4 research outputs found

    Constraint programming methods in three-dimensional container packing

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    Cutting and packing problems are present in many, at first glance unconnected, areas, therefore it's beneficial to have a good understanding of their underlying structure, to select proper techniques for finding solutions. Cutting and packing problems are a class of combinatorial problems in which there are specified two classes of objects: big and small items and the task is to place the small items within big items. Even in the 1-dimensional case, bin-packing is strongly NP-hard (Garey 1978), which suggests, that exact solutions may not be found in a reasonable time for bigger instances. In the literature, there are presented many various approaches to packing problems, e.g. mixed-integer programming, approximation algorithms, heuristic solutions, and local search algorithms, including metaheuristic approaches like Tabu Search or Simulated Annealing. The main goal of this work is to review existing solutions, survey the variants arising from the industry applications, present a solution based on constraint programming and compare its performance with the results in the literature. Optimization with constraint programming is a method searching for the global optima, hence it may require a higher workload compared to the heuristic and local search approaches, which may finish in a local optimum. The performance of the presented model will be measured on test data used in the literature, which were used in many articles presenting a variety of approaches to three-dimensional container packing, which will allow us to compare the efficiency of the constraint programming model with other methods used in the operational research


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    Computational Sustainability is an interdisciplinary field that aims to develop computational and mathematical models and methods for decision making concerning the management and allocation of resources in order to help solve environmental problems. This thesis deals with a broad spectrum of such problems (energy efficiency, water management, limiting greenhouse gas emissions and fuel consumption) giving a contribution towards their solution by means of Logic Programming (LP) and Constraint Programming (CP), declarative paradigms from Artificial Intelligence of proven solidity. The problems described in this thesis were proposed by experts of the respective domains and tested on the real data instances they provided. The results are encouraging and show the aptness of the chosen methodologies and approaches. The overall aim of this work is twofold: both to address real world problems in order to achieve practical results and to get, from the application of LP and CP technologies to complex scenarios, feedback and directions useful for their improvement

    Effective integrations of constraint programming, integer programming and local search for two combinatorial optimisation problems

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    This thesis focuses on the construction of effective and efficient hybrid methods based on the integrations of Constraint Programming (CP), Integer Programming (IP) and local search (LS) to tackle two combinatorial optimisation problems from different application areas: the nurse rostering problems and the portfolio selection problems. The principle of designing hybrid methods in this thesis can be described as: for the combinatorial problems to be solved, the properties of the problems are investigated firstly and the problems are decomposed accordingly in certain ways; then the suitable solution techniques are integrated to solve the problem based on the properties of substructures/subproblems by taking the advantage of each technique. For the over-constrained nurse rostering problems with a large set of complex constraints, the problems are first decomposed by constraint. That is, only certain selected set of constraints is considered to generate feasible solutions at the first stage. Then the rest of constraints are tackled by a second stage local search method. Therefore, the hybrid methods based on this constraint decomposition can be represented by a two-stage framework “feasible solution + improvement”. Two integration methods are proposed and investigated under this framework. In the first integration method, namely a hybrid CP with Variable Neighourhood Search (VNS) approach, the generation of feasible initial solutions relies on the CP while the improvement of initial solutions is gained by a simple VNS in the second stage. In the second integration method, namely a constraint-directed local search, the local search is enhanced by using the information of constraints. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of these hybrid approaches. Based on another decomposition method, Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition, in the third integration method, a CP based column generation, integrates the feasibility reasoning of CP with the relaxation and optimality reasoning of Linear Programming. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the methods as well as the knowledge of the quality of the solution. For the portfolio selection problems, two integration methods, which integrate Branch-and-Bound algorithm with heuristic search, are proposed and investigated. In layered Branch-and-Bound algorithm, the problem is decomposed into the subsets of variables which are considered at certain layers in the search tree according to their different features. Node selection heuristics, and branching rules, etc. are tailored to the individual layers, which speed up the search to the optimal solution in a given time limit. In local search branching Branch-and-Bound algorithm, the idea of local search is applied as the branching rule of Branch-and-Bound. The local search branching is applied to generate a sequence of subproblems. The procedure for solving these subproblems is accelerated by means of the solution information reusing. This close integration between local search and Branch-and-Bound improves the efficiency of the Branch-and-Bound algorithm according to the experimental results. The hybrid approaches benefit from each component which is selected according to the properties of the decomposed problems. The effectiveness and efficiency of all the hybrid approaches to the two application problems developed in this thesis are demonstrated. The idea of designing appropriate components in hybrid approach concerning properties of subproblems is a promising methodology with extensive potential applications in other real-world combinatorial optimisation problems

    Effective integrations of constraint programming, integer programming and local search for two combinatorial optimisation problems

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    This thesis focuses on the construction of effective and efficient hybrid methods based on the integrations of Constraint Programming (CP), Integer Programming (IP) and local search (LS) to tackle two combinatorial optimisation problems from different application areas: the nurse rostering problems and the portfolio selection problems. The principle of designing hybrid methods in this thesis can be described as: for the combinatorial problems to be solved, the properties of the problems are investigated firstly and the problems are decomposed accordingly in certain ways; then the suitable solution techniques are integrated to solve the problem based on the properties of substructures/subproblems by taking the advantage of each technique. For the over-constrained nurse rostering problems with a large set of complex constraints, the problems are first decomposed by constraint. That is, only certain selected set of constraints is considered to generate feasible solutions at the first stage. Then the rest of constraints are tackled by a second stage local search method. Therefore, the hybrid methods based on this constraint decomposition can be represented by a two-stage framework “feasible solution + improvement”. Two integration methods are proposed and investigated under this framework. In the first integration method, namely a hybrid CP with Variable Neighourhood Search (VNS) approach, the generation of feasible initial solutions relies on the CP while the improvement of initial solutions is gained by a simple VNS in the second stage. In the second integration method, namely a constraint-directed local search, the local search is enhanced by using the information of constraints. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of these hybrid approaches. Based on another decomposition method, Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition, in the third integration method, a CP based column generation, integrates the feasibility reasoning of CP with the relaxation and optimality reasoning of Linear Programming. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the methods as well as the knowledge of the quality of the solution. For the portfolio selection problems, two integration methods, which integrate Branch-and-Bound algorithm with heuristic search, are proposed and investigated. In layered Branch-and-Bound algorithm, the problem is decomposed into the subsets of variables which are considered at certain layers in the search tree according to their different features. Node selection heuristics, and branching rules, etc. are tailored to the individual layers, which speed up the search to the optimal solution in a given time limit. In local search branching Branch-and-Bound algorithm, the idea of local search is applied as the branching rule of Branch-and-Bound. The local search branching is applied to generate a sequence of subproblems. The procedure for solving these subproblems is accelerated by means of the solution information reusing. This close integration between local search and Branch-and-Bound improves the efficiency of the Branch-and-Bound algorithm according to the experimental results. The hybrid approaches benefit from each component which is selected according to the properties of the decomposed problems. The effectiveness and efficiency of all the hybrid approaches to the two application problems developed in this thesis are demonstrated. The idea of designing appropriate components in hybrid approach concerning properties of subproblems is a promising methodology with extensive potential applications in other real-world combinatorial optimisation problems