429 research outputs found

    A multi-viewpoint feature-based re-identification system driven by skeleton keypoints

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    Thanks to the increasing popularity of 3D sensors, robotic vision has experienced huge improvements in a wide range of applications and systems in the last years. Besides the many benefits, this migration caused some incompatibilities with those systems that cannot be based on range sensors, like intelligent video surveillance systems, since the two kinds of sensor data lead to different representations of people and objects. This work goes in the direction of bridging the gap, and presents a novel re-identification system that takes advantage of multiple video flows in order to enhance the performance of a skeletal tracking algorithm, which is in turn exploited for driving the re-identification. A new, geometry-based method for joining together the detections provided by the skeletal tracker from multiple video flows is introduced, which is capable of dealing with many people in the scene, coping with the errors introduced in each view by the skeletal tracker. Such method has a high degree of generality, and can be applied to any kind of body pose estimation algorithm. The system was tested on a public dataset for video surveillance applications, demonstrating the improvements achieved by the multi-viewpoint approach in the accuracy of both body pose estimation and re-identification. The proposed approach was also compared with a skeletal tracking system working on 3D data: the comparison assessed the good performance level of the multi-viewpoint approach. This means that the lack of the rich information provided by 3D sensors can be compensated by the availability of more than one viewpoint

    Numerical simulation of multiscale fault systems with rate- and state-dependent friction

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    We consider the deformation of a geological structure with non-intersecting faults that can be represented by a layered system of viscoelastic bodies satisfying rate- and state-depending friction conditions along the common interfaces. We derive a mathematical model that contains classical Dieterich- and Ruina-type friction as special cases and accounts for possibly large tangential displacements. Semi-discretization in time by a Newmark scheme leads to a coupled system of nonsmooth, convex minimization problems for rate and state to be solved in each time step. Additional spatial discretization by a mortar method and piecewise constant finite elements allows for the decoupling of rate and state by a fixed point iteration and efficient algebraic solution of the rate problem by truncated nonsmooth Newton methods. Numerical experiments with a spring slider and a layered multiscale system illustrate the behavior of our model as well as the efficiency and reliability of the numerical solver

    Shape analysis of the human brain.

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    Autism is a complex developmental disability that has dramatically increased in prevalence, having a decisive impact on the health and behavior of children. Methods used to detect and recommend therapies have been much debated in the medical community because of the subjective nature of diagnosing autism. In order to provide an alternative method for understanding autism, the current work has developed a 3-dimensional state-of-the-art shape based analysis of the human brain to aid in creating more accurate diagnostic assessments and guided risk analyses for individuals with neurological conditions, such as autism. Methods: The aim of this work was to assess whether the shape of the human brain can be used as a reliable source of information for determining whether an individual will be diagnosed with autism. The study was conducted using multi-center databases of magnetic resonance images of the human brain. The subjects in the databases were analyzed using a series of algorithms consisting of bias correction, skull stripping, multi-label brain segmentation, 3-dimensional mesh construction, spherical harmonic decomposition, registration, and classification. The software algorithms were developed as an original contribution of this dissertation in collaboration with the BioImaging Laboratory at the University of Louisville Speed School of Engineering. The classification of each subject was used to construct diagnoses and therapeutic risk assessments for each patient. Results: A reliable metric for making neurological diagnoses and constructing therapeutic risk assessment for individuals has been identified. The metric was explored in populations of individuals having autism spectrum disorders, dyslexia, Alzheimers disease, and lung cancer. Conclusion: Currently, the clinical applicability and benefits of the proposed software approach are being discussed by the broader community of doctors, therapists, and parents for use in improving current methods by which autism spectrum disorders are diagnosed and understood

    Edge Detection by Adaptive Splitting II. The Three-Dimensional Case

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    In Llanas and Lantarón, J. Sci. Comput. 46, 485–518 (2011) we proposed an algorithm (EDAS-d) to approximate the jump discontinuity set of functions defined on subsets of ℝ d . This procedure is based on adaptive splitting of the domain of the function guided by the value of an average integral. The above study was limited to the 1D and 2D versions of the algorithm. In this paper we address the three-dimensional problem. We prove an integral inequality (in the case d=3) which constitutes the basis of EDAS-3. We have performed detailed computational experiments demonstrating effective edge detection in 3D function models with different interface topologies. EDAS-1 and EDAS-2 appealing properties are extensible to the 3D cas

    Learning shape correspondence with anisotropic convolutional neural networks

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    Establishing correspondence between shapes is a fundamental problem in geometry processing, arising in a wide variety of applications. The problem is especially difficult in the setting of non-isometric deformations, as well as in the presence of topological noise and missing parts, mainly due to the limited capability to model such deformations axiomatically. Several recent works showed that invariance to complex shape transformations can be learned from examples. In this paper, we introduce an intrinsic convolutional neural network architecture based on anisotropic diffusion kernels, which we term Anisotropic Convolutional Neural Network (ACNN). In our construction, we generalize convolutions to non-Euclidean domains by constructing a set of oriented anisotropic diffusion kernels, creating in this way a local intrinsic polar representation of the data (`patch'), which is then correlated with a filter. Several cascades of such filters, linear, and non-linear operators are stacked to form a deep neural network whose parameters are learned by minimizing a task-specific cost. We use ACNNs to effectively learn intrinsic dense correspondences between deformable shapes in very challenging settings, achieving state-of-the-art results on some of the most difficult recent correspondence benchmarks

    Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Deformation Accumulation in Fault Networks

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    Strain accumulation and stress release along multiscale geological fault networks are fundamental mechanisms for earthquake and rupture processes in the lithosphere. Due to long periods of seismic quiescence, the scarcity of large earthquakes and incompleteness of paleoseismic, historical and instrumental record, there is a fundamental lack of insight into the multiscale, spatio-temporal nature of earthquake dynamics in fault networks. This thesis constitutes another step towards reliable earthquake prediction and quantitative hazard analysis. Its focus lies on developing a mathematical model for prototypical, layered fault networks on short time scales as well as their efficient numerical simulation. This exposition begins by establishing a fault system consisting of layered bodies with viscoelastic Kelvin-Voigt rheology and non-intersecting faults featuring rate-and-state friction as proposed by Dieterich and Ruina. The individual bodies are assumed to experience small viscoelastic deformations, but possibly large relative tangential displacements. Thereafter, semi-discretization in time with the classical Newmark scheme of the variational formulation yields a sequence of continuous, nonsmooth, coupled, spatial minimization problems for the velocities and states in each time step, that are decoupled by means of a fixed point iteration. Subsequently, spatial discretization is based on linear and piecewise constant finite elements for the rate and state problems, respectively. A dual mortar discretization of the non-penetration constraints entails a hierarchical decomposition of the discrete solution space, that enables the localization of the non-penetration condition. Exploiting the resulting structure, an algebraic representation of the parametrized rate problem can be solved efficiently using a variant of the Truncated Nonsmooth Newton Multigrid (TNNMG) method. It is globally convergent due to nonlinear, block Gauß–Seidel type smoothing and employs nonsmooth Newton and multigrid ideas to enhance robustness and efficiency of the overall method. A key step in the TNNMG algorithm is the efficient computation of a correction obtained from a linearized, inexact Newton step. The second part addresses the numerical homogenization of elliptic variational problems featuring fractal interface networks, that are structurally similar to the ones arising in the linearized correction step of the TNNMG method. Contrary to the previous setting, this model incorporates the full spatial complexity of geological fault networks in terms of truly multiscale fractal interface geometries. Here, the construction of projections from a fractal function space to finite element spaces with suitable approximation and stability properties constitutes the main contribution of this thesis. The existence of these projections enables the application of well-known approaches to numerical homogenization, such as localized orthogonal decomposition (LOD) for the construction of multiscale discretizations with optimal a priori error estimates or subspace correction methods, that lead to algebraic solvers with mesh- and scale-independent convergence rates. Finally, numerical experiments with a single fault and the layered multiscale fault system illustrate the properties of the mathematical model as well as the efficiency, reliability and scale-independence of the suggested algebraic solver

    Surface Deformation Models for Non-Rigid 3--D Shape Recovery

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    3--D detection and shape recovery of a non-rigid surface from video sequences require deformation models to effectively take advantage of potentially noisy image data. Here we introduce an approach to creating such models for deformable 3--D surfaces. We exploit the fact that the shape of an inextensible triangulated mesh can be parameterized in terms of a small subset of the angles between its facets. We use this set of angles to create a representative set of potential shapes, which we feed to a simple dimensionality reduction technique to produce low-dimensional 3--D deformation models. We show that these models can be used to accurately model a wide range of deforming 3--D surfaces from video sequences acquired under realistic conditions

    FrameNet: Learning Local Canonical Frames of 3D Surfaces from a Single RGB Image

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    In this work, we introduce the novel problem of identifying dense canonical 3D coordinate frames from a single RGB image. We observe that each pixel in an image corresponds to a surface in the underlying 3D geometry, where a canonical frame can be identified as represented by three orthogonal axes, one along its normal direction and two in its tangent plane. We propose an algorithm to predict these axes from RGB. Our first insight is that canonical frames computed automatically with recently introduced direction field synthesis methods can provide training data for the task. Our second insight is that networks designed for surface normal prediction provide better results when trained jointly to predict canonical frames, and even better when trained to also predict 2D projections of canonical frames. We conjecture this is because projections of canonical tangent directions often align with local gradients in images, and because those directions are tightly linked to 3D canonical frames through projective geometry and orthogonality constraints. In our experiments, we find that our method predicts 3D canonical frames that can be used in applications ranging from surface normal estimation, feature matching, and augmented reality
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