875 research outputs found

    Leveraging register windows to reduce physical registers to the bare minimum

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    Register window is an architectural technique that reduces memory operations required to save and restore registers across procedure calls. Its effectiveness depends on the size of the register file. Such register requirements are normally increased for out-of-order execution because it requires registers for the in-flight instructions, in addition to the architectural ones. However, a large register file has an important cost in terms of area and power and may even affect the cycle time. In this paper, we propose a software/hardware early register release technique that leverage register windows to drastically reduce the register requirements, and hence, reduce the register file cost. Contrary to the common belief that out-of-order processors with register windows would need a large physical register file, this paper shows that the physical register file size may be reduced to the bare minimum by using this novel microarchitecture. Moreover, our proposal has much lower hardware complexity than previous approaches, and requires minimal changes to a conventional register window scheme. Performance studies show that the proposed technique can reduce the number of physical registers to the number of logical registers plus one (minimum number to guarantee forward progress) and still achieve almost the same performance as an unbounded register file.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Energy Saving Techniques for Phase Change Memory (PCM)

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    In recent years, the energy consumption of computing systems has increased and a large fraction of this energy is consumed in main memory. Towards this, researchers have proposed use of non-volatile memory, such as phase change memory (PCM), which has low read latency and power; and nearly zero leakage power. However, the write latency and power of PCM are very high and this, along with limited write endurance of PCM present significant challenges in enabling wide-spread adoption of PCM. To address this, several architecture-level techniques have been proposed. In this report, we review several techniques to manage power consumption of PCM. We also classify these techniques based on their characteristics to provide insights into them. The aim of this work is encourage researchers to propose even better techniques for improving energy efficiency of PCM based main memory.Comment: Survey, phase change RAM (PCRAM

    A low-power, high-performance speech recognition accelerator

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is becoming increasingly ubiquitous, especially in the mobile segment. Fast and accurate ASR comes at high energy cost, not being affordable for the tiny power-budgeted mobile devices. Hardware acceleration reduces energy-consumption of ASR systems, while delivering high-performance. In this paper, we present an accelerator for largevocabulary, speaker-independent, continuous speech-recognition. It focuses on the Viterbi search algorithm representing the main bottleneck in an ASR system. The proposed design consists of innovative techniques to improve the memory subsystem, since memory is the main bottleneck for performance and power in these accelerators' design. It includes a prefetching scheme tailored to the needs of ASR systems that hides main memory latency for a large fraction of the memory accesses, negligibly impacting area. Additionally, we introduce a novel bandwidth-saving technique that removes off-chip memory accesses by 20 percent. Finally, we present a power saving technique that significantly reduces the leakage power of the accelerators scratchpad memories, providing between 8.5 and 29.2 percent reduction in entire power dissipation. Overall, the proposed design outperforms implementations running on the CPU by orders of magnitude, and achieves speedups between 1.7x and 5.9x for different speech decoders over a highly optimized CUDA implementation running on Geforce-GTX-980 GPU, while reducing the energy by 123-454x.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Optimization of the N-body Simulation on Intel’s Architectures Based on AVX-512 Instruction Set

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    The N-body simulations have become a powerful tool to test the gravitational interaction among particles, ranging from a few bodies to complete galaxies. Even though N-body has already been optimized on many parallel platforms, there are hardly any studies which take advantage of the latest Intel architectures based on AVX-512 instruction set. This SIMD set was initially supported by Intel’s Xeon Phi Knights Landing (KNL) manycore processors launched at 2016. Recently, it has been included in Intel’s general-purpose processors too, starting at the Skylake (SKL) server microarchitecture and now in its successor Cascade Lake (CKL). This paper optimizes the all-pairs N-body simulation on both current Intel platforms supporting AVX-512 extensions: a Xeon Phi KNL node and a server equipped with a dual CKL processor. On the basis of a naive implementation, it is shown how the parallel implementation (can) reach, through different optimization techniques, 2355 and 2449 GFLOPS on the Xeon Phi KNL and the Xeon CKL platforms, respectively.Publicado en Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (vol. 1184).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic
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