74 research outputs found

    IST Austria Thesis

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    Hybrid automata combine finite automata and dynamical systems, and model the interaction of digital with physical systems. Formal analysis that can guarantee the safety of all behaviors or rigorously witness failures, while unsolvable in general, has been tackled algorithmically using, e.g., abstraction, bounded model-checking, assisted theorem proving. Nevertheless, very few methods have addressed the time-unbounded reachability analysis of hybrid automata and, for current sound and automatic tools, scalability remains critical. We develop methods for the polyhedral abstraction of hybrid automata, which construct coarse overapproximations and tightens them incrementally, in a CEGAR fashion. We use template polyhedra, i.e., polyhedra whose facets are normal to a given set of directions. While, previously, directions were given by the user, we introduce (1) the first method for computing template directions from spurious counterexamples, so as to generalize and eliminate them. The method applies naturally to convex hybrid automata, i.e., hybrid automata with (possibly non-linear) convex constraints on derivatives only, while for linear ODE requires further abstraction. Specifically, we introduce (2) the conic abstractions, which, partitioning the state space into appropriate (possibly non-uniform) cones, divide curvy trajectories into relatively straight sections, suitable for polyhedral abstractions. Finally, we introduce (3) space-time interpolation, which, combining interval arithmetic and template refinement, computes appropriate (possibly non-uniform) time partitioning and template directions along spurious trajectories, so as to eliminate them. We obtain sound and automatic methods for the reachability analysis over dense and unbounded time of convex hybrid automata and hybrid automata with linear ODE. We build prototype tools and compare—favorably—our methods against the respective state-of-the-art tools, on several benchmarks


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    Reachability analysis is difficult for hybrid automata with affine differential equations, because the reach set needs to be approximated. Promising abstraction techniques usually employ interval methods or template polyhedra. Interval methods account for dense time and guarantee soundness, and there are interval-based tools that overapproximate affine flowpipes. But interval methods impose bounded and rigid shapes, which make refinement expensive and fixpoint detection difficult. Template polyhedra, on the other hand, can be adapted flexibly and can be unbounded, but sound template refinement for unbounded reachability analysis has been implemented only for systems with piecewise constant dynamics. We capitalize on the advantages of both techniques, combining interval arithmetic and template polyhedra, using the former to abstract time and the latter to abstract space. During a CEGAR loop, whenever a spurious error trajectory is found, we compute additional space constraints and split time intervals, and use these space-time interpolants to eliminate the counterexample. Space-time interpolation offers a lazy, flexible framework for increasing precision while guaranteeing soundness, both for error avoidance and fixpoint detection. To the best of out knowledge, this is the first abstraction refinement scheme for the reachability analysis over unbounded and dense time of affine hybrid systems, which is both sound and automatic. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm with several benchmark examples, which cannot be handled by other tools

    Remedies for building reliable cyber-physical systems

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    Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are systems that are tight integration of computer programs as controllers or cyber parts, and physical environments. The interaction is carried out by obtaining information about the physical environment through reading sensors and responding to the current knowledge through actuators. Examples of such systems are autonomous automobile systems, avionic systems, robotic systems, and medical devices. Perhaps the most common feature of all these systems is that they are all safety critical systems and failure most likely causes catastrophic consequences. This means that while testing continues to increase confidence in cyber-physical systems, formal or mathematical proofs are needed at the very least for the safety requirements of these systems. Hybrid automata is the main modeling language for cyber-physical systems. However, verifying safety properties is undecidable for all but very restricted known classes of these automata. Our first result introduces a new subclass of hybrid automata for which bounded time safety model checking problem is decidable. We also prove that unbounded time model checking for this subclass is undecidable which suggests this is the best one can hope for the new class. Our second result in this thesis is a counter-example guided abstraction refinement algorithm for unbounded time model checking of non- linear hybrid automata. Clearly, this is an undecidable problem and that is the main reason for using abstraction refinement techniques. Our CEGAR framework for this class is sound but not complete, meaning the algorithm never incorrectly says a system is safe, but may output unsafe incorrectly. We have also implemented our algorithm and compared it with seven other tools. There are multiple inherent problems with traditional model checking approaches. First, it is well-known that most models do not depict physical environments precisely. Second, the model checking problem is undecidable for most classes of hybrid automata. And third, even when model checking is decidable, controller part in most models cannot be implemented. These problems suggest that current methods of modeling cyber-physical systems and problems might not be the right ones. Our last result focuses on robust model checking of cyber-physical systems. In this part of the thesis, we focus on the implementability issue and show how to solve four different robust model checking problem for timed automata. We also introduce an optimal algorithm for robust time bounded safety model checking of monotonic rectangular automata

    IMITATOR II: A Tool for Solving the Good Parameters Problem in Timed Automata

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    We present here Imitator II, a new version of Imitator, a tool implementing the "inverse method" for parametric timed automata: given a reference valuation of the parameters, it synthesizes a constraint such that, for any valuation satisfying this constraint, the system behaves the same as under the reference valuation in terms of traces, i.e., alternating sequences of locations and actions. Imitator II also implements the "behavioral cartography algorithm", allowing us to solve the following good parameters problem: find a set of valuations within a given bounded parametric domain for which the system behaves well. We present new features and optimizations of the tool, and give results of applications to various examples of asynchronous circuits and communication protocols.Comment: In Proceedings INFINITY 2010, arXiv:1010.611


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    Template polyhedra generalize intervals and octagons to polyhedra whose facets are orthogonal to a given set of arbitrary directions. They have been employed in the abstract interpretation of programs and, with particular success, in the reachability analysis of hybrid automata. While previously, the choice of directions has been left to the user or a heuristic, we present a method for the automatic discovery of directions that generalize and eliminate spurious counterexamples. We show that for the class of convex hybrid automata, i.e., hybrid automata with (possibly nonlinear) convex constraints on derivatives, such directions always exist and can be found using convex optimization. We embed our method inside a CEGAR loop, thus enabling the time-unbounded reachability analysis of an important and richer class of hybrid automata than was previously possible. We evaluate our method on several benchmarks, demonstrating also its superior efficiency for the special case of linear hybrid automata

    Model-based compositional verification approaches and tools development for cyber-physical systems

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    The model-based design for embedded real-time systems utilizes the veriable reusable components and proper architectures, to deal with the verification scalability problem caused by state-explosion. In this thesis, we address verification approaches for both low-level individual component correctness and high-level system correctness, which are equally important under this scheme. Three prototype tools are developed, implementing our approaches and algorithms accordingly. For the component-level design-time verification, we developed a symbolic verifier, LhaVrf, for the reachability verification of concurrent linear hybrid systems (LHA). It is unique in translating a hybrid automaton into a transition system that preserves the discrete transition structure, possesses no continuous dynamics, and preserves reachability of discrete states. Afterward, model-checking is interleaved in the counterexample fragment based specification relaxation framework. We next present a simulation-based bounded-horizon reachability analysis approach for the reachability verification of systems modeled by hybrid automata (HA) on a run-time basis. This framework applies a dynamic, on-the-fly, repartition-based error propagation control method with the mild requirement of Lipschitz continuity on the continuous dynamics. The novel features allow state-triggered discrete jumps and provide eventually constant over-approximation error bound for incremental stable dynamics. The above approaches are implemented in our prototype verifier called HS3V. Once the component properties are established, the next thing is to establish the system-level properties through compositional verication. We present our work on the role and integration of quantier elimination (QE) for property composition and verication. In our approach, we derive in a single step, the strongest system property from the given component properties for both time-independent and time-dependent scenarios. The system initial condition can also be composed, which, alongside the strongest system property, are used to verify a postulated system property through induction. The above approaches are implemented in our prototype tool called ReLIC

    Approximation-Refinement Testing of Compute-Intensive Cyber-Physical Models: An Approach Based on System Identification

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    Black-box testing has been extensively applied to test models of Cyber-Physical systems (CPS) since these models are not often amenable to static and symbolic testing and verification. Black-box testing, however, requires to execute the model under test for a large number of candidate test inputs. This poses a challenge for a large and practically-important category of CPS models, known as compute-intensive CPS (CI-CPS) models, where a single simulation may take hours to complete. We propose a novel approach, namely ARIsTEO, to enable effective and efficient testing of CI-CPS models. Our approach embeds black-box testing into an iterative approximation-refinement loop. At the start, some sampled inputs and outputs of the CI-CPS model under test are used to generate a surrogate model that is faster to execute and can be subjected to black-box testing. Any failure-revealing test identified for the surrogate model is checked on the original model. If spurious, the test results are used to refine the surrogate model to be tested again. Otherwise, the test reveals a valid failure. We evaluated ARIsTEO by comparing it with S-Taliro, an open-source and industry-strength tool for testing CPS models. Our results, obtained based on five publicly-available CPS models, show that, on average, ARIsTEO is able to find 24% more requirements violations than S-Taliro and is 31% faster than S-Taliro in finding those violations. We further assessed the effectiveness and efficiency of ARIsTEO on a large industrial case study from the satellite domain. In contrast to S-Taliro, ARIsTEO successfully tested two different versions of this model and could identify three requirements violations, requiring four hours, on average, for each violation
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