1 research outputs found

    User Interface Model of Interactive Educational Sofware

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    Oblast istraživanja ove disertacije obuhvata interakciju čoveka i računara. Kreirani su: model korisničkog interfejsa, sa smernicama za kvalitetniju realizaciju obrazovnih softvera namenjenih najmlađim korisnicima, model obrazovnog softvera na zakonima FITSA, kurikulum nastavnog predmeta Interakcija čoveka i računara. Očekivano poboljšanje obrazovnih efekata nastave prikazano je kroz vrednovanje rezultata istraživanja ostvarenih testiranjem preciznosti prilikom rešavanja testova znanja kod onih testova koji se prilagođavaju performansama korisnika.The research area of this thesis includes the interaction of man and computer. Model of the user interface, with guidelines for better implementation of educational software for the youngest users, a model of educational software to the laws Fits, curriculum teaching subject interaction of man and computer were created. Expected improvement of the educational effects of teaching is shown through the evaluation of results achieved when testing the accuracy of solving tests in those tests that adapt to user performance