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    Multi-Sensory Human-Food Interaction

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    Multisensory Approaches to Human-Food Interaction

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    Here, we present the outcome of the 4th workshop on Multisensory Approaches to Human-Food Interaction (MHFI), developed in collaboration with ICMI 2020 in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Capitalizing on the increasing interest on multisensory aspects of human-food interaction and the unique contribution that our community offers, we developed a space to discuss ideas ranging from mechanisms of multisensory food perception, through multisensory technologies, to new applications of systems in the context of MHFI. All in all, the workshop involved 11 contributions, which will hopefully further help shape the basis of a field of inquiry that grows as we see progress in our understanding of the senses and the development of new technologies in the context of food

    The Future of Human-Food Interaction

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    There is an increasing interest in food within the HCI discipline, with many interactive prototypes emerging that augment, extend and challenge the various ways people engage with food, ranging from growing plants, cooking ingredients, serving dishes and eating together. Grounding theory is also emerging that in particular draws from embodied interactions, highlighting the need to consider not only instrumental, but also experiential factors specific to human-food interactions. Considering this, we are provided with an opportunity to extend human-food interactions through knowledge gained from designing novel systems emerging through technical advances. This workshop aims to explore the possibility of bringing practitioners, researchers and theorists together to discuss the future of human-food interaction with a particular highlight on the design of experiential aspects of human-food interactions beyond the instrumental. This workshop extends prior community building efforts in this area and hence explicitly invites submissions concerning the empirically-informed knowledge of how technologies can enrich eating experiences. In doing so, people will benefit not only from new technologies around food, but also incorporate the many rich benefits that are associated with eating, especially when eating with others

    Perspectives on Multisensory Human-Food Interaction

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    Hungry 24/7? HCI Design for Sustainable Food Culture: Proceedings of the Workshop held in conjunction with OZCHI 2009

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    This workshop proposes to explore new approaches to cultivate and support sustainable food culture in urban environments via human computer interaction design and ubiquitous technologies. Food is a challenging issue in urban contexts: while food consumption decisions are made many times a day, most food interaction for urbanites occurs based on convenience and habitual practices. This situation is contrasting to the fact that food is at the centre of global environment, health, and social issues that are becoming increasingly immanent and imminent. As such, it is timely and crucial to ask: what are feasible, effective, and innovative ways to improve human-food-interaction through human-computer-interaction in order to contribute to environmental, health, and social sustainability in urban environments? This workshop brings together insights across disciplines to discuss this question, and plan and promote individual, local, and global change for sustainable food culture

    3rd International Workshop on Multisensory Approaches to Human-Food Interaction

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    This is the introduction paper to the third version of the workshop on 'Multisensory Approaches to Human-Food Interaction' organized at the 20th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction in Boulder, Colorado, on October 16th, 2018. This workshop is a space where the fast growing research on Multisensory Human-Food Interaction is presented. Here we summarize the workshop's key objectives and contributions

    Editorial: Perspectives on Multisensory Human-Food Interaction

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    Eating and drinking are undoubtedly amongst lifeā€™s most multisensory experiences. Take, for instance, the enjoyment of flavor, which is one of the most important elements of such experiences, resulting from the integration of gustatory, (retronasal) olfactory, and possibly also trigeminal/oral-somatosensory cues (Prescott, 2015). Nevertheless, researchers have suggested that all our senses can influence the way in which we perceive flavor, not to mention our eating and drinking experiences. For instance, the color and shape of the food, the background sonic/noise cues in our eating environments, and/or the sounds associated with mastication can all influence our perception and enjoyment of our eating and drinking experiences (Spence, 2020). Human-Food Interaction (HFI) research has been growing steadily in recent years (e.g., Deng et al., 2021). Research into multisensory interactions designed to create, modify, and/or enhance our food-related experiences is one of the core areas of HFI (Multisensory HFI or MHFI, Altarriba Bertran et al., 2019; Velasco and Obrist, 2020). The aim being to further our understanding of the principles that govern the systematic connections between the senses in the context of HFI. In this Research Topic, we called for investigations and applications of systems that create new, or enhance already existing, multisensory eating and drinking experiences (what can be considered the ā€œhackingā€ of food experiences) in the context of HFI. Moreover, we were also interested in those works that focus on or are based on the principles governing the systematic connections that exist between the senses. HFI also involves the experiencing of food interactions digitally in remote locations. Therefore, we were also interested in sensing and actuation interfaces, new communication mediums, and persisting and retrieving technologies for human food interactions. Enhancing social interactions to augment the eating experience is another issue we wanted to see addressed here, what has been referred to as ā€œdigital commensalityā€ (Spence et al., 2019)

    Inhibition of Aflatoxin Formation in Aspergillus Species by Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) Seed Stilbenoids in the Course of Peanutāˆ’ Fungus Interaction

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    Common soil fungi, Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus, are opportunistic pathogens that invade preharvest peanut seeds. These fungi often produce carcinogenic aflatoxins that pose a threat to human and animal health through food chains and cause significant economic losses worldwide. Detection of aflatoxins and further processing of crops are mandated to ensure that contaminated agricultural products do not enter food channels. Under favorable conditions, the fungus-challenged peanut seeds produce phytoalexins, structurally related stilbenoids, capable of retarding fungal development. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the potential influence of peanut phytoalexins on fungal development and aflatoxin formation in the course of peanutāˆ’fungus interaction. The present research revealed that during such interaction, aflatoxin formation was completely suppressed in A. flavus and A. parasiticus strains tested, when low concentrations of spores were introduced to wounded preincubated peanuts. In most of the experiments, when fungal spore concentrations were 2 orders of magnitude higher, the spores germinated and produced aflatoxins. Of all experimental seeds that showed fungal growth, 57.7% were aflatoxin-free after 72 h of incubation. The research provided new knowledge on the aflatoxin/phytoalexin formation in the course of peanutāˆ’fungus interaction

    Multisensory technology for flavor augmentation: a mini review

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    There is growing interest in the development of new technologies that capitalize on our emerging understanding of the multisensory influences on flavor perception in order to enhance human-food interaction design. This review focuses on the role of (extrinsic) visual, auditory, and haptic/tactile elements in modulating flavor perception and more generally, our food and drink experiences. We review some of the most exciting examples of recent multisensory technologies for augmenting such experiences. Here, we discuss applications for these technologies, for example, in the field of food experience design, in the support of healthy eating, and in the rapidly-growing world of sensory marketing. However, as the review makes clear, while there are many opportunities for novel human-food interaction design, there are also a number of challenges that will need to be tackled before new technologies can be meaningfully integrated into our everyday food and drink experiences

    Impatience, Incentives, and Obesity

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    This paper explores the relationship between time preferences, economic incentives, and body mass index (BMI). Using data from the 1979 cohort of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, we first show that greater impatience increases BMI even after controlling for demographic, human capital, and occupational characteristics as well as income and risk preference. Next, we provide evidence of an interaction effect between time preference and food prices, with cheaper food leading to the largest weight gains among those exhibiting the most impatience. The interaction of changing economic incentives with heterogeneous discounting may help explain why increases in BMI have been concentrated amongst the right tail of the distribution, where the health consequences are especially severe. Lastly, we model time-inconsistent preferences by computing individualsquasi-hyperbolic discounting parameters (Ī² and Ī“). Both long-run patience (Ī“) and present-bias (Ī²) predict BMI, suggesting obesity is partly attributable to rational intertemporal tradeoffs but also partly to time inconsistency.
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