3 research outputs found

    Vein palm recognition model using fusion of features

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    One of the most promising mechanisms in the field of security and information safety is authentication based on palm vein. The main reasons that vein palm becomes an authentication method is because of its distinctive privacy, as it is difficult to manipulate or change its results, because of the location of the vein within the palm. With the use of this technology, it has become easy to maintain data from unauthorized access and unwanted persons. In this work proposed model are suggested that contain four stages to reach the results: in the first stage is the pre-processing stage where histogram equation was used to enhance the image and the properties are shown, the second stage is the extracting the properties where, Gabor filter and 2-discrete wavelet filters are suggested for features extraction, where it is considered one of the most important filters used to extract the features, as well as in the third stage "PCA" are used for data or features reduction, because of its advantages in analyzing the features and reducing the spacing between them. As for the last stage, the Euclidean distance used to measure the spacing. The results were acceptable and convincing, since the similarity ratio 96.2%. These results were obtained after several tests and using the Gabor filter with 2D-discrete wavelet transform and principal component analysis (PCA), I got the best results

    Local Descriptor Approach to Wrist Vein Recognition with DVH-LBP Domain Feature Selection Scheme

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    Local Binary Pattern (LBP) is one of the well-known image recognition descriptors for texture-based images due to its superiority. LBP can represent texture well due to its ability to discriminate and compute efficiency. However, when it is used to describe textures that are barely visible, such as vein images (especially contactless vein), its discrimination ability is reduced, which leads to lower performance. LBP has extensively been implemented for features extraction in recognition system of hand, eye, face, eye, and other images. Nowadays, there are a lot of developments of hand recognition systems as a hand is a part of the body that can be easily used in the recognition process and it is easier to contact the sensor when taking the image (user-friendly). In particular, a hand consists of various parts that can be used, such as palm and fingers. Other parts like dorsal and wrist can also be used as they have unique characteristics, i.e., they are different from each other, and they do not change with ages. Changes in pixel intensity can be derived from skeletal vein images to distinguish individuals in palm vein recognition. In the previous paper, we proposed a method diagonal, vertical, horizontal local binary pattern (DVH-LBP) for implementing the palm vein recognition system successfully. Through this work, we improve our previous procedure and implement the improved method for recognizing wrist. In particular, this study proposes a new and robust directional extraction technique for encoding the functions of the wrist vein in a simple representation of binary numbers. Simulation results show the low equal error rate (ERR) of the proposed technique is 0.012, and the recognition rate is 99.4%

    Palm Vein Identification Based on Hybrid Feature Selection Model

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    Palm Vein Identification (PVI) is a modern biometric security technique used for enhancing security and authentication systems. The key characteristics of palm vein patterns include its uniqueness to each individual, its unforgettability, non-intrusiveness and its ability for disallowing unauthorized persons. However, the extracted features from the palm vein patterns are huge with high redundancy. In this paper, we propose a combined model of two-Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) (2D-DWTPP) that feeds wrapper model with an optimal subset of features to enhance the prediction accuracy of -palm vein patterns. The 2D-DWT extract features from palm vein images, using the PCA to reduce the redundancy in palm vein features. The system has been trained to select high recognition features based on the wrapper model. The proposed system uses four classifiers as an objective function to determine PVI which include Support Vector Machine (SVM), K Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Decision Tree (DT) and Naïve Bayes (NB). The empirical results proved that the proposed model has the best results with SVM. Moreover, our proposed 2D-DWTPP model has been evaluated and the results show remarkable efficiency in comparison with AlexNet and other classifiers without feature selection. Experimentally, the proposed model has better accuracy as reflected by 98.65% whereas AlexNet has 63.5% accuracy and the classifier without feature selection process has 78.79% accuracy