8 research outputs found

    Hybrid Job-driven Scheduling for Virtual MapReduce Clusters

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    It is cost-efficient for a tenant with a limited budget to establish a virtual MapReduce cluster by renting multiple virtual private servers (VPSs) from a VPS provider. To provide an appropriate scheduling scheme for this type of computing environment, we propose in this paper a hybrid job-driven scheduling scheme (JoSS for short) from a tenant's perspective. JoSS provides not only job level scheduling, but also map-task level scheduling and reduce-task level scheduling. JoSS classifies MapReduce jobs based on job scale and job type and designs an appropriate scheduling policy to schedule each class of jobs. The goal is to improve data locality for both map tasks and reduce tasks, avoid job starvation, and improve job execution performance. Two variations of JoSS are further introduced to separately achieve a better map-data locality and a faster task assignment. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate and compare the two variations with current scheduling algorithms supported by Hadoop. The results show that the two variations outperform the other tested algorithms in terms of map-data locality, reduce-data locality, and network overhead without incurring significant overhead. In addition, the two variations are separately suitable for different MapReduce-workload scenarios and provide the best job performance among all tested algorithms.Comment: 13 pages and 17 figure

    RePAD: Real-time Proactive Anomaly Detection for Time Series

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    During the past decade, many anomaly detection approaches have been introduced in different fields such as network monitoring, fraud detection, and intrusion detection. However, they require understanding of data pattern and often need a long off-line period to build a model or network for the target data. Providing real-time and proactive anomaly detection for streaming time series without human intervention and domain knowledge is highly valuable since it greatly reduces human effort and enables appropriate countermeasures to be undertaken before a disastrous damage, failure, or other harmful event occurs. However, this issue has not been well studied yet. To address it, this paper proposes RePAD, which is a Real-time Proactive Anomaly Detection algorithm for streaming time series based on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). RePAD utilizes short-term historic data points to predict and determine whether or not the upcoming data point is a sign that an anomaly is likely to happen in the near future. By dynamically adjusting the detection threshold over time, RePAD is able to tolerate minor pattern change in time series and detect anomalies either proactively or on time. Experiments based on two time series datasets collected from the Numenta Anomaly Benchmark demonstrate that RePAD is able to proactively detect anomalies and provide early warnings in real time without human intervention and domain knowledge.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, the 34th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2020

    DALC: Distributed Automatic LSTM Customization for Fine-Grained Traffic Speed Prediction

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    Over the past decade, several approaches have been introduced for short-term traffic prediction. However, providing fine-grained traffic prediction for large-scale transportation networks where numerous detectors are geographically deployed to collect traffic data is still an open issue. To address this issue, in this paper, we formulate the problem of customizing an LSTM model for a single detector into a finite Markov decision process and then introduce an Automatic LSTM Customization (ALC) algorithm to automatically customize an LSTM model for a single detector such that the corresponding prediction accuracy can be as satisfactory as possible and the time consumption can be as low as possible. Based on the ALC algorithm, we introduce a distributed approach called Distributed Automatic LSTM Customization (DALC) to customize an LSTM model for every detector in large-scale transportation networks. Our experiment demonstrates that the DALC provides higher prediction accuracy than several approaches provided by Apache Spark MLlib.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, the 34th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2020), Springe

    ReRe: A Lightweight Real-time Ready-to-Go Anomaly Detection Approach for Time Series

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    Anomaly detection is an active research topic in many different fields such as intrusion detection, network monitoring, system health monitoring, IoT healthcare, etc. However, many existing anomaly detection approaches require either human intervention or domain knowledge, and may suffer from high computation complexity, consequently hindering their applicability in real-world scenarios. Therefore, a lightweight and ready-to-go approach that is able to detect anomalies in real-time is highly sought-after. Such an approach could be easily and immediately applied to perform time series anomaly detection on any commodity machine. The approach could provide timely anomaly alerts and by that enable appropriate countermeasures to be undertaken as early as possible. With these goals in mind, this paper introduces ReRe, which is a Real-time Ready-to-go proactive Anomaly Detection algorithm for streaming time series. ReRe employs two lightweight Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models to predict and jointly determine whether or not an upcoming data point is anomalous based on short-term historical data points and two long-term self-adaptive thresholds. Experiments based on real-world time-series datasets demonstrate the good performance of ReRe in real-time anomaly detection without requiring human intervention or domain knowledge.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, COMPSAC 202

    Deep Data Locality on Apache Hadoop

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    The amount of data being collected in various areas such as social media, network, scientific instrument, mobile devices, and sensors is growing continuously, and the technology to process them is also advancing rapidly. One of the fundamental technologies to process big data is Apache Hadoop that has been adopted by many commercial products, such as InfoSphere by IBM, or Spark by Cloudera. MapReduce on Hadoop has been widely used in many data science applications. As a dominant big data processing platform, the performance of MapReduce on Hadoop system has a significant impact on the big data processing capability across multiple industries. Most of the research for improving the speed of big data analysis has been on Hadoop modules such as Hadoop common, Hadoop Distribute File System (HDFS), Hadoop Yet Another Resource Negotiator (YARN) and Hadoop MapReduce. In this research, we focused on data locality on HDFS to improve the performance of MapReduce. To reduce the amount of data transfer, MapReduce has been utilizing data locality. However, even though the majority of the processing cost occurs in the later stages, data locality has been utilized only in the early stages, which we call Shallow Data Locality (SDL). As a result, the benefit of data locality has not been fully realized. We have explored a new concept called Deep Data Locality (DDL) where the data is pre-arranged to maximize the locality in the later stages. Specifically, we introduce two implementation methods of the DDL, i.e., block-based DDL and key-based DDL. In block-based DDL, the data blocks are pre-arranged to reduce the block copying time in two ways. First the RLM blocks are eliminated. Under the conventional default block placement policy (DBPP), data blocks are randomly placed on any available slave nodes, requiring a copy of RLM (Rack-Local Map) blocks. In block-based DDL, blocks are placed to avoid RLMs to reduce the block copy time. Second, block-based DDL concentrates the blocks in a smaller number of nodes and reduces the data transfer time among them. We analyzed the block distribution status with the customer review data from TripAdvisor and measured the performances with Terasort Benchmark. Our test result shows that the execution times of Map and Shuffle have been improved by up to 25% and 31% respectively. In key-based DDL, the input data is divided into several blocks and stored in HDFS before going into the Map stage. In comparison with conventional blocks that have random keys, our blocks have a unique key. This requires a pre-sorting of the key-value pairs, which can be done during ETL process. This eliminates some data movements in map, shuffle, and reduce stages, and thereby improves the performance. In our experiments, MapReduce with key-based DDL performed 21.9% faster than default MapReduce and 13.3% faster than MapReduce with block-based DDL. Additionally, key-based DDL can be combined with other methods to further improve the performance. When key-based DDL and block-based DDL are combined, the Hadoop performance went up by 34.4%. In this research, we developed the MapReduce workflow models with a novel computational model. We developed a numerical simulator that integrates the computational models. The model faithfully predicts the Hadoop performance under various conditions