11 research outputs found

    How Many Smart Meters can be Deployed in a GSM cell?

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    Reliable Reporting for Massive M2M Communications with Periodic Resource Pooling

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    This letter considers a wireless M2M communication scenario with a massive number of M2M devices. Each device needs to send its reports within a given deadline and with certain reliability, e. g. 99.99%. A pool of resources available to all M2M devices is periodically available for transmission. The number of transmissions required by an M2M device within the pool is random due to two reasons - random number of arrived reports since the last reporting opportunity and requests for retransmission due to random channel errors. We show how to dimension the pool of M2M-dedicated resources in order to guarantee the desired reliability of the report delivery within the deadline. The fact that the pool of resources is used by a massive number of devices allows to base the dimensioning on the central limit theorem. The results are interpreted in the context of LTE, but they are applicable to any M2M communication system.Comment: Submitted to journa

    Reliable Radio Access for Massive Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communication

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    SUNSEED — An evolutionary path to smart grid comms over converged telco and energy provider networks

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    SUNSEED, 'Sustainable and robust networking for smart electricity distribution', is a 3-year project started in 2014 and partially funded under call FP7-ICT-2013-11. The project objective is to research, design and implement methods for exploitation of existing communication infrastructure of energy distribution service operators (DSO) and telecom operators (telco) for the future smart grid operations and services. To achieve this objective, SUNSEED proposes an evolutionary approach to converge existing DSO and telco networks, consisting of six steps: overlap, interconnect, interoperate, manage, plan and open. Each step involves identification of the related smart grid service requirements and implementation of the appropriate solutions. The promise of SUNSEED approach lies in potentially much lower investments and total cost of ownership of future smart energy grids within dense distributed energy generation and prosumer environments

    Despliegue óptimo de redes inalámbricas para la infraestructura de medición inteligente de energía eléctrica

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    In this document we present an optimization model of the base stations that serve as collection points for data that are sent from the smart meters in order to cover a group of users that are grouped in a residential area, which sends Data collected by the distribution companies taking control data of energy consumption in each area where the user is located. In the article, we propose the method ILP and two heuristic methods of cluster users who are the K-Means method and the method of K-Medoids for each base station is required to install in the area. The article presents a comparison between the three algorithms we propose for the grouping of users to discuss which of the clustering methods have less coverage error, less time and better clustering performance so you can see which of the three methods is applied more efficient with the use of graphics. With the optimization of base stations we can get a glimpse of how many BS (base stations) we will install in the real way ruling out other SB that were proposed initially as candidates, resulting in a cost minimization installation and an intelligent network that is efficient, reliable and economical with the main objective is to cover all users, or people who are in the area who benefit from the mains.En este trabajo se presenta un modelo de optimización de las estaciones base que sirven como puntos de recolección de datos, los cuales son enviados desde los medidores inteligentes con el fin de dar cobertura a un grupo de usuarios que se agrupan en una zona residencial, desde las estaciones base se envían los datos recogidos a las empresas distribuidoras quienes llevaran el control del consumo de energía de cada área donde el usuario se encuentra ubicado. En la investigación se propone el método ILP y dos métodos heurísticos de agrupación de usuarios que son el método de K-Means y el método de K-Medoids para cada estación base que se requiere instalar en la zona. Se presenta una comparación entre los tres algoritmos que se propone para la agrupación de los usuarios, con el fin dar un análisis de cuál de los métodos de agrupación tienen menor error de cobertura, menor tiempo en ejecución y mejor clusterización y así poder ver cuál de los tres métodos aplicados es el más óptimo. Con la optimización de las estaciones de base se obtendrá una visión de cuantas BS (estaciones base) se instalara en la zona de manera real descartando a las demás BS que fueron propuestas en un principio como candidatas, teniendo como resultado una minimización de los costos de instalación y una red inteligente que sea eficiente, fiable y económica con el objetivo principal de dar cobertura a todos los usuarios o habitantes que se encuentran en la localidad que se benefician de la red de eléctrica

    Smart Grid Traffic Modeling in GSM and LTE using Multidimensional Markovian Process

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    The traditional electrical grid has provided electricity over a decades. Since then it has been of static nature without significant update and offers limited control. But as of now with rise in demand of power the traditional grid is not capable of meeting them. Also, several blackouts have occurred which raises the serious Questions on grid reliability and efficiency. Recently smarter solution has been suggested to address the above problem. It will take the advantage of advanced Information and Communication technology (ICT) and transform the grid into Smart grid

    Diseño e implementación de nodo autónomo IoT para una red de área amplia de bajo consumo (LPWAN): aplicación a la gestión de luminarias urbanas inteligentes

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    [ES] Para lograr la gestión efectiva de sistemas constituidos por numerosos elementos dispersos sin conectividad a internet por su ubicación en zonas rurales, aisladas o despobladas, resulta de gran importancia encontrar soluciones de interconexión alternativas a las convencionales. Se plantea el uso de redes en forma de malla que hagan uso de tecnologías LPWAN. Este tipo de red estaría constituido por múltiples nodos aislados y autónomos, que tengan la posibilidad de comunicarse con el resto de nodos, o con una puerta de enlace que dote a toda la red de conectividad a internet. La comunicación con los nodos permitiría la gestión, vigilancia y monitorización en tiempo real, y de forma remota, de las aplicaciones en las que se utilice. En este trabajo se va a realizar el diseño e implementación de uno de estos nodos atendiendo a los requisitos de las aplicaciones previstas. Pueden encontrarse aplicaciones para este dispositivo en distintos ámbitos: para usos agrícolas y ganaderos sería útil como dispositivo de seguimiento para ganado, telemando de válvulas para riego o administración de químicos, monitorización de condiciones del terreno, alerta temprana contra incendios o robo de cosechas; en ciudades inteligentes para gestión de luminarias, de aparcamientos, monitorización de calidad del aire y nivel de CO2 en locales comerciales. El objetivo es diseñar un dispositivo inteligente, autónomo, de bajo consumo energético, que pueda transmitir bajo volumen de datos a largas distancias y con capacidad de conocer y actuar con elementos del entorno. La solución adoptada debe ser una solución integrada y escalable, a la vez que flexible, para permitir su uso en distintas aplicaciones. Además, el hecho de que, una vez el dispositivo diseñado haya sido desplegado en el campo, se encuentre en localizaciones aisladas y en situación desatendida, obliga a tomar en consideración que las posibilidades de realizar mantenimiento serán limitadas, aun cuando se encuentre en condiciones hostiles, como son la exposición a la lluvia, el polvo o la intemperie. El resultado del proyecto será una tarjeta de circuito impreso funcional, basada en un microcontrolador, que cumpla los objetivos expuestos. Posteriormente se fabricará en el laboratorio una maqueta de aplicación para smart lighting, en la que se gestione una luminaria LED y se realizarán pruebas de campo con la tarjeta para verificar el éxito del proyecto.[EN] To achieve effective management of systems made up of a set of dispersed elements without internet connectivity due to their location in rural, isolated or unpopulated areas, it is of great importance to find alternative interconnection methods to conventional ones. In this work is proposed the use of mesh networks that make use of Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technologies. This type of network would be made up of multiple isolated and autonomous nodes, which have the possibility of communicating with the rest of the nodes, or with a gateway that provides internet connectivity to the entire network. The communication with the nodes would allow the management, surveillance and monitoring in real time, and remotely, of the applications in which it is used. The design and implementation of one of these nodes will be carried out in this work. This will be done taking into account the requirements of the planned applications. Applications for this device can be found in many different areas: for agricultural and livestock uses it would be useful as a tracking device for livestock, remote control of valves for irrigation or for chemical administration, ground condition monitoring, early warning against fires or theft of crops; in smart cities for lighting or parking management, air quality and CO2 level monitoring. The goal is to design an intelligent stand-alone device, with low energy consumption, which can transmit a low volume of data over long distances, and with the ability to know and act with elements of the environment. The adopted solution has to be an integrated and scalable one, as well as flexible, to allow its use in different applications. In addition, the fact that once the designed device has been deployed in isolated locations and in an unattended situation, makes it necessary to take into account that the possibility of carrying out maintenance works will be very limited. This is a matter of great importance if the device is exposed to hostile environments such as rain, dust or bad weather situations. The result of this work will be a functional printed circuit board based on a microcontroller that meets the stated goals. Subsequently, an application model for smart lighting will be set-up in the laboratory; a test fixture in which an LED luminaire is managed by means of the designed device. Field tests will be carried out with the manufactured device to verify the success of the project.Argente Garrigós, J. (2021). Diseño e implementación de nodo autónomo IoT para una red de área amplia de bajo consumo (LPWAN): aplicación a la gestión de luminarias urbanas inteligentes. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/175397TFG