5 research outputs found

    The Development of Energy Efficiency Estimation System (EEES) for Sustainable Development: A Proposed Study

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    AbstractIn the modern era of globalization, energy is regarded as something precious. Thus, energy efficiency (EE) and cost effectiveness are key factors in maintaining economic growth. EE also educates consumers on ways to use energy efficiently and therefore, reduces energy consumption. In Malaysia, domestic sector is the third largest contributor to energy usage. The purpose of this study is to review EE practices and applications in residential buildings in order to raise awareness on smart energy consumption. In the preliminary stage of this study, consumers estimate their monthly energy consumption of their electrical appliances by using Quality Function Deployment (QFD) approach. QFD approach focuses on consumers’ opinion of electrical appliances good and beneficial functions. Selection of residence was made between medium and affordable cost residential areas in Johor. Databases for energy relating to electrical appliances were developed based on the data obtained from the relevant ministry and agencies such as KeTTHA, Energy Commission and TNB. Energy Efficiency Estimation System (EEES) is being developed to help consumers estimate the amount of energy being used daily, which will help consumers to use energy more efficiently. EE indirectly helps reduce the effect on environment especially the greenhouse gases. The promotion of EE and independence from the non-renewable energy source is important in ensuring a sustainable development

    A Necessity-Based Method for Product Requirement Elicitation and Classification

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    A new necessity-based method for the elicitation and classification of requirements in the early phases of the product design process is presented. The purpose is to guide a design engineer through the process of requirement elicitation so as to compile a more appropriate requirement list and avoid under- and over-constraining a product. The new method is based on the extended Form, Fit and Function approach. Its steps are derived from an in-depth analysis of literature sources. The applicability of the method is shown on a case study on residential solar panels. The method is validated by a case study on an air ventilation register box and by expert opinion. The necessity-based method fills the gap in the well-established methods for requirement elicitation and classification. It gives an insight into which requirements are important for certain product. The elicitation part of the new method reminds a design engineer of important case-related requirements. The classification part helps establishing rules on mandatory requirements

    A discussion on new necessity-based method for requirements list elicitation and requirements classification

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    Određivanje odgovarajućih zahtjeva od bitne je važnosti u ranim fazama projektiranja proizvoda kako bi se dobilo dovoljno informacija i da ne bi previše ograničili proizvod. U radu se razmatra što se može dogoditi ako se to ne učini. Daje se pregled najsuvremenijih metodologija za izbor i klasificiranje potrebnih svojstava proizvoda. Postojeće metode odabira uglavnom nisu usmjerene na sadržaj potrebnih zashtjeva i metode klasifikacije zahtjeva koji nedostaju. Zbog toga se predlaže nova metoda određivanja i klasifikacije porebnih zahtjeva. Njome se definiraju univerzalno potrebni zahtjevi, neophodni zahtjevi specifična za razvijani proizvod te zahtjevi po izboru. Prikladnost metode provjerena je na slučaju analize rada regulatora za ispuštanje zraka i mišljenja stručnjaka. Pozitivni doprinos metode potvrđen je evaluacijom od strane novih projektanata.Establishing appropriate requirements is essential in early phases of product design for obtaining enough information and in order not to over-constrain the product. Consequences of failing to do so are discussed. An overview of state-of-the-art methodologies for eliciting and classifying requirements is presented. Existing elicitation methods tend not to focus on the requirements content and the classification methods overlook the missing requirements. To overcome this gap a new method for requirements elicitation and classification is proposed. It defines the universally necessary requirements, product-specific necessary requirements and optional requirements. The appropriateness of the method is verified with a case-study on air ventilation register box and expert opinions. The positive contribution of the method is confirmed through evaluation with novice design engineers

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    Today’s global economy offers more opportunities, but is also more complex and competitive than ever before. This fact leads to a wide range of research activity in different fields of interest, especially in the so-called high-tech sectors. This book is a result of widespread research and development activity from many researchers worldwide, covering the aspects of development activities in general, as well as various aspects of the practical application of knowledge