45,200 research outputs found

    Vision Based Activity Recognition Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Architecture

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    Human Activity recognition, with wide application in fields like video surveillance, sports, human interaction, elderly care has shown great influence in upbringing the standard of life of people. With the constant development of new architecture, models, and an increase in the computational capability of the system, the adoption of machine learning and deep learning for activity recognition has shown great improvement with high performance in recent years. My research goal in this thesis is to design and compare machine learning and deep learning models for activity recognition through videos collected from different media in the field of sports. Human activity recognition (HAR) mostly is to recognize the action performed by a human through the data collected from different sources automatically. Based on the literature review, most data collected for analysis is based on time series data collected through different sensors and video-based data collected through the camera. So firstly, our research analyzes and compare different machine learning and deep learning architecture with sensor-based data collected from an accelerometer of a smartphone place at different position of the human body. Without any hand-crafted feature extraction methods, we found that deep learning architecture outperforms most of the machine learning architecture and the use of multiple sensors has higher accuracy than a dataset collected from a single sensor. Secondly, as collecting data from sensors in real-time is not feasible in all the fields such as sports, we study the activity recognition by using the video dataset. For this, we used two state-of-the-art deep learning architectures previously trained on the big, annotated dataset using transfer learning methods for activity recognition in three different sports-related publicly available datasets. Extending the study to the different activities performed on a single sport, and to avoid the current trend of using special cameras and expensive set up around the court for data collection, we developed our video dataset using sports coverage of basketball games broadcasted through broadcasting media. The detailed analysis and experiments based on different criteria such as range of shots taken, scoring activities is presented for 8 different activities using state-of-art deep learning architecture for video classification

    TASKED: Transformer-based Adversarial learning for human activity recognition using wearable sensors via Self-KnowledgE Distillation

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    Wearable sensor-based human activity recognition (HAR) has emerged as a principal research area and is utilized in a variety of applications. Recently, deep learning-based methods have achieved significant improvement in the HAR field with the development of human-computer interaction applications. However, they are limited to operating in a local neighborhood in the process of a standard convolution neural network, and correlations between different sensors on body positions are ignored. In addition, they still face significant challenging problems with performance degradation due to large gaps in the distribution of training and test data, and behavioral differences between subjects. In this work, we propose a novel Transformer-based Adversarial learning framework for human activity recognition using wearable sensors via Self-KnowledgE Distillation (TASKED), that accounts for individual sensor orientations and spatial and temporal features. The proposed method is capable of learning cross-domain embedding feature representations from multiple subjects datasets using adversarial learning and the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) regularization to align the data distribution over multiple domains. In the proposed method, we adopt the teacher-free self-knowledge distillation to improve the stability of the training procedure and the performance of human activity recognition. Experimental results show that TASKED not only outperforms state-of-the-art methods on the four real-world public HAR datasets (alone or combined) but also improves the subject generalization effectively.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to Knowledge-Based Systems, Elsevier. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2110.1216

    Robust human locomotion and localization activity recognition over multisensory

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    Human activity recognition (HAR) plays a pivotal role in various domains, including healthcare, sports, robotics, and security. With the growing popularity of wearable devices, particularly Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) and Ambient sensors, researchers and engineers have sought to take advantage of these advances to accurately and efficiently detect and classify human activities. This research paper presents an advanced methodology for human activity and localization recognition, utilizing smartphone IMU, Ambient, GPS, and Audio sensor data from two public benchmark datasets: the Opportunity dataset and the Extrasensory dataset. The Opportunity dataset was collected from 12 subjects participating in a range of daily activities, and it captures data from various body-worn and object-associated sensors. The Extrasensory dataset features data from 60 participants, including thousands of data samples from smartphone and smartwatch sensors, labeled with a wide array of human activities. Our study incorporates novel feature extraction techniques for signal, GPS, and audio sensor data. Specifically, for localization, GPS, audio, and IMU sensors are utilized, while IMU and Ambient sensors are employed for locomotion activity recognition. To achieve accurate activity classification, state-of-the-art deep learning techniques, such as convolutional neural networks (CNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM), have been explored. For indoor/outdoor activities, CNNs are applied, while LSTMs are utilized for locomotion activity recognition. The proposed system has been evaluated using the k-fold cross-validation method, achieving accuracy rates of 97% and 89% for locomotion activity over the Opportunity and Extrasensory datasets, respectively, and 96% for indoor/outdoor activity over the Extrasensory dataset. These results highlight the efficiency of our methodology in accurately detecting various human activities, showing its potential for real-world applications. Moreover, the research paper introduces a hybrid system that combines machine learning and deep learning features, enhancing activity recognition performance by leveraging the strengths of both approaches

    Learning deep features for kNN-based human activity recognition.

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    A CBR approach to Human Activity Recognition (HAR) uses the kNN algorithm to classify sensor data into different activity classes. Different feature representation approaches have been proposed for sensor data for the purpose of HAR. These include shallow features, which can either be hand-crafted from the time and frequency domains, or the coefficients of frequency transformations. Alternatively, deep features can be extracted using deep learning approches. These different representation approaches have been compared in previous works without a consistent best approach being identified. In this paper, we explore the question of which representation approach is best for kNN. Accordingly, we compare 5 different feature representation approaches (ranging from shallow to deep) on accelerometer data collected from two body locations, wrist and thigh. Results show deep features to produce the best results for kNN, compared to both hand-crafted and frequency transform, by a margin of up to 6.5% on the wrist and over 2.2% on the thigh. In addition, kNN produces very good results with as little as a single epoch of training for the deep features

    Deep convolutional and LSTM recurrent neural networks for multimodal wearable activity recognition

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    Human activity recognition (HAR) tasks have traditionally been solved using engineered features obtained by heuristic processes. Current research suggests that deep convolutional neural networks are suited to automate feature extraction from raw sensor inputs. However, human activities are made of complex sequences of motor movements, and capturing this temporal dynamics is fundamental for successful HAR. Based on the recent success of recurrent neural networks for time series domains, we propose a generic deep framework for activity recognition based on convolutional and LSTM recurrent units, which: (i) is suitable for multimodal wearable sensors; (ii) can perform sensor fusion naturally; (iii) does not require expert knowledge in designing features; and (iv) explicitly models the temporal dynamics of feature activations. We evaluate our framework on two datasets, one of which has been used in a public activity recognition challenge. Our results show that our framework outperforms competing deep non-recurrent networks on the challenge dataset by 4% on average; outperforming some of the previous reported results by up to 9%. Our results show that the framework can be applied to homogeneous sensor modalities, but can also fuse multimodal sensors to improve performance. We characterise key architectural hyperparameters’ influence on performance to provide insights about their optimisation

    Understanding and Improving Recurrent Networks for Human Activity Recognition by Continuous Attention

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    Deep neural networks, including recurrent networks, have been successfully applied to human activity recognition. Unfortunately, the final representation learned by recurrent networks might encode some noise (irrelevant signal components, unimportant sensor modalities, etc.). Besides, it is difficult to interpret the recurrent networks to gain insight into the models' behavior. To address these issues, we propose two attention models for human activity recognition: temporal attention and sensor attention. These two mechanisms adaptively focus on important signals and sensor modalities. To further improve the understandability and mean F1 score, we add continuity constraints, considering that continuous sensor signals are more robust than discrete ones. We evaluate the approaches on three datasets and obtain state-of-the-art results. Furthermore, qualitative analysis shows that the attention learned by the models agree well with human intuition.Comment: 8 pages. published in The International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC) 201
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