5 research outputs found

    Human Values as the Basis for Sustainable Information System Design

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    Information systems (IS) play an increasing role for individual well-being [3], for the environment [4], and for society at large [5]. Considering sustainability in IS development is therefore becoming paramount. However, companies today associate sustainability with extra cost and burden on their operations. As a result, many view sustainability more as a demand and a challenge rather than an opportunity. In this article, we argue that companies should rethink this attitude, as both sustainability and a business model can be understood as deeply rooted in human values

    It\u27s a Big Question – Researchers’ Discourses on Sustainable Technology Development and Use

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    Sustainability is a major theme in today’s discourses across disciplines, including Information Systems (IS). Creating a more sustainable world is considered an interdisciplinary effort and IS an inherently interdisciplinary field. Working with complex problems benefits from deeper disciplinary understanding than can be obtained by researchers operating within one field. We interviewed 30 researchers from different fields on sustainable technology development and use, analysing their discourses and reflecting those with the Quintuple Helix Innovation Model that aims for sustainable development of innovations. Our findings show power is woven into sustainability: education can empower us to make sustainable choices, politicians must be vigilant of developments in the industry to protect us as companies follow business interests, and we must all be conscious of the impact technology can have on us and our environments. We contribute with insights on the role of researchers in these discourses, and propose an IS research agenda

    On the power of ethics: How value-based thinking fosters creative and sustainable IT innovation

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    The digital transformation of the economy pressures companies to come up with convincing value propositions for investors and customers and to defend a competitive position in an environment of start-ups. While the need for creativity abounds in this environment, innovation needs to accommodate not only hyped technical advancements, but also higher human needs and values. In a two-study mixed-method research project covering three IT case studies––a digital toy, a food-delivery app and a telemedicine system––we show that the product planning approach from value-based engineering, which is inspired by utilitarianism, virtue ethics, and deontology, significantly increases creative output and ethical foresight, especially when compared to traditional product roadmapping practices. In the value-based approach participants considered a diverse set of stakeholders and took potential adverse effects into account, while at the same time acknowledging a broad range of value classes including individual and social values as well as unique value ideas. While instrumental values with a technical and economic focus (e.g. IT security or efficiency) dominated ideas from the traditional product roadmapping approach, participants acknowledged higher principles with intrinsic value (e.g. freedom or personal growth) when employing value-based product planning. This paper not only presents results on the creative power that can be unleashed by taking different ethical perspectives in a value-based approach, but also includes an inventory of values with detailed descriptions and classifications. With this, we hope to inspire future value-oriented research and innovation projects and conclude with implications for both value-oriented frameworks and traditional innovation practices.Series: Working Papers / Institute for IS & Societ

    Impact de la congruence des valeurs TI sur l'intention de résister

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    La thèse étudie l’impact de la congruence des valeurs accordées à la technologie de l’information sur l’intention d’y résister. Une mesure de congruence des valeurs TI est proposée. Cette mesure correspond à l’écart entre les valeurs accordées par un utilisateur aux TI en général et les valeurs accordées à une TI spécifique dans le contexte de son travail. La thèse propose une mesure originale de ces concepts. Elle a recours, pour ce faire, à une revue de littérature et à des entrevues avec des utilisateurs.Un modèle reliant la congruence des valeurs TI, l’attitude comportementale et l’intention de résister est ensuite élaboré. Le modèle est testé et vérifié auprès de 261 enseignants tunisiens avec, comme technologies de référence, les plateformes d’enseignement à distance et en utilisant les techniques d’équations structurelles. D’un point de vue théorique, la thèse propose une explication de l’intention de résister en fonction de la congruence des valeurs TI et de l’attitude comportementale. D’un point de vue pratique, les résultats guident les gestionnaires des projets TI dans le choix des pratiques de gestion du changement.Abstract: The thesis studies the impact of the congruence of values granted to information technology (IT) on the intention to resist. A measure congruence of the IT values is proposed. This measure corresponds to the difference between the values given by a user to IT in general and the values given to a specific IT in his work context. The thesis proposes an original measure of these concepts. To do this, it uses a literature review and interviews with users. A model linking the global congruence of IT values, behavioral attitude, and the intention to resist is then developed. The model is tested and verified with 261 Tunisian teachers using, as reference technology, distance learning platforms and using the techniques of structural equations. From a theoretical point of view, the thesis proposes an explanation of the intention to resist as a function of the congruence of TI values and behavioral attitude. From a practical point of view, the results guide IT projects managers in the choice of change management practices

    Human Values as the Basis for Sustainable Information System Design

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