4 research outputs found

    Online Permutation Routing in Partitioned Optical Passive Star Networks

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    This paper establishes the state of the art in both deterministic and randomized online permutation routing in the POPS network. Indeed, we show that any permutation can be routed online on a POPS network either with O(dglog⁡g)O(\frac{d}{g}\log g) deterministic slots, or, with high probability, with 5c⌈d/g⌉+o(d/g)+O(log⁡log⁡g)5c\lceil d/g\rceil+o(d/g)+O(\log\log g) randomized slots, where constant c=exp⁡(1+e−1)≈3.927c=\exp (1+e^{-1})\approx 3.927. When d=Θ(g)d=\Theta(g), that we claim to be the "interesting" case, the randomized algorithm is exponentially faster than any other algorithm in the literature, both deterministic and randomized ones. This is true in practice as well. Indeed, experiments show that it outperforms its rivals even starting from as small a network as a POPS(2,2), and the gap grows exponentially with the size of the network. We can also show that, under proper hypothesis, no deterministic algorithm can asymptotically match its performance

    Aspects of k-k-Routing in Meshes and OTIS Networks

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    Aspects of k-k Routing in Meshes and OTIS-Networks Abstract Efficient data transport in parallel computers build on sparse interconnection networks is crucial for their performance. A basic transport problem in such a computer is the k-k routing problem. In this thesis, aspects of the k-k routing problem on r-dimensional meshes and OTIS-G networks are discussed. The first oblivious routing algorithms for these networks are presented that solve the k-k routing problem in an asymptotically optimal running time and a constant buffer size. Furthermore, other aspects of the k-k routing problem for OTIS-G networks are analysed. In particular, lower bounds for the problem based on the diameter and bisection width of OTIS-G networks are given, and the k-k sorting problem on the OTIS-Mesh is considered. Based on OTIS-G networks, a new class of networks, called Extended OTIS-G networks, is introduced, which have smaller diameters than OTIS-G networks.FĂŒr die LeistungfĂ€higkeit von Parallelrechnern, die ĂŒber ein Verbindungsnetzwerk kommunizieren, ist ein effizienter Datentransport entscheidend. Ein grundlegendes Transportproblem in einem solchen Rechner ist das k-k Routing Problem. In dieser Arbeit werden Aspekte dieses Problems in r-dimensionalen Gittern und OTIS-G Netzwerken untersucht. Es wird der erste vergessliche (oblivious) Routing Algorithmus vorgestellt, der das k-k Routing Problem in diesen Netzwerken in einer asymptotisch optimalen Laufzeit bei konstanter PuffergrĂ¶ĂŸe löst. FĂŒr OTIS-G Netzwerke werden untere Laufzeitschranken fĂŒr das untersuchte Problem angegeben, die auf dem Durchmesser und der Bisektionsweite der Netzwerke basieren. Weiterhin wird ein Algorithmus vorgestellt, der das k-k Sorting Problem mit einer Laufzeit löst, die nahe an der Bisektions- und Durchmesserschranke liegt. Basierend auf den OTIS-G Netzwerken, wird eine neue Klasse von Netzwerken eingefĂŒhrt, die sogenannten Extended OTIS-G Netzwerke, die sich durch einen kleineren Durchmesser von OTIS-G Netzwerken unterscheiden