3 research outputs found

    Systematic literature review: an analysis of skill mismatch measurement

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    The rapid growth of technology in the era of Industry 4.0 has caused the dynamic labor market to grow faster than ever before. This resulted in a mismatch between the jobs offered and the skills required. Thus, it raised the number of unemployability. The objective of this paper is to analyze the measurement of skill mismatch. Shortcomings and flaws in previous measurement methods and a broad definition of skill mismatch hindered the issues to be solved. The introduction of online job analysis has been seen as increasingly more valuable in measuring labor market conditions. Overcoming the issues such as cost, time lag, and biases, this measurement has been seen to be the new trend among scholars to shed the light on skill mismatch measurement. This paper analyzed 402 papers on online job data (vacancy, advertisement, portal) published from 2017 to 2022 from Scopus and Web of Science databases. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review & Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) were used for this study. After the inclusion and exclusion criteria, ten papers from Scopus and five papers from the Web of Science database that matched with the criteria objective have been selected. Therefore, the study found that analyzing online job data is the new trend to be used in improving the labor market with more of the data could be used for the improvement to the previous method of measuring the skill mismatch proble

    A Skills Framework for Energy Saving

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    Energy conservation has been a widespread concern for decades for two main focuses: environmental protection and energy issues. Studies on energy savings have constantly been developing which led to many innovative energy-saving methods covering both technical and psychological aspects. Governments, enterprises and higher education are placing great importance to the understanding of energy saving measures and policies as it contributes positively to environment. Such steps also provide employment opportunities to hundreds of thousands of people. As many industries are now integrating energy-saving policies with organizational culture, there is a steady demand for energy-saving talent and skills associated. Thus, higher education is responsible to cultivate talents and skills with curriculum focusing on energy-saving principles. If specialists and graduates are to engage in the field, one of the keys is their skills and abilities. What skills and abilities are expected in organizational roles related to energy saving? So far, no scholars have specifically analysed or summarized skills on energy conservation. Therefore, this study aims to fill this gap using qualitative analysis. With desk research and detailed literature review on energy saving, this study proposes an energy-saving skills framework. As a part of data collection, a focus group interview is conducted to understand opinions about energy-saving skills among managerial personnel from high energy consumption enterprises. An analysis of energy-saving related job advertisements which shows recruiters’ expectation for employees’ mastery is also carried out. This step checks the validity of the proposed skills framework. The findings of this study contribute to the growing literature on energy saving and help to understand energy-saving skills in human resource management of enterprises and higher education curriculum design. Gaining a systematic knowledge of energy-saving skills is the way forward for organizations, higher education institutes and individuals to enhance long-term sustainable prospects and eradicate certain environmental energy issues