258 research outputs found

    A high-order semi-explicit discontinuous Galerkin solver for 3D incompressible flow with application to DNS and LES of turbulent channel flow

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    We present an efficient discontinuous Galerkin scheme for simulation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations including laminar and turbulent flow. We consider a semi-explicit high-order velocity-correction method for time integration as well as nodal equal-order discretizations for velocity and pressure. The non-linear convective term is treated explicitly while a linear system is solved for the pressure Poisson equation and the viscous term. The key feature of our solver is a consistent penalty term reducing the local divergence error in order to overcome recently reported instabilities in spatially under-resolved high-Reynolds-number flows as well as small time steps. This penalty method is similar to the grad-div stabilization widely used in continuous finite elements. We further review and compare our method to several other techniques recently proposed in literature to stabilize the method for such flow configurations. The solver is specifically designed for large-scale computations through matrix-free linear solvers including efficient preconditioning strategies and tensor-product elements, which have allowed us to scale this code up to 34.4 billion degrees of freedom and 147,456 CPU cores. We validate our code and demonstrate optimal convergence rates with laminar flows present in a vortex problem and flow past a cylinder and show applicability of our solver to direct numerical simulation as well as implicit large-eddy simulation of turbulent channel flow at Reτ=180Re_{\tau}=180 as well as 590590.Comment: 28 pages, in preparation for submission to Journal of Computational Physic

    BoSSS: a package for multigrid extended discontinuous Galerkin methods

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    The software package BoSSS serves the discretization of (steady-state or time-dependent) partial differential equations with discontinuous coefficients and/or time-dependent domains by means of an eXtended Discontinuous Galerkin (XDG, resp. DG) method, aka. cut-cell DG, aka. unfitted DG. This work consists of two major parts: First, the XDG method is introduced and a formal notation is developed, which captures important numerical details such as cell-agglomeration and a multigrid framework. In the second part, iterative solvers for extended DG systems are presented and their performance is evaluated

    Compatible finite element methods for geophysical fluid dynamics

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    This article surveys research on the application of compatible finite element methods to large scale atmosphere and ocean simulation. Compatible finite element methods extend Arakawa's C-grid finite difference scheme to the finite element world. They are constructed from a discrete de Rham complex, which is a sequence of finite element spaces which are linked by the operators of differential calculus. The use of discrete de Rham complexes to solve partial differential equations is well established, but in this article we focus on the specifics of dynamical cores for simulating weather, oceans and climate. The most important consequence of the discrete de Rham complex is the Hodge-Helmholtz decomposition, which has been used to exclude the possibility of several types of spurious oscillations from linear equations of geophysical flow. This means that compatible finite element spaces provide a useful framework for building dynamical cores. In this article we introduce the main concepts of compatible finite element spaces, and discuss their wave propagation properties. We survey some methods for discretising the transport terms that arise in dynamical core equation systems, and provide some example discretisations, briefly discussing their iterative solution. Then we focus on the recent use of compatible finite element spaces in designing structure preserving methods, surveying variational discretisations, Poisson bracket discretisations, and consistent vorticity transport.Comment: correction of some typo

    Incompressible Finite Elements via Hybridization. Part I: The Stokes System in Two Space Dimensions

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    In this paper, we introduce a new and efficient way to compute exactly divergence-free velocity approximations for the Stokes equations in two space dimensions. We begin by considering a mixed method that provides an exactly divergence-free approximation of the velocity and a continuous approximation of the vorticity. We then rewrite this method solely in terms of the tangential fluid velocity and the pressure on mesh edges by means of a new hybridization technique. This novel formulation bypasses the difficult task of constructing an exactly divergence-free basis for velocity approximations. Moreover, the discrete system resulting from our method has fewer degrees of freedom than the original mixed method since the pressure and the tangential velocity variables are defined just on the mesh edges. Once these variables are computed, the velocity approximation satisfying the incompressibility condition exactly, as well as the continuous numerical approximation of the vorticity, can at once be obtained locally. Moreover, a discontinuous numerical approximation of the pressure within elements can also be obtained locally. We show how to compute the matrix system for our tangential velocity-pressure formulation on general meshes and present in full detail such computations for the lowest-order case of our method
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