46 research outputs found

    Connectivity of confined 3D Networks with Anisotropically Radiating Nodes

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    Nodes in ad hoc networks with randomly oriented directional antenna patterns typically have fewer short links and more long links which can bridge together otherwise isolated subnetworks. This network feature is known to improve overall connectivity in 2D random networks operating at low channel path loss. To this end, we advance recently established results to obtain analytic expressions for the mean degree of 3D networks for simple but practical anisotropic gain profiles, including those of patch, dipole and end-fire array antennas. Our analysis reveals that for homogeneous systems (i.e. neglecting boundary effects) directional radiation patterns are superior to the isotropic case only when the path loss exponent is less than the spatial dimension. Moreover, we establish that ad hoc networks utilizing directional transmit and isotropic receive antennas (or vice versa) are always sub-optimally connected regardless of the environment path loss. We extend our analysis to investigate boundary effects in inhomogeneous systems, and study the geometrical reasons why directional radiating nodes are at a disadvantage to isotropic ones. Finally, we discuss multi-directional gain patterns consisting of many equally spaced lobes which could be used to mitigate boundary effects and improve overall network connectivity.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Spatial networks with wireless applications

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    Many networks have nodes located in physical space, with links more common between closely spaced pairs of nodes. For example, the nodes could be wireless devices and links communication channels in a wireless mesh network. We describe recent work involving such networks, considering effects due to the geometry (convex,non-convex, and fractal), node distribution, distance-dependent link probability, mobility, directivity and interference.Comment: Review article- an amended version with a new title from the origina

    Networks, Communication, and Computing Vol. 2

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    Networks, communications, and computing have become ubiquitous and inseparable parts of everyday life. This book is based on a Special Issue of the Algorithms journal, and it is devoted to the exploration of the many-faceted relationship of networks, communications, and computing. The included papers explore the current state-of-the-art research in these areas, with a particular interest in the interactions among the fields

    Secure Connectivity Through Key Predistribution Under Jamming Attacks In Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

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    Wireless ad hoc and sensor networks have received attention from research communities over the last several years. The ability to operate without a fixed infrastructure is suitable for a wide range of applications which in many cases require protection from security attacks. One of the first steps to provide security is to distribute cryptographic keys among nodes for bootstrapping security. The unique characteristics of ad hoc networks create a challenge in distributing keys among limited resource devices. In this dissertation we study the impact on secure connectivity achieved through key pre-distribution, of jamming attacks which form one of the easiest but efficient means for disruption of network connectivity. In response to jamming, networks can undertake different coping strategies (e.g., using power adaptation, spatial retreats, and directional antennas). Such coping techniques have impact in terms of the changing the initial secure connectivity created by secure links through key predistribution. The objective is to explore how whether predistribution techniques are robust enough for ad hoc/sensor networks that employ various techniques to cope with jamming attacks by taking into account challenges that arise with key predistribution when strategies for coping with jamming attacks are employed. In the first part of this dissertation we propose a hybrid key predistribution scheme that supports ad hoc/sensor networks that use mobility to cope with jamming attacks. In the presence of jamming attacks, this hybrid scheme provides high key connectivity while reducing the number of isolated nodes (after coping with jamming using spatial retreats). The hybrid scheme is a combination of random key predistribution and deployment-based key predistribution schemes that have complementary useful features for secure connectivity. In the second part we study performance of these key predistribution schemes under other jamming coping techniques namely power adaptation and directional antennas. We show that the combination of the hybrid key predistribution and coping techniques can help networks in maintaining secure connectivity even under jamming attacks

    5G Outlook – Innovations and Applications

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    5G Outlook - Innovations and Applications is a collection of the recent research and development in the area of the Fifth Generation Mobile Technology (5G), the future of wireless communications. Plenty of novel ideas and knowledge of the 5G are presented in this book as well as divers applications from health science to business modeling. The authors of different chapters contributed from various countries and organizations. The chapters have also been presented at the 5th IEEE 5G Summit held in Aalborg on July 1, 2016. The book starts with a comprehensive introduction on 5G and its need and requirement. Then millimeter waves as a promising spectrum to 5G technology is discussed. The book continues with the novel and inspiring ideas for the future wireless communication usage and network. Further, some technical issues in signal processing and network design for 5G are presented. Finally, the book ends up with different applications of 5G in distinct areas. Topics widely covered in this book are: • 5G technology from past to present to the future• Millimeter- waves and their characteristics• Signal processing and network design issues for 5G• Applications, business modeling and several novel ideas for the future of 5

    5G Outlook – Innovations and Applications

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    5G Outlook - Innovations and Applications is a collection of the recent research and development in the area of the Fifth Generation Mobile Technology (5G), the future of wireless communications. Plenty of novel ideas and knowledge of the 5G are presented in this book as well as divers applications from health science to business modeling. The authors of different chapters contributed from various countries and organizations. The chapters have also been presented at the 5th IEEE 5G Summit held in Aalborg on July 1, 2016. The book starts with a comprehensive introduction on 5G and its need and requirement. Then millimeter waves as a promising spectrum to 5G technology is discussed. The book continues with the novel and inspiring ideas for the future wireless communication usage and network. Further, some technical issues in signal processing and network design for 5G are presented. Finally, the book ends up with different applications of 5G in distinct areas. Topics widely covered in this book are: • 5G technology from past to present to the future• Millimeter- waves and their characteristics• Signal processing and network design issues for 5G• Applications, business modeling and several novel ideas for the future of 5

    Keilaavan millimetriaaltoradiolinkin suuntaaminen ja seuraaminen

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    In order to provide high-throughput mobile broadband in a dense urban information society, upcoming cellular networks will finally employ the under-utilized millimeter-wave (mmW) frequencies. The challenging mmW radio environment, however, necessitates massive cell densification with wireless backhauling using very directional links. This thesis investigates how these links between access points may be aligned efficiently, and how alignment reflects the network organization. The work provides a thorough presentation of different high-level aspects and background information required when designing a mmW small cell system. In terms of alignment functionality, both automatic link establishment and proactive tracking are considered. Additionally, the presentation includes an overview of beam steerable antennas, mmW propagation in urban environments, and network organization. The thesis further specifies requirements, proposes possible approaches and compares those with existing implementations. Most of existing mmW beam alignment solutions are intended for short-range indoor communications and do not address the issues in cellular systems. While existing functionality considers only a single link between two devices, efficient design should consider both the entire network and the underlying phenomena. The devices should further exploit the existing network infrastructure, location and orientation information, and the concepts of machine learning. Even though the world has recently seen advancements in the related fields, there is still much work to be done before commercial deployment is possible.Seuraavan sukupolven matkaviestinjärjestelmien erittäin nopeissa datayhteyksissä tullaan hyödyntämään millimetriaaltoteknologiaa. Näillä taajuuksilla radioympäristö on kuitenkin hyvin haastava, mikä edellyttää verkon solutiheyden moninkertaistamista, täysin langattomia tukiasemia ja erittäin suuntaavia antenneja. Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan eri keinoja kuinka tukiasemien väliset linkit kohdistetaan tehokkaasti, ja miten se vaikuttaa verkon rakenteeseen ja hallintaan. Työ tarjoaa kattavan taustaselvityksen mm-aaltosoluverkon toteuttamiseen tarvittavista asioista. Keilanohjausta tarkastellaan sekä verkon automaattisen laajentamisen että kohteen aktiivisen seurauksen kannalta. Tämän lisäksi työssä tutkitaan keilattavia antenneja, mm-aaltojen etenemistä kaupunkiympäristöissä ja verkkorakennetta. Näiden lisäksi työssä rajataan edellytykset, esitetään mahdollisia ratkaisuja, ja vertaillaan näitä olemassa oleviin toteutuksiin. Nykyiset keilaustoteutukset ovat pääasiassa suunniteltu lyhyen kantaman sisäyhteyksille, eivätkä siten vastaa ongelman asettelua. Aikaisempi toiminnallisuus keskittyy yhteen ainoaan linkkiin vaikka tehokas toteutus huomioisi koko järjestelmän kohdistusongelman fysikaalista perustaa unohtamatta. Verkkolaitteiden tulisi hyödyntää olemassa olevaa radioverkkoa, sekä paikka- että suuntatietoja, ja koneoppimisen keinoja. Vaikka aiheeseen liittyvä teknologia on kehittynyt viime vuosina harppauksin, mm-aaltosoluverkot ovat kaikkea muuta kuin valmiita markkinoille

    Radio Communications

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    In the last decades the restless evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) brought to a deep transformation of our habits. The growth of the Internet and the advances in hardware and software implementations modified our way to communicate and to share information. In this book, an overview of the major issues faced today by researchers in the field of radio communications is given through 35 high quality chapters written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world. Various aspects will be deeply discussed: channel modeling, beamforming, multiple antennas, cooperative networks, opportunistic scheduling, advanced admission control, handover management, systems performance assessment, routing issues in mobility conditions, localization, web security. Advanced techniques for the radio resource management will be discussed both in single and multiple radio technologies; either in infrastructure, mesh or ad hoc networks