13 research outputs found

    Sharing metadata: enabling online information provision

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    Management of digital libraries : challenges and opportunities redefining the contemporary information professional’s role

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    This paper examines digital libraries principally from the management perspective. For the purpose of appreciating the intrinsic concepts involved, it starts with a comprehensive discussion of definitions, followed by basic principles pertaining to digital libraries. Next, it gives a glimpse into a wide-ranging spectrum of reasons as to why digital libraries are mushrooming predominantly in the developed world and also in a few developing countries. Reasons for the management of these types of libraries are also brought into view. Core competencies expected of digital librarians are outlined, in the wake of the new and continuously dynamic technological dispensation. The paper stresses the need for a paradigm shift in information management strategies, in as far as digital libraries are concerned. This is considered to be crucial if at all information professionals are to gain maximum mileage, in their noble mission of satisfying evolving user needs. Urgent attention ought to be directed towards managing of digital libraries, as a means of enabling contemporary information professionals to assert their unique role in society, not only as information gatekeepers but as information gateways, as well

    Digital Libraries and their Use in E-Learning

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    How e-learning providers do business and produce content has changed dramatically over the past few years. Technology advancement and increased use of broadband coupled with the need to develop content optimised for size, richness and personalization have been key drivers. Due to the high costs associated with producing content, much progress has been made adapt old material to courses that may apply a different style guide. The fact that there are millions of duplicating courses covering the same material across the world, which cannot be re-used or shared, is an issue we discuss in this paper in the context of elearning and digital libraries. We look at some of the ways in which this can be addressed and some of the problems associated with the area such as cost, re-creating material to the new standards and good meta-tagging for particular communities of practice


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    Konsep pengembangan Perpustakaan Digital bertaraf Internasional sebagai sarana meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Perguruan Tinggi

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    ABSTRAK Perpustakaan merupakan salah satu sarana pembelajaran yang dapat menjadi sebuah kekuatan untuk mencerdaskan bangsa. Perpustakaan mempunyai peranan penting sebagai jembatan menuju penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan yang sekaligus menjadi tempat rekreasi yang menyenangkan, menyegarkan, dan mengasyikkan. Oleh karena itu perpustakaan perlu dibangun agar dapat berkembang dengan baik pada era globalisasi ini. Perkembangan dunia perpustakaan, dari segi data dan dokumen yang disimpan, dimulai dari perpustakaan tradisional yang hanya terdiri dari kumpulan koleksi buku tanpa katalog, kemudian muncul perpustakaan semi modern yang menggunakan katalog (index). Perkembangan mutakhir adalah munculnya perpustakaan digital (digital library) yang memiliki keunggulan dalam kecepatan pengaksesan karena berorientasi ke data digital dan media jaringan komputer (internet). Pengembangan perpustakaan digital atau e-library bagi tenaga pengelola perpustakaan dapat membantu pekerjaan di perpustakaan melalui fungsi sistem otomasi perpustakaan, sehingga proses pengelolaan perpustakaan lebih efektif dan efisien. Fungsi sistem otomasi perpustakaan menitikberatkan pada bagaimana mengontrol sistem administrasi layanan secara otomatis/terkomputerisasi. Sedangkan bagi pengguna perpustakaan dapat membantu mencari sumber-sumber informasi yang diinginkan dengan menggunakan catalog on-line yang dapat diakses melalui intranet maupun internet, sehingga pencarian informasi dapat dilakukan kapan pun dan di mana pun ia berada. Strategi yang ditawarkan untuk mengembangkan perpustakaan digital yaitu melalui sistem perpustakaan digital dimana merupakan konsep menggunakan internet dan teknologi informasi dalam menajemen perpustakaan mengembangkan perpustakaan yang berbasis pada teknologi informasi dan komunikasi atau information and communication technology (ICT based). Dengan tujuan menerapkan perpustakaan berbasis digital tersebut di atas, apa yang direncanakan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (DIKTI) sebagai institusi yang melaksanakan pengawasan, pengendalian, dan pembinaan perguruan tinggi telah menargetkan bahwa pada tahun 2008 terdapat 25 (dua puluh lima) perpustakaan perguruan tinggi di Indonesia akan dapat mencapai kualitas yang berstandar atau bertaraf internasional akan tercapai. Hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan penulis dapat di sampaikan di sini bahwasannya konsep perpustakan digital yang penulis tawarkan dalam pembahasan skripsi ini adalah salah satu alternative yang dapat dilakukan demi mendapatkan out put (alumnus) yang kompetitif dan berwawasan global, seperti halnya kampus-kampus modern di Eropa dan Barat yang leading dalam dunia pendidikan dan demi tercainya pendidikan di perguruan tinggi berstandar Internasional, maka otomatis perpustakaan menjadi prioritas utama agar tercapai tujuan tersebut. Kalaupun masih ada alternative lain yang mungkin lebih baik dari pada yang teleh disampaikan atau ditulis dalam skripsi ini, maka hjal itu dapat dijadikan sebagai masukan atau tambahan agar skripsi ini terus berkembang dan tidak berhenti sampai di sini

    Rethinking professional competence for the networked environment

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    Describes how advances in information and communication technologies are bringing about profound changes in the operating environment of academic libraries, introducing new computer-based systems for teaching, learning, research and scholarly communication. Explains how the roles of staff are changing, particularly paraprofessionals, liaison librarians, and senior managers, and discusses the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to perform effectively in the networked environment, highlighting the breadth and depth of technical, managerial and personal competencies needed. Concludes that new competence frameworks are required to reflect the expanded skillset and library staff development should be managed strategically in collaboration with academic and service partners

    An Exploratory study of the benefits and inhibitors of digital libraries in Iraq

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    This research study explores the potential of digital libraries (DLS) in Iraq and identifies inhibitors to adoption. Iraq is an ancient civilisation, with a recorded history of more than 5000 years. The Mesopotamian civilisation and the Babylonian Civilisation (both in Iraq) are amongst the most ancient in the world, and have existed from the times of the ancient Egyptian, Indus Valley, Persian civilisations. Iraq has a rich cultural history, with many rare historical manuscripts, antiques etc., on which many treatises have written and still continues to be a popular subject of research. In its recent history, Iraq has had much turmoil as a result of war, sanctions and internal conflict. In recent years many libraries such as the Iraq National Library and Archive (Dar al-Makhtutat, Dar al-Kutub wa-al-Watha\u27iq), Bayt al- Hikma, Maktabat al-Awqaf and the Iraqi Academy of Sciences have been looted and burnt. It has been proposed by the government to implement digital libraries to broaden accessibility and preserve documents. Today the advancement of civilisation and speed of innovation are highly dependent on the availability of information. With increased access to information, even the most underprivileged sections of society will have improved economies. There are numerous investments in infrastructure and improvements in the standardisation of protocols, such as http, that have enabled the sharing of information. One of the predominant tools for storing and allowing access to information is a digital library. Digital library technology has been widely adopted worldwide by governments, universities and private institutions. However, implementation of this technology is seen to be a challenge for developing countries, and particularly those nations affected by conflict. This research study examines the issues related to the implementation of digital libraries in the developing country of Iraq. Digital libraries are an effective system of collecting, storing, organising and distributing documents. They also provide privacy and security. Digital libraries have been seen to have transformed the delivery of education in Western countries. Some African nations, Arab states, India, Thailand and many others have also benefitted from digital libraries. However, it has been identified in the literature that the implementation and adoption of digital libraries has many challenges in poorer nations. A review of the extant literature provided the foundation of the conceptual framework for the study. Much of the literature concerning Iraq and developing nations predicted an exploratory study. The ontological and epistemological stance of the researcher and the nature of the phenomenon led to a method of inductive qualitative case study. A semistructured interview guide was used to obtain data from eight libraries in Iraq. The data were analysed using the constructs developed during the literature review. The researcher’s analysis also led to the identification of new constructs that were integrated into the research. Common aspects and issues with regards to implementation of digital libraries were identified. The results revealed that library staff in Iraq are aware of digital libraries and convinced of their benefits. However, they see many challenges to implementation. Their main concerns are that digital libraries require library staff to have improved knowledge of information and communication technology and English literacy. The researcher found that the capital cost of digital equipment and regulatory issues, such as protection of intellectual property and privacy laws, precluded adoption. The researcher also uncovered broader issues, including the dearth of internet access, poor infrastructure, lack of computers in the population and even the frequent interruption of electricity as major inhibitors to adoption. The researcher found that the benefits of digital libraries are predicted to be extensive; essentially the DLs are seen to be able to provide free, unhindered 24/7 access from anywhere and that this will contribute positively to the socio-economic development of Iraq. DLs will also empower women who will be able to access information from the privacy of their homes, without facing restrictions imposed by Arab culture. Moreover, the cross-referencing of DLs would save time and help research students. Multimedia used in DLs would also enhance students’ learning experience. Furthermore, DLs would showcase the rich cultural heritage of Iraq to foreign nations by linking Iraqi DLs with others in the world. For digital libraries to be implemented in Iraq the following barriers to effective implementation of DLs need to be addressed: poor literacy, poor English language and lack of ICT skills, funds for digital equipment (servers, software, etc.), and for accessing the DL (client computer, Smartphone, iPad, etc.), lack of infrastructure (including electricity supply and internet capability), and cultural issues. This will require that DLs are endorsed at the highest level of government and planned with the recognition of the unique environmental conditions. Investment in electricity plant and supply, as well as Internet connectivity is anecessity. Funding by government and foreign donor agencies would be crucial to cover the initial capital expenditure and ongoing running costs of DL. Training needs to be provided to library staff. Finally, it would be necessary to obtain arrangements with other digital libraries around the world and to implement laws of copyright protection. The study is significant because it reveals many benefits of DLs to Iraq and provides insights about the inhibitors to adoption. The study supports further research into DLs in Iraq by providing constructs, inhibitors and some of the potential of DLs. It also provides a priori for explorative research about DLs in other developing nations

    Effectiveness of Asynchronous Reference Services for Distance Learning Students Within Florida\u27s Community College System

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    The impact of distance learning on higher education and the need to provide equitable library services to students in the digital environment emerged as critical areas during the 1990s. Library services available to distance learning students included digital reference and instructional services, remote access to online research tools, database and research tutorials, interlibrary loan, and document delivery. Digital reference services appeared to be one of the more significant services proffered by academic libraries although these services were developed often without forethought to goals and assessment. The purpose of this study was to examine the adequacy of asynchronous e-mail reference services offered through Florida\u27s 28 community college libraries and the contribution of these digital reference service providers to the students\u27 online learning community. The researcher analyzed data obtained through an unobtrusive study of asynchronous digital reference services and interviews conducted with digital reference service providers. Studies existed for traditional and telephone reference service; however, the literature lacked studies addressing asynchronous digital reference service. Results from the unobtrusive portion of this study showed that the researcher received 240 of a possible 392 responses from the digital reference service providers. The researcher scored 24% as accurate with source information, 4% as accurate without source information, 20% as partly accurate with source information, and 7% as partly accurate without source information. The students scored 48% as accurate with source information, 12% as accurate without source information, 17% as partly accurate with source information, and 9% as partly accurate without source information. Responses took anywhere from 6 seconds to 20 days. The communication techniques exercised by the DRSPs were substandard. The study resulted in recommendations for the areas of digital environment, unobtrusive methodology, standards, accuracy, measurements, online relationships, training of digital reference service providers, student training, institutional responsibility, and marketing

    Authoring and information seeking on the world-wide web : an experimental study.

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    Thesis (M.I.S.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1997.The research reported in this thesis is focused on some of the implications for Library and Information Science of the development of the Internet, and the World-Wide Web (WWW) in particular. It highlights the need for a wider involvement of this profession in the better management, organisation, and ultimately - usability, of the global information system. An extensive study of the information seeking process was carried out on a collection of interlinked hypertext documents constituting a PC-based model of the World-Wide Web. Special attention was paid to the correlation of WWW document authoring characteristics and the success rate in browsing sessions performed by novice, casual and experienced Internet end-users. The analysis of the results from a number of browsing sessions on the model led to some specific recommendations for comprehension-oriented WWW authoring