9 research outputs found

    Online Nash Welfare Maximization Without Predictions

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    Nash welfare maximization is widely studied because it balances efficiency and fairness in resource allocation problems. Banerjee, Gkatzelis, Gorokh, and Jin (2022) recently introduced the model of online Nash welfare maximization with predictions for TT divisible items and NN agents with additive utilities. They gave online algorithms whose competitive ratios are logarithmic. We initiate the study of online Nash welfare maximization \emph{without predictions}, assuming either that the agents' utilities for receiving all items differ by a bounded ratio, or that their utilities for the Nash welfare maximizing allocation differ by a bounded ratio. We design online algorithms whose competitive ratios only depend on the logarithms of the aforementioned ratios of agents' utilities and the number of agents

    Greedy-Based Online Fair Allocation with Adversarial Input: Enabling Best-of-Many-Worlds Guarantees

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    We study an online allocation problem with sequentially arriving items and adversarially chosen agent values, with the goal of balancing fairness and efficiency. Our goal is to study the performance of algorithms that achieve strong guarantees under other input models such as stochastic inputs, in order to achieve robust guarantees against a variety of inputs. To that end, we study the PACE (Pacing According to Current Estimated utility) algorithm, an existing algorithm designed for stochastic input. We show that in the equal-budgets case, PACE is equivalent to the integral greedy algorithm. We go on to show that with natural restrictions on the adversarial input model, both integral greedy allocation and PACE have asymptotically bounded multiplicative envy as well as competitive ratio for Nash welfare, with the multiplicative factors either constant or with optimal order dependence on the number of agents. This completes a "best-of-many-worlds" guarantee for PACE, since past work showed that PACE achieves guarantees for stationary and stochastic-but-non-stationary input models

    Competitive Equilibrium for Chores: from Dual Eisenberg-Gale to a Fast, Greedy, LP-based Algorithm

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    We study the computation of competitive equilibrium for Fisher markets with nn agents and mm divisible chores. Prior work showed that competitive equilibria correspond to the nonzero KKT points of a non-convex analogue of the Eisenberg-Gale convex program. We introduce an analogue of the Eisenberg-Gale dual for chores: we show that all KKT points of this dual correspond to competitive equilibria, and while it is not a dual of the non-convex primal program in a formal sense, the objectives touch at all KKT points. Similar to the primal, the dual has problems from an optimization perspective: there are many feasible directions where the objective tends to positive infinity. We then derive a new constraint for the dual, which restricts optimization to a hyperplane that avoids all these directions. We show that restriction to this hyperplane retains all KKT points, and surprisingly, does not introduce any new ones. This allows, for the first time ever, application of iterative optimization methods over a convex region for computing competitive equilibria for chores. We next introduce a greedy Frank-Wolfe algorithm for optimization over our program and show a state-of-the-art convergence rate to competitive equilibrium. In the case of equal incomes, we show a O~(n/ϵ2)\mathcal{\tilde O}(n/\epsilon^2) rate of convergence, which improves over the two prior state-of-the-art rates of O~(n3/ϵ2)\mathcal{\tilde O}(n^3/\epsilon^2) for an exterior-point method and O~(nm/ϵ2)\mathcal{\tilde O}(nm/\epsilon^2) for a combinatorial method. Moreover, our method is significantly simpler: each iteration of our method only requires solving a simple linear program. We show through numerical experiments on simulated data and a paper review bidding dataset that our method is extremely practical. This is the first highly practical method for solving competitive equilibrium for Fisher markets with chores.Comment: 25 pages, 17 figure

    Proportionally Fair Online Allocation of Public Goods with Predictions

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    We design online algorithms for the fair allocation of public goods to a set of NN agents over a sequence of TT rounds and focus on improving their performance using predictions. In the basic model, a public good arrives in each round, the algorithm learns every agent's value for the good, and must irrevocably decide the amount of investment in the good without exceeding a total budget of BB across all rounds. The algorithm can utilize (potentially inaccurate) predictions of each agent's total value for all the goods to arrive. We measure the performance of the algorithm using a proportional fairness objective, which informally demands that every group of agents be rewarded in proportion to its size and the cohesiveness of its preferences. In the special case of binary agent preferences and a unit budget, we show that O(logN)O(\log N) proportional fairness can be achieved without using any predictions, and that this is optimal even if perfectly accurate predictions were available. However, for general preferences and budget no algorithm can achieve better than Θ(T/B)\Theta(T/B) proportional fairness without predictions. We show that algorithms with (reasonably accurate) predictions can do much better, achieving Θ(log(T/B))\Theta(\log (T/B)) proportional fairness. We also extend this result to a general model in which a batch of LL public goods arrive in each round and achieve O(log(min(N,L)T/B))O(\log (\min(N,L) \cdot T/B)) proportional fairness. Our exact bounds are parametrized as a function of the error in the predictions and the performance degrades gracefully with increasing errors

    Fairness-aware Network Revenue Management with Demand Learning

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    In addition to maximizing the total revenue, decision-makers in lots of industries would like to guarantee fair consumption across different resources and avoid saturating certain resources. Motivated by these practical needs, this paper studies the price-based network revenue management problem with both demand learning and fairness concern about the consumption across different resources. We introduce the regularized revenue, i.e., the total revenue with a fairness regularization, as our objective to incorporate fairness into the revenue maximization goal. We propose a primal-dual-type online policy with the Upper-Confidence-Bound (UCB) demand learning method to maximize the regularized revenue. We adopt several innovative techniques to make our algorithm a unified and computationally efficient framework for the continuous price set and a wide class of fairness regularizers. Our algorithm achieves a worst-case regret of O~(N5/2T)\tilde O(N^{5/2}\sqrt{T}), where NN denotes the number of products and TT denotes the number of time periods. Numerical experiments in a few NRM examples demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm for balancing revenue and fairness

    Statistical Inference for Fisher Market Equilibrium

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    Statistical inference under market equilibrium effects has attracted increasing attention recently. In this paper we focus on the specific case of linear Fisher markets. They have been widely use in fair resource allocation of food/blood donations and budget management in large-scale Internet ad auctions. In resource allocation, it is crucial to quantify the variability of the resource received by the agents (such as blood banks and food banks) in addition to fairness and efficiency properties of the systems. For ad auction markets, it is important to establish statistical properties of the platform's revenues in addition to their expected values. To this end, we propose a statistical framework based on the concept of infinite-dimensional Fisher markets. In our framework, we observe a market formed by a finite number of items sampled from an underlying distribution (the "observed market") and aim to infer several important equilibrium quantities of the underlying long-run market. These equilibrium quantities include individual utilities, social welfare, and pacing multipliers. Through the lens of sample average approximation (SSA), we derive a collection of statistical results and show that the observed market provides useful statistical information of the long-run market. In other words, the equilibrium quantities of the observed market converge to the true ones of the long-run market with strong statistical guarantees. These include consistency, finite sample bounds, asymptotics, and confidence. As an extension, we discuss revenue inference in quasilinear Fisher markets