The work shows that interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems added more abilities to modelling information and handling uncertainties than type-1 fuzzy logic systems but with a cost of more computations and time. For general type-2 fuzzy logic systems, the clear conclusion that learning the third dimension can add more abilities to modelling is an important advance in type-2 fuzzy logic systems research and should open the doors for more promising research and practical works on using general type-2 fuzzy logic systems to modelling applications despite the more computations associated with it

    Study on sensible beginning divided-search enhanced Karnik-Mendel algorithms for centroid type-reduction of general type-2 fuzzy logic systems

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    General type-2 fuzzy logic systems (GT2 FLSs) on the basis of alpha-plane representation of GT2 fuzzy sets (FSs) have attracted considerable attention in recent years. For the kernel type-reduction (TR) block of GT2 FLSs, the enhanced Karnik-Mendel (EKM) algorithm is the most popular approach. This paper proposes the sensible beginning divided-search EKM (SBDEKM) algorithms for completing the centroid TR of GT2 FLSs. Computer simulations are provided to show the performances of the SBDEKM algorithms. Compared with EKM algorithms and sensible beginning EKM (SBEKM) algorithms, the SBDEKM algorithms have almost the same accuracies and better computational efficiency

    Interval type-2 Atanassov-intuitionistic fuzzy logic for uncertainty modelling

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    This thesis investigates a new paradigm for uncertainty modelling by employing a new class of type-2 fuzzy logic system that utilises fuzzy sets with membership and non-membership functions that are intervals. Fuzzy logic systems, employing type-1 fuzzy sets, that mark a shift from computing with numbers towards computing with words have made remarkable impacts in the field of artificial intelligence. Fuzzy logic systems of type-2, a generalisation of type-1 fuzzy logic systems that utilise type-2 fuzzy sets, have created tremendous advances in uncertainty modelling. The key feature of the type-2 fuzzy logic systems, with particular reference to interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems, is that the membership functions of interval type-2 fuzzy sets are themselves fuzzy. These give interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems an advantage over their type-1 counterparts which have precise membership functions. Whilst the interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems are effective in modelling uncertainty, they are not able to adequately handle an indeterminate/neutral characteristic of a set, because interval type-2 fuzzy sets are only specified by membership functions with an implicit assertion that the non-membership functions are complements of the membership functions (lower or upper). In a real life scenario, it is not necessarily the case that the non-membership function of a set is complementary to the membership function. There may be some degree of hesitation arising from ignorance or a complete lack of interest concerning a particular phenomenon. Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy set, another generalisation of the classical fuzzy set, captures this thought process by simultaneously defining a fuzzy set with membership and non-membership functions such that the sum of both membership and non-membership functions is less than or equal to 1. In this thesis, the advantages of both worlds (interval type-2 fuzzy set and Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy set) are explored and a new and enhanced class of interval type-2 fuzzy set namely, interval type-2 Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy set, that enables hesitation, is introduced. The corresponding fuzzy logic system namely, interval type-2 Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy logic system is rigorously and systematically formulated. In order to assess this thesis investigates a new paradigm for uncertainty modelling by employing a new class of type-2 fuzzy logic system that utilises fuzzy sets with membership and non-membership functions that are intervals. Fuzzy logic systems, employing type-1 fuzzy sets, that mark shift from computing with numbers towards computing with words have made remarkable impacts in the field of artificial intelligence. Fuzzy logic systems of type-2, a generalisation of type-1 fuzzy logic systems that utilise type-2 fuzzy sets, have created tremendous advances in uncertainty modelling. The key feature of the type-2 fuzzy logic systems, with particular reference to interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems, is that the membership functions of interval type-2 fuzzy sets are themselves fuzzy. These give interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems an advantage over their type-1 counterparts which have precise membership functions. Whilst the interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems are effective in modelling uncertainty, they are not able to adequately handle an indeterminate/neutral characteristic of a set, because interval type-2 fuzzy sets are only specified by membership functions with an implicit assertion that the non-membership functions are complements of the membership functions (lower or upper). In a real life scenario, it is not necessarily the case that the non-membership function of a set is complementary to the membership function. There may be some degree of hesitation arising from ignorance or a complete lack of interest concerning a particular phenomenon. Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy set, another generalisation of the classical fuzzy set, captures this thought process by simultaneously defining a fuzzy set with membership and non-membership functions such that the sum of both membership and non-membership functions is less than or equal to 1. In this thesis, the advantages of both worlds (interval type-2 fuzzy set and Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy set) are explored and a new and enhanced class of interval type-2 fuzz set namely, interval type-2 Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy set, that enables hesitation, is introduced. The corresponding fuzzy logic system namely, interval type-2 Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy logic system is rigorously and systematically formulated. In order to assess the viability and efficacy of the developed framework, the possibilities of the optimisation of the parameters of this class of fuzzy systems are rigorously examined. First, the parameters of the developed model are optimised using one of the most popular fuzzy logic optimisation algorithms such as gradient descent (first-order derivative) algorithm and evaluated on publicly available benchmark datasets from diverse domains and characteristics. It is shown that the new interval type-2 Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy logic system is able to handle uncertainty well through the minimisation of the error of the system compared with other approaches on the same problem instances and performance criteria. Secondly, the parameters of the proposed framework are optimised using a decoupledextended Kalman filter (second-order derivative) algorithm in order to address the shortcomings of the first-order gradient descent method. It is shown statistically that the performance of this new framework with fuzzy membership and non-membership functions is significantly better than the classical interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems which have only the fuzzy membership functions, and its type-1 counterpart which are specified by single membership and non-membership functions. The model is also assessed using a hybrid learning of decoupled extended Kalman filter and gradient descent methods. The proposed framework with hybrid learning algorithm is evaluated by comparing it with existing approaches reported in the literature on the same problem instances and performance metrics. The simulation results have demonstrated the potential benefits of using the proposed framework in uncertainty modelling. In the overall, the fusion of these two concepts (interval type-2 fuzzy logic system and Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy logic system) provides a synergistic capability in dealing with imprecise and vague information

    Curvature-based sparse rule base generation for fuzzy rule interpolation

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    Fuzzy logic has been successfully widely utilised in many real-world applications. The most common application of fuzzy logic is the rule-based fuzzy inference system, which is composed of mainly two parts including an inference engine and a fuzzy rule base. Conventional fuzzy inference systems always require a rule base that fully covers the entire problem domain (i.e., a dense rule base). Fuzzy rule interpolation (FRI) makes inference possible with sparse rule bases which may not cover some parts of the problem domain (i.e., a sparse rule base). In addition to extending the applicability of fuzzy inference systems, fuzzy interpolation can also be used to reduce system complexity for over-complex fuzzy inference systems. There are typically two methods to generate fuzzy rule bases, i.e., the knowledge driven and data-driven approaches. Almost all of these approaches only target dense rule bases for conventional fuzzy inference systems. The knowledge-driven methods may be negatively affected by the limited availability of expert knowledge and expert knowledge may be subjective, whilst redundancy often exists in fuzzy rule-based models that are acquired from numerical data. Note that various rule base reduction approaches have been proposed, but they are all based on certain similarity measures and are likely to cause performance deterioration along with the size reduction. This project, for the first time, innovatively applies curvature values to distinguish important features and instances in a dataset, to support the construction of a neat and concise sparse rule base for fuzzy rule interpolation. In addition to working in a three-dimensional problem space, the work also extends the natural three-dimensional curvature calculation to problems with high dimensions, which greatly broadens the applicability of the proposed approach. As a result, the proposed approach alleviates the ‘curse of dimensionality’ and helps to reduce the computational cost for fuzzy inference systems. The proposed approach has been validated and evaluated by three real-world applications. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach is able to generate sparse rule bases with less rules but resulting in better performance, which confirms the power of the proposed system. In addition to fuzzy rule interpolation, the proposed curvature-based approach can also be readily used as a general feature selection tool to work with other machine learning approaches, such as classifiers

    Comparing the Performance Potentials of Singleton and Non-singleton Type-1 and Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Systems in Terms of Sculpting the State Space

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    This paper provides a novel and better understanding of the performance potential of a nonsingleton (NS) fuzzy system over a singleton (S) fuzzy system. It is done by extending sculpting the state space works from S to NS fuzzification and demonstrating uncertainties about measurements, modeled by NS fuzzification: first, fire more rules more often, manifested by a reduction (increase) in the sizes of first-order rule partitions for those partitions associated with the firing of a smaller (larger) number of rules—the coarse sculpting of the state space; second, this may lead to an increase or decrease in the number of type-1 (T1) and interval type-2 (IT2) first-order rule partitions, which now contain rule pairs that can never occur for S fuzzification—a new rule crossover phenomenon —discovered using partition theory; and third, it may lead to a decrease, the same number, or an increase in the number of second-order rule partitions, all of which are system dependent—the fine sculpting of the state space. The authors' conjecture is that it is the additional control of the coarse sculpting of the state space, accomplished by prefiltering and the max–min (or max-product) composition, which provides an NS T1 or IT2 fuzzy system with the potential to outperform an S T1 or IT2 system when measurements are uncertain

    Real time control of nonlinear dynamic systems using neuro-fuzzy controllers

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    The problem of real time control of a nonlinear dynamic system using intelligent control techniques is considered. The current trend is to incorporate neural networks and fuzzy logic into adaptive control strategies. The focus of this work is to investigate the current neuro-fuzzy approaches from literature and adapt them for a specific application. In order to achieve this objective, an experimental nonlinear dynamic system is considered. The motivation for this comes from the desire to solve practical problems and to create a test-bed which can be used to test various control strategies. The nonlinear dynamic system considered here is an unstable balance beam system that contains two fluid tanks, one at each end, and the balance is achieved by pumping the fluid back and forth from the tanks. A popular approach, called ANFIS (Adaptive Networks-based Fuzzy Inference Systems), which combines the structure of fuzzy logic controllers with the learning aspects from neural networks is considered as a basis for developing novel techniques, because it is considered to be one of the most general framework for developing adaptive controllers. However, in the proposed new method, called Generalized Network-based Fuzzy Inferencing Systems (GeNFIS), more conventional fuzzy schemes for the consequent part are used instead of using what is called the Sugeno type rules. Moreover, in contrast to ANFIS which uses a full set of rules, GeNFIS uses only a limited number of rules based on certain expert knowledge. GeNFIS is tested on the balance beam system, both in a real- time actual experiment and the simulation, and is found to perform better than a comparable ANFIS under supervised learning. Based on these results, several modifications of GeNFIS are considered, for example, synchronous defuzzification through triangular as well as bell shaped membership functions. Another modification involves simultaneous use of Sugeno type as well as conventional fuzzy schemes for the consequent part, in an effort to create a more flexible framework. Results of testing different versions of GeNFIS on the balance beam system are presented
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