17 research outputs found

    A Survey on the Role of Individual Differences on Visual Analytics Interactions: Masters Project Report

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    There is ample evidence in the visualization commu- nity that individual differences matter. These prior works high- light various traits and cognitive abilities that can modulate the use of the visualization systems and demonstrate a measurable influence on speed, accuracy, process, and attention. Perhaps the most important implication of this body of work is that we can use individual differences as a mechanism for estimating people’s potential to effectively leverage visual interfaces or to identify those people who may struggle. As visual literacy and data fluency continue to become essential skills for our everyday lives, we must embrace the growing need to understand the factors that divide our society, and identify concrete steps for bridging this gap. This paper presents the current understanding of how individual differences interact with visualization use and draws from recent research in the Visualization, Human-Computer Interaction, and Psychology communities. We focus on the specific designs and tasks for which there is concrete evidence of performance divergence due to individual characteristics. The purpose of this paper is to underscore the need to consider individual differences when designing and evaluating visualization systems and to call attention to this critical future research direction

    Manipulating and Controlling for Personality Effects on Visualization Tasks

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    Researchers in human–computer interaction and visualization have recently been challenged to develop a better understanding of users’ underlying cognitive processes in order to improve system design and evaluation. While existing studies lay a critical foundation for understanding the role of cognitive processes and individual differences in visualization, concretizing the intuition that each user experiences a visual interface through an individual cognitive lens is only half the battle. In this article, we investigate the impact of manipulating users’ personality on observed behavior when using a visualization. In a targeted study, we demonstrate that personality priming can result in changes in behavior when interacting with visualizations. We then discuss how this and similar techniques could be used to control for personality effects when designing and evaluating visualizations systems


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    Praktik manajemen keuangan pada anak muda mendapatkan perhatian serius dari berbagai organisasi seperti pemerintah, lembaga keuangan, universitas dan lain sebagainya. Saat ini anak muda tumbuh di tengah-tengah budaya hutang yang difasilitasi dengan gaya hidup yang mahal dan pembuatan dan penggunaan kredit yang mudah. Anak muda seringkali mulai memasuki dunia perkuliahan tanpa memiliki tanggung jawab terhadap sumber dan pengelolaan keuangan mereka dengan cermat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh financial knowledge, financial attitude dan external locus of control terhadap personal financial management behavior pada mahasiswa S1 Universitas Telkom. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 200 orang mahasiswa S1 Universitas Telkom. Teknik quota sampling digunakan dengan kriteria masing-masing 100 orang mahasiswa fakultas eksak dan non-eksak. Kuesioner dan dokumen digunakan sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Korelasi product moment digunakan untuk menguji validitas dan Cronbach Alpha digunakan untuk menguji realibilitas instrumen. Uji Regresi Linear Berganda digunakan untuk menguji pengaruh. Uji-T digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis secara parsial sedangkan Uji-F digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis secara simultan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ditemukan bahwa financial knowledge dan financial attitude berpengaruh signifikan terhadap personal financial management behavior sedangkan external locus of control tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap personal financial management behavior. Kata Kunci: financial knowledge, financial attitude, external locus of control, personal financial management behavio


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh religiusitas, preferensi risiko, dan locus of control terhadap perilaku keuangan dan dampaknya terhadap personal financial distress pada pekerja muda di DKI Jakarta. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 370 pekerja muda di DKI Jakarta. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang telah dibagikan secara langsung melalui formulir online (google-form) dan dilakukan uji instrumen validitas dan rentabilitas. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis data untuk menguji hipotesis menggunakan teknik SEM (Structrural Equation Modeling) PLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) religiusitas tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap personal financial distress, (2) ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan: preferensi risiko terhadap personal financial distress, religiusitas dan locus of control terhadap perilaku keuangan, preferensi risiko terhadap personal financial distress melalui perilaku keuangan, (3) ada pengaruh negatif dan signifikan: locus of control dan perilaku keuangan terhadap personal financial distress, preferensi risiko terhadap perilaku keuangan, religiusitas dan locus of control terhadap personal financial distress melalu perilaku keuangan

    Survey on Individual Differences in Visualization

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    Developments in data visualization research have enabled visualization systems to achieve great general usability and application across a variety of domains. These advancements have improved not only people's understanding of data, but also the general understanding of people themselves, and how they interact with visualization systems. In particular, researchers have gradually come to recognize the deficiency of having one-size-fits-all visualization interfaces, as well as the significance of individual differences in the use of data visualization systems. Unfortunately, the absence of comprehensive surveys of the existing literature impedes the development of this research. In this paper, we review the research perspectives, as well as the personality traits and cognitive abilities, visualizations, tasks, and measures investigated in the existing literature. We aim to provide a detailed summary of existing scholarship, produce evidence-based reviews, and spur future inquiry

    UnterstĂĽtzung adaptiver Benutzungsschnittstellen mittels Eye-Tracking zur Erkennung von Expertise oder Verstehen

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    Studien zeigen, dass Erledigen von Aufgaben am Computer von der Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit des Anwenders abhängt. Die Kommunikation zwischen Anwender und Computersystemen erfordert hohe Anforderungen an die Benutzerschnittstelle, die für eine Interaktion zwischen Benutzer und Software verantwortlich ist. Eine adaptive Benutzerschnittstelle vereinfacht und verbessert die Interaktionsmöglichkeit und passt sich automatisch an die Bedürfnisse und Fähigkeiten des Anwenders. Ein wichtiger Schritt zur Realisierung von adaptiven Systeme, ist die automatische Erkennung der Benutzerfähigkeiten, um eine Anpassung der Benutzungsschnittstelle an den Benutzer vornehmen zu können. Das Ziel dieser Bachelorarbeit ist es, festzustellen, ob bzw. wie sich die Analyse der Augenbewegung (Eye-Tracking) dazu eignet, die Fähigkeiten des Anwenders bezüglich Verständnis und Expertise anhand des jeweiligen Blickverhaltens zu erkennen, um diese Information für eine adaptive Benutzungsschnittstelle verwenden zu können. In dieser Arbeit werden Experimente zur Erkennung von Benutzerfähigkeiten anhand der Blickdaten analysiert und Erkenntnisse für eine adaptive Benutzerschnittstelle ermittelt. Die Ergebnisse der Studien zeigen, dass keine Unterschiede zwischen Benutzern bezüglich der Augenbewegungsdaten erkannt werden.Studies showed that completing a task with a computer depends on the perception of the user. The communication between user and computer systems requires high demands to the user interface, which is responsible for interaction between users and software. An adaptive user interface simplifies and improves the interactions and automatically adapts to the needs and abilities of the user. An important step towards the realization of such adaptive systems is the automatic recognition of the user skills to adapt the user interface to the user. The aim of this thesis is to determine whether and how the analysis of eye movements (Eye-Tracking) can be used, to recognize the skills of the user with respect to comprehension and expertise based on the respective eye gaze to use this information for an adaptive user interface. In this work experiments for the detection of user skills based on the gaze data are analyzed and findings for an adaptive user interface are determined. The results of the studies show, that there are no differences between users with respect to the eye movement data

    Supporting Web-based and Crowdsourced Evaluations of Data Visualizations

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    User studies play a vital role in data visualization research because they help measure the strengths and weaknesses of different visualization techniques quantitatively. In addition, they provide insight into what makes one technique more effective than another; and they are used to validate research contributions in the field of information visualization. For example, a new algorithm, visual encoding, or interaction technique is not considered a contribution unless it has been validated to be better than the state of the art and its competing alternatives or has been validated to be useful to intended users. However, conducting user studies is challenging, time consuming, and expensive. User studies generally requires careful experimental designs, iterative refinement, recruitment of study participants, careful management of participants during the run of the studies, accurately collecting user responses, and expertise in statistical analysis of study results. There are several variables that are taken into consideration which can impact user study outcome if not carefully managed. Hence the process of conducting user studies successfully can take several weeks to months. In this dissertation, we investigated how to design an online framework that can reduce the overhead involved in conducting controlled user studies involving web-based visualizations. Our main goal in this research was to lower the overhead of evaluating data visualizations quantitatively through user studies. To this end, we leveraged current research opportunities to provide a framework design that reduces the overhead involved in designing and running controlled user studies of data visualizations. Specifically, we explored the design and implementation of an open-source framework and an online service (VisUnit) that allows visualization designers to easily configure user studies for their web-based data visualizations, deploy user studies online, collect user responses, and analyze incoming results automatically. This allows evaluations to be done more easily, cheaply, and frequently to rapidly test hypotheses about visualization designs. We evaluated the effectiveness of our framework (VisUnit) by showing that it can be used to replicate 84% of 101 controlled user studies published in IEEE Information Visualization conferences between 1995 and 2015. We evaluated the efficiency of VisUnit by showing that graduate students can use it to design sample user studies in less than an hour. Our contributions are two-fold: first, we contribute a flexible design and implementation that facilitates the creation of a wide range of user studies with limited effort; second, we provide an evaluation of our design that shows that it can be used to replicate a wide range of user studies, can be used to reduce the time evaluators spend on user studies, and can be used to support new research

    Engineering Adaptive Interfaces – Enhancement of Comprehension and Decision-Making

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    The role of information systems is growing steadily and permeating more and more all levels of our society. Meanwhile, information systems have to support different user groups in various decision situations simultaneously. Hence, the existing design approach to creat- ing a unified user interface is reaching its limits. This work examines adaptive information system design by investigating user-adaptive information visualization and situation-aware nudging. An exploratory eye-tracking study investigates participants’ perception and comprehension of different financial visualizations and shows that none of them can be preferred across the board. Moreover, it reveals expertise knowledge as the research direction for visualization recommendations. Afterward, two empirical studies are conducted to relate different visualizations to participants’ domain-specific knowledge. The first study, conducted with a broad sample of the population, shows that financial and graphical literacy increases participants’ financial decision-making competency with certain visualizations. The second study, conducted with a more specific sample and an additional visualization, underlines a large part of the first study’s results. Additionally, it identifies statistical literacy as an increasing factor in financial decision-making. Both studies are demonstrating that different visualizations cause different cognitive loads despite the same amount of information. After all, the results are used to derive visualization recommendations based on domain-specific knowledge and cognitive load. This work also investigates the situation-aware effectiveness of nudging with the example of decision inertia. In a preliminary study, an experimental task is systematically transferred to different situational contexts by observing situational user characteristics. The identified contexts are examined in a subsequent large-scale empirical study with different nudges to reduce decision inertia. The results show gender-specific differences in decision inertia across the context. Hence, information system design has to adapt to gender and situational user characteristics to support users in their decision-making. Moreover, the study delivers empirical evidence for the contextual effectiveness of nudg- ing. Future nudging research has to incorporate situational user characteristics to provide effective nudges in different situational contexts. Especially, further fundamental research is needed to understand the situational effectiveness of nudging. The study identifies in- dividual situational preferences as one promising research stream