4 research outputs found

    Persistent Data Structures for Incremental Join Indices

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    Join indices are used in relational databases to make join operations faster. Join indices essentially materialise the results of join operations and so accrue maintenance cost, which makes them more suitable for use cases where modifications are rare and joins are performed frequently. To make the maintenance cost lower incrementally updating existing indices is to be preferred. The usage of persistent data structures for the join indices were explored. Motivation for this research was the ability of persistent data structures to construct multiple partially different versions of the same data structure memory efficiently. This is useful, because there can exist different versions of join indices simultaneously due to usage of multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) in a database. The techniques used in Relaxed Radix Balanced Trees (RRB-Trees) persistent data structure were found promising, but none of the popular implementations were found directly suitable for the use case. This exploration was done from the context of a particular proprietary embedded in-memory columnar multidimensional database called FastormDB developed by RELEX Solutions. This focused the research into Java Virtual Machine (JVM) based data structures as the implementation of FastormDB is in Java. Multiple persistent data-structures made for the thesis and ones from Scala, Clojure and Paguro were evaluated with Java Microbenchmark Harness (JMH) and Java Object Layout (JOL) based benchmarks and their results analysed via visualisations

    Hybrid Garbage Collection for Multi-Version Concurrency Control in SAP HANA

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    While multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) supports fast and robust performance in in-memory, relational databases, it has the potential problem of a growing number of versions over time due to obsolete versions. Although a few TB of main memory is available for enterprise machines, the memory resource should be used carefully for economic and practical reasons. Thus, in order to maintain the necessary number of versions in MVCC, versions which will no longer be used need to be deleted. This process is called garbage collection. MVCC uses the concept of visibility to define garbage. A set of versions for each record is first identified as candidate if their version timestamps are lower than the minimum value of snapshot timestamps of active snapshots in the system. All such candidates, except the one which has the maximum version timestamp, are safely reclaimed as garbage versions. In mixed OLTP and OLAP workloads, the typical garbage collector may not effectively reclaim record versions. In these workloads, OLTP applications generate a high volume of new versions, while long-lived queries or transactions in OLAP applications often block garbage collection, since we need to compare the version timestamp of each record version with the snapshot times tamp of the oldest, long-lived snapshot. Thus, these workloads typically cause the in-memory version space to grow. Additionally, the increasing version chains of records over time may also increase the traversal cost for them. In this paper, we present an efficient and effective garbage collector called HYBRIDGC in SAP HANA. HybridGC integrates three novel concepts of garbage collection: timestamp-based group garbage collection, table garbage collection, and interval garbage collection. Through experiments using mixed OLTP and OLAP workloads, we show that HYBRIDGC effectively and efficiently collects garbage versions with negligible overhead.113Nsciescopu